Jesus is talking about YOUR salvation here! The Scripture above is talking about entrance into the Kingdom of God, and makes it clear that many, many people will try to enter-but will be surprisingly turned away! Notice that the word "narrow" means, "less wide than expected."
The Lord said to me, "I know what's to come. Cry out to the hearts of My children to stay alert! Keep thine hearts clean by giving your lives to Me freely and joyfully every day. Stay alert! My time shall come to call forth My Church. I shall awaken all hearts in My time. Show My children I do live today! They shall open their hearts and I shall become real to them!"
into the Ark!
People laughed and ridiculed Noah and his family for listening and
obeying God. When the time came for God to send His wrath down upon the
world by sending a mighty flood, God sent Noah and his family into the
ark. God shut the door and no one else was able to enter in. Just as Noah
had to prepare himself and his family, so must we do the same. Just as
there were scoffers in Noah's day, so shall there be scoffers today. Likewise,
while God provided their safety from His wrath in an ark, He provides the
same safety to us from His wrath to come in Jesus Christ. Jesus is your
only Savior!
God has put it on my heart to keep people alert and remind them that
God will shut one more door. I believe we are very near to the Second Coming
of Jesus Christ, and all who want to enter the ark should open up their
heart to Jesus Christ and receive Him today! (The word "receive"
in the Bible index means, "to take into one's possession." The definition
in the dictionary is, "to take something given, sent; to let enter, to
have room for.")
John 1:12-13 says, "But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God...who were born...of God."
there just a few being saved?
Luke 13:23-25 says, "And someone said to Him, "Lord, are there just
a few who are being saved?" And He said to them, "Strive to enter by the
narrow door; for many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able.
Once the head of the house gets up and shuts the door, and you begin to
stand outside and knock on the door, saying, 'Lord, open up to us!' Then
He will answer and say to you, "I do not know where you are from."
One day I asked the Lord, "How do we prepare?" I received the following:
January 15, 1991
"I am the door of life. If anyone tries to enter any other way, he
shall not succeed. For man has built for himself a castle, but in the castles
lie desolation and fear. I come so all may have life, life within their
hearts. I build from the inside out. I do not try to fit the outward appearance
to the soul of man, but on the contrary: I build so the heart is the light
of the world.
Seek Me. It is as simple as that. Seek all that I come to give. Read
My Father's promises to you and believe in Him. Know that what He says
is truth, all truth. And let the Spirit teach you all of Me and who I am,
why I come and where I come from. My purpose is to save. Save all from
the outward appearances by setting them free inside so they may see with
great light, My light, saith the Lord your God.
Seek Me from within thine own heart. Many shall need to throw away
all they have been taught, for they were taught how to care for the outward
appearance, but have become empty inside.
Seek the grace I give so freely. Seek and get to know My love and the
love of Mine and your Father who reign in heaven. Know that We are alive
today and that We care and seek all hearts to turn to Us for deliverance.
I have become a stumbling block to many indeed, for their religions
have come into way and blocked many hearts!
You shall see, My child, the times in which you live right before your
eyes. My time has come to shed new light on the meaning of prayer, giving
all good reason to seek Me, your living God. Many shall wander far. But
you are living in a time whereby My Spirit, My Holy Spirit, shall run after
that one lost sheep and bring them home. Likewise, many shall see My mercy
fall down upon their sinful lives like doves. (Again, the word "dove" in
the Bible represents (or is figurative of) the Holy Spirit.)
I know well of the world in which you, My lost sheep, live. Therefore,
I should also know how to retrieve you and bring your hearts back to Me,
your God. The road to Damascus shall be a well-known story, for hearts
shall be delivered much like the days before you.
KNOW I AM THE ONLY WAY! Know I come to live in all who humble themselves
before our throne for true repentance. I come to cast no one away, but
to give them life-life eternal. Your loving Jesus speaks to you through
the power of My Spirit. Listen and may your hearts listen. Then you may
see and walk with Me forevermore. Amen."
In this message (and others), notice the relationship the Spirit speaks
of between Jesus and the Father. In the Bible, the Spirit never speaks
of Himself, but always speaks what He hears from the Son and the Father
and glorifies them. Also notice how Jesus always gives the glory to His
Father and the Father always gives the glory to His Son. (In the Bible,
read the book of "John," where it talks about this.)
Jesus said, in John 17:3, "And this is eternal life, that they may know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou has sent."
The big stumbling block!
The Lord revealed to me that many who go to church will not make
it into the Kingdom of God, for they do not know Jesus Christ and the Father
who sent Him! Their religion has become a stumbling block. Hearts have
been filled with man made laws (do's and don'ts) instead of being led to
Jesus Christ to get to know Him and the Father personally.
Matthew 23:13 says, "But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites,
because you shut off the Kingdom of heaven from men, for you do not enter
in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in."
Below is a word I received concerning this:
"Seek My will, all you I have called. Let Me guide your heart on My
will I called you for. Do not limit My other children I have called, but
follow the Spirit. For many I call know Me and they follow Me. Man's law
is far away from them. Me, their God, do they have in their hearts. Know
that you live in a time whereby My Spirit shall call forth My chosen, and
many shall not fit the mold of man! Seek Me and learn of Me yourselves.
Do not judge the work of Me, your God, but know that My Spirit shall build
My Church. Either you shall come forth by Me, your God, or you shall not
be found in a time whereby you shall need Me most. Your loving Lord speaks
to you."
Jesus said, in Matthew 23:26, "You blind Pharisee, first clean the inside of the cup and of the dish, so that the outside of it may become clean also."
God deals with each heart individually. Only through the power of the
Holy Spirit can God clean out your heart and lead you into your relationship
with Him. Only by the power of the Holy Spirit will He enable you to do
His will. What's important to God is not whether you get to church on time
or what your spiritual credentials are, but that you have a relationship
with Him by entering the narrow door of Jesus Christ. What God wants
from you is your heart so you can have a relationship with Him! For when
you have this kind of a relationship with Him, His law will be supernaturally
implanted upon your heart by the power of the Holy Spirit, and not whitewashed
there by man. And they will be God's laws-not that of mere man-and you
will be saved for eternity!
When you pass through the narrow door and allow Jesus Christ into your
heart, you pass into the New Covenant whereby one is saved by grace, and
your relationship with the Father and the Son becomes real. To those who
pass through into the New Covenant, Hebrews 8:10 says,"...I will put my
laws into their minds, and I will write them upon their hearts. And I will
be their God, and they shall be My people." Know the relationship that
the Father seeks from you, and know that Jesus died on the cross for us
so that we may have this relationship with Him and with His Father-whom
we will also one day leave this world to be with, as Jesus did.
judgement coming to the U.S.A.!
A few months prior to receiving this next message, the Lord told me
loud and clear that the United States of America is heading into heavy
judgement. Read it carefully, and please take it seriously...
Received July 6, 1991
"America is coming into a period of judgement-heavy judgement! Her
sins she is still committing, and has committed, are not covered with My
holy blood-the blood of I, your Savior, Jesus Christ.
Where am I amongst your hearts? Where am I in the church you all
attend so eagerly? And yet, I am no where to be found within yourselves-within
your own heart!
Look up, My dear children, for I sound an alarm-a trumpet to be heard
by all! For My wrath is yet to be seen! Harken to My cry and live. Repent
and indulge in the splendor of My Kingdom, says the Lord your God. For
you shall hear and you shall see, for My Spirit shall rule again amongst
you in My holy name. Your loving Lord speaks to you.
Open up thine heart to Me. Walk away from the dead in Christ and renew
your own souls with My love and kindness. Unto you who hear, you shall
walk into My glorious Kingdom on the day of My return. To you who think
you know best, unto you shall fall My wrath.
Grasp onto My mercy and grace. Know soon your day of salvation shall
be no more, for I come soon to blast the last trumpet upon the United
States of America! My warning reaches you ahead of time, but do not
ponder on making such an important decision that shall determine your life
everlasting. Listen to My cry and My warning. Yield to Me today while your
salvation can still be found!
My Word stands and it shall come to pass. Listen and stay alert, for
I come to alert all hearts of the destruction that is soon to occur amongst
you. Turn from your sins and reach out for Me, your Savior, Jesus Christ!
In Jesus' name, I pray salvation for all to LOOK TO ME, THEIR KING OF KINGS
warning for the Midwest to stay alert!
Received August 7, 1991
"Be alert and see the things I, your Lord, bring before you. Look up
and see the signs, the signs of the times...
In September there shall arise turmoil-natural turmoil. It will cover
parts of the Midwest (a great part) and many homes and lives shall be left
devastated. I tell you this so you may prepare ahead of time. Be on the
alert. Know what I speak shall come to pass. Your loving Jesus.
I come to set free all who want Me. Know I am alive and do live for
you today. My heart cries out to My lost! For if one of your children were
missing, would you not sleep nor eat nor drink until that one was found
and brought home? And I have many missing children!
Be kind hearted like that of a child. Know I am a God of love and that
My wrath is held only to show My discipline. Reach out and be made whole
by all that I provide. In Jesus' name. Amen." (Matthew 24:27)
(Note: Look back at the devastating floods and storms that have hit
the plains and the Midwest! Know that many events will return and increase
in frequency and strength. So please use these messages and the things
you see happening to prepare for possible similar and future events.)
mercy and wrath
It amazes me to find out that all God wants is for us to acknowledge,
love and obey Him. This is what God wanted all throughout the Bible, and
He still wants this today! Many believe that God is a loving God. But they
also believe that God has no wrath-no anger! From Genesis to Revelation,
God clearly shows in His Word that He has both His grace and His time of
wrath. However, He gives us a will to decide for ourselves. Will you enter
into the Ark (Jesus Christ) and receive and know the love of God, or will
you reject His free gift of salvation and be one of many
who knock on the door once it has been shut for good?
of encouragement...
May the following messages encourage you to come to the Lord. And may
you know in your heart that He still has everything under control!
April 19, 1991
"Be alert, My children. Know the mighty gifts that come from Me, your
King and Savior. For through Me flow the gifts of My Father in heaven.
Rejoice, for times ahead shall be fruitful. You shall see My hand upon
a nation that shall return to Me, your God. Principles of the world shall
be destroyed! My fruit shall dwell and take back possessions of the Kingdom
in My holy name!
You shall hear of much rumor of apostasy, and true it shall be. But
by My Spirit, says the Lord, shall there be a renewing of many hearts
and minds. You shall know that My coming, My Kingdom, is near.
Be alert. I pray that My children shall be alert and notice the things
the Spirit teaches and shows you. Pray for forgiveness and move
on. Seek all that comes from Me, your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. For
unto you shall flow the many blessings that come from Me. Your loving Lord
speaks to you. Stay alert, for very near shall you see My words to you.
In Jesus' name.
Spain shall show its sign of My return. In it lies the key to the sign
of the coming and rise of the Antichrist. (Note: Although I know there
is much going on over in Spain that reveals much about 'the Mark of the
Beast' and the times in which we are living, I do not know enough to comment
any further.)
Know My words to you as truth. Know I come to give guidance in your
everyday walk with Me, your Lord. Be aware of the snares of the devil,
for he comes to taunt you ("taunt" means, "to ridicule or provoke"). Praise
My name and move on in faith. Your loving Lord speaks."
July 3, 1991
"Be of good cheer, for the Almighty stands before you. Be wise and
obey, My children. Know all that I come to give a people who are Mine-who
seek My face and will for their lives each day.
Be assured My blessings are upon you who listen and love Me the Lord.
Be awakened in My Spirit and rejoice, for I come to deliver My people from
the many shackles and despairs that weigh down thine own heart.
Know that soon ye shall be with Me, your living God. Know that all
who have stayed in Me shall have rest. They shall reach their day of rest
with I, their living Lord, and they shall not be disappointed.
Reach out to the lost-those lost in mind and spirit. I shall honor
thy steps in faith and they shall be set upon a path-My path, says the
Lord your God.
Be of a new spirit. Rejoice in thy freedoms I supply unto all
who ask. Be fervent in thy search upon thine own hearts as well. Never
feel all is always well with God. Know I come to set you free, but you
must yield to Me, your God, as well. Be made new in My word to you. Be
of good cheer and live for Me. Your loving Lord speaks.
I come to warn you of the deception that lies amongst many of you.
Know your hearts well. Many have or are becoming lost to Me for they are
seeking for answers man cannot provide. Come to Me, no matter how small
or big the concern. Know My will for you is one of peace and well being,
of good cheer.
Walk My way. Seek My will. My answers shall come, and they shall be
well rewarding to those who seek of Me. Your loving Lord speaks."
Messages Continue
God has put it on my heart to share these messages with you so that He may show you how real He is, and so that you will be reminded to stay alert and keep your eyes and heart on Him...
March 5, 1991
"Soon you shall see the times in which you are living. Army brigades
(American) will become lined up once again along the European borders and
chaos will erupt across the land."
(Note: Just to give you an idea on how God guides me regarding these
messages: One day I was just sitting in front of the daily paper I had
just bought when I heard the Lord say, "Pick it up!" I looked at the newspaper
sitting there and just ignored what I thought I heard. A little while later,
I heard the Lord say again, "Pick it up!" I did this time as I heard and
let the Lord guide me through the paper. Inside the paper (I would have
never found it on my own) was this article that I started to read, and
in small print were the exact words, "American Army brigades," and something
about them going back into a region along the European borders. I want
to say it had something to do with Yugoslavia or the Macedonian region,
but I am not sure for I didn't save the paper! I do remember it was early
in 1994. I am not sure what this word will lead to, but because I feel
many of these messages are significant in that they will start a change
reaction of important events to follow, I can't help but think this
one will as well. Keep your eyes opened for this phrase to be used again
soon. The message continued...)
"Peace and safety has already filled the land. But I come to warn all
that peace and safety is not what's at hand (what lies ahead). Be
ready to respond to My calling, My child. Stay alert and do not become
dead to My ways. Know that a pseudo peace now fills the hearts of many,
and they shall relax and once again become comfortable. But My times are
coming and My children must stay prepared for My coming-the coming of
the Lord Jesus Christ!
Lithuania shall soon be seen as totally set
free. Soon you shall hear of My words to you. I said I would uphold to
the alliances I made with My people. (Note: When you follow the direction
taken with Lithuania mentioned throughout these messages, it is amazing
to find out how this situation has turned out. It was not long before it
was flashed across the front pages of the newspaper, "Lithuania is finally
free!" However, remember what was said in the January
16, 1990 message -to beware of who Lithuania and the other Baltic States
really belong to! To go back to this message, .)
Stay close and stay alert. Do not fall asleep, for I come before you
to say, "Watch!" Your loving Lord speaks to you.
Not all you shall hear concerning the gulf is true, but truths shall
arise. You shall know the truth. Keep watch over the gulf results to come..."
March 13, 1991
"Yugoslavia has reached its point of survival. Many shall survive and
see the release of a nation." (Note: This continues into the next message.)
March 16, 1991
"You shall inherit My Kingdom. For father shall come against son and
mother again daughter, but I shall stand with My children. Be happy and
start rejoicing, for your Almighty God stands before you, My children of
Yugoslavia shall cut free of her bondage holders. A new nation shall
arise and it shall become a stronghold unto others/those near by. Rejoice,
though, for I shall align the kingdoms. One by one they shall fall
prey into Mine hands. My glory shall be seen, and My Kingdom shall be ready
for My coming. Your loving Lord speaks to you, My children. Tinker not
with the unexpected, but be ready for all good things that come from God.
Know My will for you and rejoice, for I've come to make you whole in My
Kingdom. In Jesus' name." (Note: Ever since Yugoslavia's search for independence,
havoc has broken out all around them. It still goes on today!)
May 9, 1991
"My child, let My people know of My return-for it comes soon! You shall
look up in the sky and see the heavens split open. You shall see Me and
My Father step down into a world that shall be destroyed because it refused
to listen; it refused to give me their hearts, their lives. I was no where
to be found for they sought Me, Jesus Christ, not.
Lift up thine heart unto Me. Know I come to warn you of what's to come.
The devil has set his trap. All fury shall let loose and you must listen
closely. Before the close of this year you shall see My signs-true signs
of My coming.
Awaken hearts to My return. Know My Spirit shall flow over the land,
and all prayers shall be answered within a very short time.
Look to the east. Then look to the west. What do you see? See the smog
and the confusion. See the turmoil. As time passes, the wind shall blow
across to the west this same turmoil. Know that it is spiritual. Know that
what you see is a sign, a sign of much destruction to come. These represent
the demons led by Satan. You shall see much of the following come to light:
heartaches of great shall mount-big enough to stop hearts all over the
world; drought; destruction of major cities; corruption of My Word!
Know that I come to say,"Watch!" Know that what I speak is truth and
that I am the Lord speaking to you. I shall reveal My truth to you in a
mighty way, My child. Watch and see. Seek earnestly for My will and blessings
to be bestowed upon your life, for they shall come. Your mighty Lord speaks."
August 3, 1991
"Look up to Me, your God, and I shall spread over you and your loved
ones a protection, a protection of My love. Know My heart can live within
each and every one of you. Know that deep inside you do lie the hope and
life that I come to give, the life of Jesus Christ. I come to awaken and
alert your hearts to the times in which you, My children, are living. I
come to open up your eyes so that you may see with My great light. Know
that all who ask of Me shall receive Me. My glory shall mount over
your lives like a mountain, and a God that you never knew shall come alive
right before your eyes, from within your own heart.
Seek all that I come to give. Know that Satan comes to kill and destroy,
but know I come to give life and give it more abundantly. Your loving Lord
speaks to you and your family and I say, "Come." Seek Me. Seek the protection
Me and My Father give to all who ask. Know I am alive today and that I
live for you. Bring your hearts before Me and allow Me, your God, to erase
your pain and fill you with hope, My hope, says the Lord your living God.
Try Me so you may see, so all of you may enter into My holy Kingdom. I
shall rebuke the devourer over your lives and together we shall walk in
new hope. All in Jesus' mighty name.
Trust Me so you shall see. Ask Me into your lives and hearts together
as a family, and come and live amongst My love I have for all who believe
in Me. Your loving Lord speaks."
comment on why God shares all of this...
(Concerning climatic, social, religious and political changes around
the world...)
In Matthew 24, the disciples ask Jesus what will be the sign of His coming and of the end of the age? Jesus responded by saying the following: (Matthew 24:4-14) "See to it that no one misleads you. For many will come in My name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and will mislead many. And you will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars; see that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom (such as the Yugoslavia Republics and other fractions fighting against each other), and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes. But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs. Then they will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations on account of My name. And at that time many will fall away and will deliver up one another and hate one another. And many false prophets will arise and will mislead many. And because lawlessness is increased, most people's love will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end, he shall be saved. And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a witness to all the nations, and then the end shall come." (The whole chapter of Matthew 24 talks about being ready for His coming!)
Take special note of the word "endure," which means, "to hold up under; stand; bear; undergo; to put up with; to tolerate; to remain. (Also see how the word "remain" is used in 1 Thessalonians 4:15: "...we who are alive, and remain until the coming of the Lord...". "Remain," as used here, means "to endure!") To endure means to be strong in God, standing firm on His Word and our testimony of Jesus Christ-no matter what we will have to go through! The reason the Lord shares so much is so that we can be alert, know what's coming, and be prepared to endure. Don't fail to realize that Jesus spoke this about 2,000 years ago. His warnings are for you, and His Word still stands as truth today! "Therefore be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming." (Matthew 24:42)
The last phase before Christ's Return...
Received May 9, 1995
"I am going to start pulling people out of their regular routine. My
hope is for them to rely on Me alone to accomplish My work for My Kingdom...I
am going to take ordinary people and turn them into mighty servants of
Mine, says the Lord.
You are in your last phase before My coming, says the Lord.
The sealed books of Revelation are unfolding, and man must get prepared!
Signs will increase of My coming. The trumpets shall begin to blow
in a mighty way, where anyone who knows anything about My coming will notice
this with great light! Things you depended on before will no longer be
the case. Those who know not Me, their Lord, will be lost. They will be
deceived. Prepare! I send a mighty trumpet-an alert call for all to prepare!
For soon the scroll shall be rolled back! Your mighty God speaks."
(Note that the Jews are returning to Israel in great numbers! Keep your eyes on this! For God revealed to me that this must happen so He can keep His promise made to Abraham. He also said that the regathering of the Jews is what He was referring to as "the last phase before His return!"-"And that the completion of this will be a sign for the soon removal of the first seal in Revelation 6!" Remember why the Jews are returning: They know their Messiah is coming!)
My Word is free to My people!
God knows the motive of our hearts and will someday hold us responsible
for all things we do in His name and for His purpose. Here is a good time
to check the real motives of your heart on why and how you do what you
do-all in Jesus' name. This is also a good time for everyone to
check your motives and practices as you go throughout your day-as you keep
in mind that God records it all!
Received June 24, 1991
"My people, listen to the word of the Lord. Many see My light and share
it with earnestness. But beware, for My Word is free to My people. Many
eyes are upon the dollar. But I, your Lord, say to you, My children, to
beware! Give My Word freely. Share My gifts at no expense to others. I
shall provide your way, says the Lord. I shall speak to the hearts of My
children to give willfully from their hearts. Never mind the confusion
and betrayal that money can cause, but reach My people with all your hearts,
freely and at no charge. Thus, I shall open unto you a blessing that shall
overflow within your bosoms. Your gracious Lord speaks to My children.
Know My will for you is one of purity. Reach out, but beware of how you
do it. In Jesus' mighty name."
Jesus said, in Matthew 10:7-8, "And as you go, preach, saying, "The Kingdom of heaven is at hand." Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons; freely you received, freely give."