Very important!! There is only one requirement to join this webring. You must either be on the Heartland Critique and Review Committee, or have had your page reviewed by the Heartland Critique and Review Committee. The Committee Chair person (Rebel) helps me with this ring and checks the names against the people on the committee and the people that have been reviewed.
This Critique & Review site is owned by Smom. Want to join the Critique & Review |
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If you are going to put the webring on a page that has a darker background, you can use the following graphic because the one above is more suited for lighter backgrounds, but either will work.
For editing your info
To edit your site,you will need to know your ID and your Password. If you need
either of these, you will need to email me or Rebel.
Heartland Critique & Review made possible by the Webring and New Dream Network. |
A huge thank-you to Rebel for helping me out so much with this webring. Thank-you for giving the graphics for the ring and for helping me enter sites into the ring, it is much appreciated and has not gone unnoticed.