Our ancestors

As the name indicates, Tibetan Terrier came from the land of Tibet where, so it is said, my ancestors were bred and raised in the monasteries by the lamas almost 2000 years ago.

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Originating in the Lost Valley ("lost" when the access road was destroyed in the 14th century by a major earthquake) our ancestors were prized as companions and "luck bringers" for those fortunate enough to own us. 
Our breed was ever sold, as no family would tempt fate by selling part of their “luck,” but my ancestors were presented as a mark of esteem or a measure of gratitude for favors or services rendered.
Our breed recognized in India in the 1920s and in England in 1937, the breed is now exhibited at shows almost the world over


Our breed is not actually a "terrier". We does not have the terrier disposition, nor does we burrow into the earth ("la terre" in French) as terriers were originally expected to do.

Our breed was called "terrier" because we were of a size widely associated with terrier. 
The Tibetan people called us "Luck Bringers" or "Holy Dogs", neither of which seemed suitable as a breed name in the Western world of dog.
We are not guard dogs nor herding dogs. We are value as companions, and treat like children of the family.
Like the children, I eagerly assist in taking care of the family's property, our flocks and our herds, but we are not raise for utilitarian purposes. 
Our breed was kept pure-bred, as any mismating might bring bad luck to the family and might even be blamed for any village misfortune.