Darrin Norton - 11/23/00 19:17:49
My URL:http://www.mountainorchids.com
My Email:Info@mountainorchids.com
City, State: Ludlow, VT
Are you an LEO?: not even close! :o)
Hey guys;
Cute Webpage. Keep it up. Hope all is well and all stays well. Have a good one!
Glen Soldan - 08/24/00 00:13:38
My URL:http://netspaceonline.com/~ggsoldan/
My Email:ggsoldan@midusa.net
City, State: Salina, Kansas
Are you an LEO?: Yes
If so, where?: Same
Cool page, keep adding it is worth the effort. I hear you have the largest courthouse square in the United States. Glen
David Falletti - 06/15/00 02:21:43
My URL:http://www.networksplus.net/falletti
My Email:falletti@networksplus.net
City, State: Manhattan, Kansas
Are you an LEO?: YES
If so, where?: Riley County P.D.
Enjoyed looking at your site. Tell Breithaup I said hello. I worked with him while he was at the RCPD.
Fugitive Hunter - 05/14/00 23:24:48
My URL:http://www.fugitivehunter.org
My Email:fugitivehunter@hotmail.com
City, State: Arkansas
Are you an LEO?: No
Please stop by and visit my web site when you have some spare time and help capture some dangerous criminals and help find missing children. Please consider adding the missing children's java banner from The National Center for Missing and Exploited Chil
ren to your web page. Adding this banner increases the chances of finding a missing child before it's too late. Thanks. ICQ#36092453
Clay Baugher - 04/26/00 17:44:58
My URL:http://clik.to/screensavers
My Email:webmaster@CopGraphics.zzn.com
City, State: Quincy, Illinois
Are you an LEO?: Yes
If so, where?: Quincy, Illinois
I've visited your page before, but this time I have another motive for my visit. I have started a shareware screen saver business and I'm asking all my LEO friends and even acquaintances if they would be willing to add a banner or button link to my site a
http://clik.to/screensaver Check it out and see what you think.
Thanks Officer Baugher
Ron Petersen - 04/17/00 14:48:34
My Email:scooterman81@hotmail.com
City, State: Burlington, Ks
Are you an LEO?: yes
If so, where?: Burlington Police Dept.
Nice web page Chris!! Keep up the good work!!!
Daryle - 03/09/00 09:53:49
My URL:http://www.freeyellow.com/members/blueice/index.html
My Email:Daryle@TheEdge.ca
City, State: Yellowknife, NT
Are you an LEO?: yes
If so, where?: GNWT, DOT, MVD, Highway Patrol
Hey, great site! I have not seen too many snoopcops out there...I have one on my site...Keep up the great work and Stay Safe!
Great site ! come back and visit mine every now and then (updated weakly)!
Brian Nichols - 02/28/00 01:21:20
My Email:bnichols@cswnet.com
City, State: Coal Hill, Arkansas
Great page to have on the net. I lived in Iola sometime ago. My parents still live on 522 N sycamore there in Iola. Thay got there yard full off yard ornaments. I knew of a good cop when I lived there his name was John Wallace. I think he was the chief. H
s son Derek & I was good friends.
Officer Jonathan Norton - 02/13/00 00:11:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/pointe/9469
My Email:norton_jonathan@hotmail.com
City, State: Ludlow, Vermont
Are you an LEO?: Yes
If so, where?: Ludlow Police Department, Ludlow, Vermont
You need to get some new pictures of your self on the site...the Ludlow one is out dated by far. Talk to you later. oh, maybe even a link to my page!?
Maria - 01/29/00 17:15:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/pond/5998/index.html
My Email:almaria@means.net
City, State: Spring Grove, MN
Are you an LEO?: nope
Great homepage. Your patches are great. My husband is a police officer as well. Thanks for visiting his homepage, and stay safe!
Scott Birney - 01/08/00 08:20:23
My Email:blkdragn@pld.com
City, State: Sublette, Ks
Are you an LEO?: Yes
If so, where?: Haskell CO. Sheriff Office
I work narcotics for Haskell County. You may be familiar with Mike Riley. I believe he used to live there. I helped him reserve a room at DOC for the sale of Meth. Good Luck in Your Career.
D. D. GANNON - 12/31/99 18:43:46
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/thegannons
My Email:gannon@mindless.com
City, State: Barstow, CA
Are you an LEO?: Criminal Investigator
Very nice site... amazing how little time one can get for hobbies like web page building when you work the street all the time. Stay Safe and happy new year.
Micha Stahl - 12/10/99 22:38:15
My Email:badasp@par1.net
City, State: chanute, ks
Are you an LEO?: ohh, yeah!!
If so, where?: Chanute
Just wanted to check out your site and say "Hello"!!
Ofc. Stahl #118
Chanute P.D.
jeannie - 11/28/99 04:43:20
My Email:jeannie@osprey.net
City, State: emporia, ks
Hi. I grew up in Iola. My dad was a police
officer there from 1971-1990. Nice page.
Bob Stimpson - 11/05/99 19:00:11
My URL:http://home.att.net/~rstimpy
My Email:rstimpy@worldnet.att.net
City, State: Madison, CT
Are you an LEO?: Yes
If so, where?: Sgt, Madison CT PD
Hello Chris. What a change, from VT to KS!!! Been to Ludlow many times. You've got a great site. Keep up the good work and stay safe.
Pat (McCoy) McAlhany - 10/17/99 05:33:37
My Email:pmcalhany@juno.com
City, State: Miami, FL
Are you an LEO?: yes
If so, where?: Metro-Dade County
Your pages are well done! The lights on the overheads and the string of moving vehicles is really eye-catching!
I lived in Iola from 1964 - 1968. I attended IHS and living in Iola (actually, out in Basset) was the happiest time of my life.
I hope you and Julie are happy with your choice of Iola. I hope it is still a nice place to live.
I have been a LEO for 24 years here, in Miami. We are ready to hang it up and move to some sane, smaller community.
God Bless and stay safe out there.
Pat Mac
Cindy Bass - 09/22/99 20:19:08
My Email:basscindy@hotmail.com
City, State: Columbus,Ks
Are you an LEO?: no
I may not be in law enforcement but my my work goes hand in hand with law enforcement. How is the juvenile crime in your area? Here in Cherokee county, our officers are working hard to keep it under control but you know how kids can be, sometimes that m
kes their jobs harder. Are they in Juvenile offender day reporting programs in the area? Also, how does the Iola PD like working with Juvenile Intake and assemnet?
Clay Baugher - 09/11/99 00:20:43
My URL:http://www.drive.to/OfficerBaughersWebPage
My Email:OfficerBaugher@the-police.com
City, State: Quincy IL
Are you an LEO?: yes
If so, where?: Quincy IL
Nice Page!!!
R. Kirby - 08/16/99 22:15:58
My Email:bobk@4state.com
City, State: Baxter Springs, KS
Are you an LEO?: Yes, Reserve Ptlmn.
If so, where?: Baxter Springs P.D.
Enjoyed your site, next time I am through Iola perhaps I can catch you on duty and trade a BSPD patch for an Iola patch. ??? Later.
Gary - 07/30/99 01:38:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/4092
My Email:GDoby@InfoAve.Net
City, State: Dobson,NC
Are you an LEO?: No
Nice Page. Come by my site if you get a chance.
Officer Matt Dennis - 07/06/99 05:29:11
My URL:http://www.mattdennis.com/skywarn
My Email:mdennis@skywarn.net
City, State: Wichita, Kansas
Are you an LEO?: Yes
If so, where?: Udall, Kansas
Great site keep up the good work
Michael and Ruth Ellynn - 05/31/99 15:13:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/9375/index.html
My Email:mdaugh@ftc-i.net
City, State: Sumter, SC
Are you an LEO?: We both are
If so, where?: South Carolina Dept of Corrections
Very nice page and links. I bookmarked the Campbell Soup link. Drop by and make a visit when you can.
Dave - 05/08/99 02:17:36
My URL:http://www.wcphotoads.com/wccm.html
My Email:webmaster@wcphotoads.com
City, State: Chicago, IL
Are you an LEO?: yes
If so, where?: Chicago P.D.
Hello from a Chicago P.O. Check out The Windy City Cyber Market, http://www.wcphotoads.com/wccm.html, featuring Chicago Police collectibles and custom embroidered police and fire apparel. JUST ADDED!!! Humorous Chicago Police Unit T-Shirts!
Later....And stay safe!
Boyce Moses/KLETC - 04/28/99 02:06:55
My Email:kletc@kletc.org
Looks good! I'll check back at a later date.
Keep Safe. Boyce
MELANIE -147- - 04/25/99 03:34:17
City, State: COLDWATER KS.
If so, where?: COLDWATER KS.
> P.O. BOX 453
> COLDWATER KS. 67029-0453
Anthony Wright - 04/22/99 23:09:44
My URL:http://home.istar.ca/~awright/INDEX.HTM
My Email:awright@istar.ca
City, State: Kanata, Ontario, Canada
Are you an LEO?: no
Hello from the land of hockey, maple syrup and cold winters. You have an interesting site with cool graphics and pictures.
Ralph Dettwiler - 04/19/99 14:55:05
My URL:http://www.iserv.net/~rdett
My Email:rld@altavista.net
City, State: Michigan
Are you an LEO?: Was
If so, where?: Beaufort, SC
Just passing through and wanted to say hi and invite you to my site.
your page is cute! enjoyed vewing it! will come back to it often and on to see what is happening.
Medix - 04/15/99 21:06:47
My URL:/HotSprings/Spa/9692/index.html
My Email:medix2943@yahoo.com
City, State: Northern NY State
Are you an LEO?: No Aries :-)
Actually I am a LEO A Tactical Medic, I also crew for our County EMS. Thanks for visiting my site. You have a nice site here yourselves, I enjoyed my visit. Take Care, Be Safe Out There.
Eddie Ingram - 04/11/99 10:37:38
My URL:http://www.netcomuk.co.uk/~edingram/index.html
My Email:edingram@netcomuk.co.uk
City, State: Inverness, Scotland
Are you an LEO?: Retired
If so, where?: Scotland
Great page. Enjoyed my visit. All the Best for the future, from Inverness in Scotland from a retired Police Sergeant.
Shannon Clarke - 03/21/99 22:13:32
My URL:http://members.aol.com/irish10266/home.html
My Email:IRISH10266@AOL.COM
City, State: Kansas City,KS
Are you an LEO?: Yes
If so, where?: Kansas City,KS
I really like your web site!
It was real easy to read & the links to your
favorite places were neat!
Take care & stay safe out there!
Brandon Leach - 03/16/99 00:02:38
My Email:bleach@chanute-ks.com
City, State: Chanute, Ks
Are you an LEO?: NO
Julie said I had to visit or she would shoot me.
Jeffrey Rosen - 02/19/99 01:56:57
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ny2/sgtjeff
City, State: East Meadow, Long Island, NY (just outside NYC)
Are you an LEO?: no, I don't believe in astrology. Just kiddin'-I am a Law Enforcement Officer!
If so, where?: NYPD
Excellent page. Reached it by hitting random on one of my web rings! Really enjoyed it.
Hi Chris! It's great to get on your home page, I'm expecting great things considering all the time you spent on Warry's computer! A poet you're not! But a computer whiz and a great brain, I'll hand it to you!!!!
John Walters - 02/01/99 12:13:10
My URL:http://www.ispchannel.com/~jaw234
My Email:jaw234@ispchannel.com
City, State: Coral Springs, FL
Are you an LEO?: Yes
Great Page
Please use this banner to link my site to yours,
Nice page. Still working on mine since this is my first attempt.
Misty - 01/08/99 04:03:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/4562
My Email:wannabcop@planetkc.com
City, State: RP, Kansas
Are you an LEO?: Not yet!
If so, where?: I wish!
Hi. I just wanted to tell you that this is a
nice page.
David A. Walker - 01/01/99 23:08:01
My Email:dawsrw@iwk0.attnet.or.jp
City, State: Iwakuni, Japan
Are you an LEO?: Yes
If so, where?: USMC Military Police
I am a Staff Sergeant (Gunnery Sergeant Select) in the Marine Corps. I am from Altoona, PA. I have been in the Marine Corps for over 14 years. I have a friend that is a Police Officer with Iola, Brian Donovan. Tell him I said hello. I am working o
my own homepage. I enjoy corresponding with other Law Enforcement Officers. I also like to collect and trade patches as well as Road Champs Police Cars. My ultimate goal is to become a Pennsylvania State Trooper when I retire in Nov 2004.
Dave Walker
USMC Military Police
keith barron - 12/16/98 17:29:48
My URL:http://www.jacksonville.net/~kbarron
My Email:kbarron@mediaone.net
City, State: jax fla
Are you an LEO?: yes
If so, where?: jax fla
Nice page I enjoyed the visit Keith's Page!
Mick Webster - 10/25/98 20:29:55
My URL:http://homepages.force9.net/kilkenny/homepage.html
My Email:michael@kilkenny.force9.co.uk
City, State: West Yorkshire (UK)
Are you an LEO?: Sure am
If so, where?: West Yorkshire
Hi there. Greetings from Yorkshire, the home of Wensleydale cheese and sheep that look very like Shaun.
Great page and excellent graphics....where did you get the fan? Liked the visit...my wife keeps saying she'll do a Wallace & Gromit Page...have to show her how it's done... Come and visit our site some time.
Take care
ME!!! - 10/12/98 11:42:13
My Email:Naw, I'll see ya when you get up!
City, State: Right here
Are you an LEO?: yup
If so, where?: here!
Good job updating sweetie!
Sue Woods - 09/23/98 13:19:37
My URL:http://www.spousesofpoliceofficer.com
My Email:sopoprez@swbell.net
City, State: Houston,TX
Are you an LEO?: No
Hi.....ran across your site in another guest book. You have done a wonderful job. Congrats on your recent marriage this year too. Warmest wishes, Sue Woods-Executive Director-Spouses Of Police Officers
hosskop - 09/21/98 00:39:40
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/hosskop/
My Email:hosskop@bellsouth.net
City, State: Dickson,TN
Are you an LEO?: Retired
If so, where?: Boston PD
Nice pages. I'll be back again to check out your links.
Take care--Ed
Slack Key Man - 09/16/98 22:46:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/6295
My Email:slackkeyman@geocities.com
City, State: Kapaa, Hawaii
Are you an LEO?: Retired
If so, where?: LA County, Calif.
Aloha Chris and Julie!!
Very nice page. Keep up the good work..I will be back to see your updates...
Stay safe