Because of the interest noticed in viewing the index, I have stored the actual (final) index file at this server. This file differs slightly from the one posted here, and it should be easier to read in format. If you have Word for Windows 7.0 or any program that will convert the file, you can download the entire index by following these procedures.

  1. At your browser's "location" line, type the following:

  2. Hit the enter key.

  3. The program will access the file, present the file in Word format, or ask you if you want to download or view it. Make your choice. This file is the updated index as published in my book. If you do this, contact me and let me know how it worked out and that you have a copy of the index.
  4. If you cannot access the master index, as instructed above, click on the links in the table below to view surnames beginning with those letters:

 A-C   D-G   H-J   K-N 
 O-Q   R-S   T-V   W-Z 





Vietnam Veteran Patch