Country Dancers of Westchester      English Country Dances
Fall  2008 (Sept. thru Dec.)
               Day         Date       Occasion                              MC/Teachers            Musicians
Sept.       Thurs.      09/11       Opening Party                       Paul etc.                 House Band
               Thurs.      09/18       Dance                                  Orly                        House Band
               Sat.         09/27       Harvest Dance                    Judi Rivkin             Flying Romanos              
Oct.         Thurs.      10/02      Dance                                  Orly, Steve              House Band
               Thurs.      10/09      No Dance                                              
               Thurs.      10/16      Dance                                  Trevor Monson       House Band
               Sat.         10/25      Halloween Dance               Beverly Francis      Margaret Ann Martin, Tom Philips,
Sue Polansky
               Thurs.      10/30      Dance                                  Fried, Steve              House Band
Nov.         Thurs.      11/06       Dance                                 Fried, Steve             House Band
               Thurs.      11/13       Dance                                 Paul, Steve              House Band
               Thurs.      11/20       Dance                                 Paul, Steve              House Band
               Fri.          11/28       Thanksgiving Dance          Fried etc.                 House Band
Dec.        Thurs.      12/04       Dance                                 Paul                         House Band
               Sat.         12/13       Fried’s Thank You Dance   Fried etc.                 House Band
               Wed.       12/31       New Year’s Eve Dance       Fried, Orly, Paul       Flying Romanos
Winter/Spring 2009 (Jan. thru May)
               Day          Date         Occasion                            MC/Teacher             Musicians
Jan.         Thurs.      01/08        Dance                                 Colin Hume          House Band
               Thurs.      01/15        Dance                                 Orly, Steve             House Band
               Sunday   01/18        Ease & Elegance                Fried                     Leah, John, Sue
               Thurs.      01/22        Dance                                 Fried, Steve            House Band
               Sat.         01/31        Frosty’s Meltdown              Michael Cicone    Margaret Ann Martin, Tom Phillips,
                                                                                                                     Sue Polansky
Feb.         Thurs.      02/05        Dance                                
Orly                      House Band
               Thurs.      02/12        Dance                                 Orly                       House Band
               Sat.         02/21        Something to Do with Chocolate   MC: Robin Hayden
Norma Castle, Tom Philips,
Robin Russell
               Thurs.      02/26        Dance - Ball Prep                 Paul                      House Band
Mar.         Thurs.     03/05        Dance - Ball Prep                  Paul                      House Band
               Thurs.      03/12        Dance - Ball Prep                 Fried                      House Band
               Thurs.      03/19        Dance - Ball Prep                 Fried                      House Band
               Sat.         03/21        Celebration of Spring Ball    MC’s: Fried, Orly, Paul
                                                                                           Musicians:  Leah, John, Sue, Mark
Apr.         Thurs.      04/02        Dance                                 Orly, Steve             House Band
               Thurs.      04/09        No Dance                            Holy Thursday - Passover 
               Thurs.      04/16        Dance                                 Orly, Steve             House Band
               Thurs.      04/23        Dance                                 Fried, Steve            House Band
               Thurs.      04/30        Dance                                 Fried, Steve            House Band
May         Thurs.      05/07        Dance                                 Paul, Steve             House Band
               Thurs.      05/14        Dance                                 Paul, Steve             House Band
               Sat.         05/23        Ice Cream Social: CDW remember Christine Helwig    
MC's: Orly, Paul, Steve 
House Band plus!
Our Teaching Staff    Fried de Metz Herman, Orly Krasner. Steve Landowne (apprentice), Paul Ross
House Band             Leah Barkan (piano), Stewart Dean (concertina), Mark Eisenberg (recorders),
                               Sue Polansky (clarinets), Donn Williams (mandolin)
Flying Romanos       Norma Castle (flute), Marnen Laibow-Koser (violin, etc.), Robin Russell (piano)
Band for Ball            John Austin (violin, viola), Leah Barkan (piano), 
                               Mark Eisenberg (recorders), Sue Polansky (clarinet)
ALL DANCES are held at the Church in The Highlands, Bryant & Grandview Avenues, White Plains 
(except for New Year’s Eve Dance and the Celebration of Spring Ball - see flyers)
THURSDAY NIGHT DANCES:                 7:30 - 10:00 PM       CDW Members $ 8, Others $ 10
FRIDAY & SATURDAY PARTIES:            8:00 - 11:00 PM       CDW Members $12, Others $ 14
Our Subscription Series help to support CDW and will entitle you to admission to all dances except
New Year’s Eve, Ease and Elegance, the Spring Ball and Ice Cream Social.
Beginners warmly welcomed at all Thursday dances – Come with or without a partner.
Some experience required for Friday and Saturday dance parties.
Wear comfortable, informal clothing, with low-heeled, soft soled shoes.
Contributions of light refreshments are welcomed at ALL Dances & Parties!
If the weather is inclement, phone one of the persons listed below to see if the dance is canceled.  
For additional information visit our web page at  or contact:  
Leah  914-693-5577  the Caleys’  845-735-3365    Carolyn   914-762-3619       Susan  914-762-8619