Mattie Sue Athan
A Guide to a Naturally Healthy Bird: Nutrition, Feeding, and Natural Healing Methods for Parrots
Alicia McWatters
My Parrot, My Friend: An Owner's Guide to Parrot Behavior
Bonnie Munro Doane and Thomas Quakinbush
Large Macaws: Their Care, Breeding and Conservation
Joanne Ebramson, Brian L. Speer, Jorgen B. Thomsen
Avian Medicin: Principles and Application:
      Branson Ritchie, DVM, Gregory Harrison SR, DVM, and Gregory Harrison Jr, DVM
Feeding Your Pet Bird
Petra Burgman
Parrots: Handfeeding and Nursery Management: Howard Voren and Rick Jordan
Parrot Incubation Procedures: Rick Jordan
The Parrots of the World Third Edition: Joseph Forshaw
The Complete Bird Owner's Handbook
Gary A. Gallerstien, DVM
Parrots in Aviculture: Rosemary Low
Parrots: Their Care and Breeding: Rosemary Low
The Complete Book of Macaws: Rosemary Low
The Complete Book of Parrots: Rosemary Low
Psittacine Aviculture: Perspectives, Techniques, and Research:
AviCultural Breeding and Research Center
The Second Hand Parrot: Mattie Sue Athan and Dinalee Deter
The Beak Book: Understanding, Preventing, and
Solving Aggression and Biting Behaviors in Companion Parrots: Sally Blanchard
Guide to Companion Parrot Behavior
Mattie Sue Athan
My Parrot, My Friend: An Owner's Guide to Parrot Behavior
Bonnie Munro Doane, Thomas Qualkinbush
Parrot Training : A Guide to Taming and Gentling Your Avian Companion (Pets)
by Bonnie Munro Doane
The Complete Bird Owner's Handbook
by Gary A. Gallerstein
A Guide to the Senegal Parrot and Its Family
Mattie Sue Athan
The Essential African Grey
Pamela Leis Higdon
The Pleasure of Their Company: An Owner's Guide to Parrot Training
Bonnie Munro Doane
The Parrot in Health and Illness: An Owner's Guide
by Bonnie Munro Doane
Guide to the Quaker Parrot
Mattie Sue Athan
Second-Hand Parrot
Mattie Sue Athan, Dinalee Deter Psittaculture: Breeding, Rearing and Management of Parrots by Tony Silva The Alex Studies: Cognitive and Communicative Abilities of Grey Parrots by Irene Maxine Pepperberg