Welcome to our Family & Friends Photo Album
These are my parents, Phil and Virginia (or Nana and Papa as the grandkids call them) before Mom passed away in October of 2006.
This is my brother, Rick, holding his daughter, Morgan.
This is my sister, Laura, her husband, Gerry, and their two kids Phillip (Papa's namesake) and Rhiannon.
This is my baby sister, Carol, her husband, Chris, their sons Neil and Evan.
Michelle and Catherine :)
Catherine and Mary Alice :)
Me and Jacquelyn :)
These are our dear friends Donnie and Marv. Marv was my Matron of Honor.
This is little man, Titan!
This is me with my friend, Sonia! Isn't she cute and scrumptious (lol...at least she thinks so)!?! :)
I'm not sure who this fellow is....how did he get on here anyway? Is he doing the Macarena?