March 1, 1921, Tuesday Evening
page 8, column 2, "From the Records" Minneapolis births, unless published here within 10 days, have not been reported to the city health department as required by law, and physicians' attention should be called to avoid penalties. Births Mrs. M B. QUINN, 2048 Carroll av St. Paul, girl Mrs. H. J. GUNDERSON, 4418 Colfax av S, girl Mrs N. D. ROWLEY, 4901 Girard av S, girl Mrs. Arthur M. MORRIS, 4812 Lyndale av S, girl Mrs. Sverre ROSTER, 2223 7th st S, girl Ms. Hosmer BROWN, 1400 Park av, boy Mrs. Frank MOYNIHAN, 2435 Cedar av, boy Mrs. A. LE DUC, 3028 Tyler st NE, boy Mrs. G. GILLIS, 11 Orin av SE, boy Mrs. Carl A. OLSON, 3526 37th tv S, boy Mrs. H. Wm. PAGE, 2726 Ulyses st NE, boy Mrs. J. HAUG, 3053 15th av S, boy Mrs. Carlos A. MCNEIR, 1613 Clinton av, boy Mrs. Raymond GRETTON, 4837 Clinton av, boy Mrs. G. ZUSHTAK, 208 22d av S, boy Mrs. C. DUBANICH, 2651 6th st SE, boy Mrs. D. J. AHERNS, 4134 Railroad av, boy Mrs. W. C. JOHNSON, 2700 5th av, boy Mrs. James W. MADSEN, 1430 Spruce Place, boy Mrs. E. R. PLOOF, 251 22d av N. [missing gender--boy?] DEATHS William THOMSON, 87, 1011 Bryant av N. Betsy STONE, 75, 2425 5th st NE Mary BRAZEL, 73, 1312 22d av NE Sam TORRISON, 65 Fisher, Minn. Jenny J. GARRIGUES, 57, 1921 Stevens av Anna B. PACHOLL, 57, 416 Plymouth av Thomas J. BUTLER, 55, 3337 Grand av Ida M. H. TIMER, 55, 3334 Irving av S. Carrie ERICKSON, 53, 2511 26th av S Willis W. WATKINS, 52, 2613 Colfax av S. Paul W. SMITH, 44, Spring Park, Minn. Christian KORLI, 42, 3301 38th av S. Richard M. URAN, 8, Excelsior, Minn. Margaret E. O'DELL, 7 months, 2941 16th av S. MARRIAGE LICENSES Gerhard DAHL[E?], 23; Katherine GOODYEAR, 22 Frank J. GRAVETT, 32; Inez M. AUSTIN, 25 Jens O. JOHNNESEN, 37; Celia WERSEN, 31 Harvey FAWCETT, 30; Esther LUNDQUIST, 19 Henry BIRING, 26; Ellen M. JOHNSON, 25 Arthur PALMQUIST, 28; Alice E. BLOMSTER, 19 Ernest FREDERICKSON, 24; Emma R. SHERVEY, 34 Walter V. CARPENTER, 22; Martha M. TULARE, 18 Ernest FRY, 23; Evelyn GLATZBACH, 22 Albert RICKMYER, 46; Mayme KIBARY, 25 Themis ETHANS, 32; Ourania S. TSIVOGLOU, 23 Porbjorn DAHLEN, 23; Hanna C. LARSON, 21 Charles JONES, 28; Mary CAMPBELL, 26 Arthur C. STOYKE, 29; Marie E. KROHN, 28 Alexander LATVALE, 27; Ina LAIKKONEN, 21 Roger B. PAULY,29; Margaret M. CALLOWAY, 20 Henry SMITH, 60; Elin SELIN, 37 John I. MCCOY, 32; Elizabeth ZEELAN, 29 Duschy NEWCOMB, 22; Florence NUMBLEAU, 18 Louis E. BRONCOE, 31; Bernice RANSOM, 21 Edwin F. ERICKSON, 24; Ellen CARLSON, 20 Alexander E. STRODER, 27; Cecelia STARK, 26 Louis E. SANDERS, legal; Belle PEMBLE, legal Edward H. SHARETTS, 23; Ruth VAN ORDER, 21 William SATHER, 25; Elsie PETERSON, 18 Ralph H. OLSON, 24; Margaret CODY [no age given] DIVORCES GRANTED Pearl B. MYER from Orlando M. MYERS Helen L. MCGEE from Chester L. MCGEE Bertha V. RAMSEY from George M. RAMSEY Claus E. JOHNSON from Emma A. JOHNSON STOLEN AUTOMOBILES No. 256400--Owner, L. L. SNYDER, Big Lake, Minn. No. 154318--Owner, Dr. H. G. IRVINE, 2421 Russell av BUILDING PERMITS LOEB Arcade company 501-03 Hennepin av. alterations to stores ...5,000 Martin BECK, 19-27 N. 9th st, theater building...699,000 Harriet Holding company, 4045 Upton av S, stucco dwelling ...5,500 John DEMAY, 450 Lincoln st NE--addition to dwelling ...1,500 John I. SANDAHL, 4546 Camden av, frame dwelling ...2,500 John BODIN, 3250 Colfax av N, frame dwelling...3,000 E. L. KELLOGG, 1805 25th av N, frame dwelling ...2,500 W. S. MARSHALL, 3628 5th av S. alterations to dwelling ...1,000 [etc.] page 8, column 3, "At Minneapolis Hotels" Andrews [Hotel]--F. J. LACHER, St. Cloud; W. R. SCHMIDT, Glencoe; A. LINDERHOLM, Belgrade; C. H. GORDON, Duluth; Mrs. W. RICHLAND, Garrison, N.D.; Mrs F. E. MARSHALL, Beulah, N.D. Dyckman--Mr. and Mrs. H. E. RICE, Austin; G. MICKELSON, Virginia; T. R. WALSH, Sioux Falls S.D.; G. MCLEAN, Baudette; Mr. and Mrs. James E. NORBY, Detroit; A. C. RORTHER, Perth, N.D. Curtis--Harriet M. GEBHART, Red Wing; Benjamin E. BURR, Great Falls, Mont.; Mrs. H. B. STANLEY, St. Cloud; Mr. and Mrs. Henry MEATHE, New Ulm; R. K. JOHNSON, Fargo, N.D.; H. E. SMITH, Albert Lea Rogers--P. JOHNSON, Hibbing; M. J. HELLNER, Sandstone; Mr. and Mrs. L. A. WATSON, Bathgate, N. D.; Sam KOPPANG, Marietta; S. C. SIMONSON, Fergus Falls; J. J. WHELAN, Crystal, N.D. Vendome--F. G. MCCLERNAN, Bemidji; A. F. STETZNER, Kingsdale; C. R. GOSS, Watertown, S.D.; H. W. MORROW, Wisdom, Mont.; Mr. and Mrs. G. A. THORP, Lakeville; Theodore GRAF, Streeter, N.D. West--J. M. RONAN, Owatonna; C. S. BRYAN, Red Wing; G. W. MCINTYRE, Grafton, N.D.; Glen GIBSON, Kimball, S.D.; C. H. AUDETTE, Roundup, Mont.; P. H. STICKLAND, Roundup, Mont. (Transcribed 24 August 1997:) page 16, columns 1-3, "SOCIAL" MR. AND MRS. JOHN S. DALRPMPLE [sic] have bought the house of the late Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Osborne at 2327 Pillsbury av. At present they are occupying the Irving L. Corse house at 2301 First av. S. Mrs. Nelson Williams, Mrs. Mary E. Peck and Mrs. Williams' grandsons, Willis Osborne and Edward N. Osborne, will spend the summer at the Osborne home at Minnetonka Beach. MRS. CHARLES B. EUSTIS of 2309 Girard av. S. will entertain informally at bridge tomorrow afternoon. MR. AND MRS. WALTER D. BOUTELL and Mrs. William T. Boutell, who have been spending two weeks in New York, have gone to Washington D. C., to attend the inauguration of President-elect Harding. MISS FLO WARNER will entertain at a bridge tea and kitchen shower in honor of Miss Margaret Falconer Tuesday afternoon , March 15, at her home. The guests will be sorority sisters of Miss Falconer, who is a member of Kappa Alpha Theta. Bridge will be played at five tables. Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord Warner, 1217 Twenty-fourth st, will be hosts at a bridge dinner Saturday evening in compliment to Miss Falconer and their son, Richard Gaylord Warner, whose marriage will be solemnized Wednesday, April 6, at St. Luke's Episcopal church. Mrs. John Falconer will entertain at a trousseau tea in honor of her daughter Tuesday afternoon, March 8, at her home. Assisting Mrs. Warner will be Mmes. Gaylord Warner, C. E. Purdy and Miss Flo Warner, who is to be Miss Falconer's maid of honor. MRS. WALLACE BENEDICT (Brenda Ueland) of New York city arrived this morning and is visiting her parents, Judge and Mrs. Andreas Ueland. Mr. Benedict, who has to go to California on a short trip, will join Mrs. Benedict in Minneapolis on the way home. MR. AND MRS. SAMUEL H. BOWMAN, Park av. left today for New York, where they will sail Saturday for Bermuda. HUGH H. BARBER, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Barber, Lake place, will return from Yale university late this week. Mr. Barber, who served as captain with the 151st regiment, was to have been graduated in June from the law school, but by working extra time received his degree earlier. He is a graduate of the University of Minnesota academic department and was a student at university law school when he gave up his studies to go overseas. He continued the course at Yale after the war. MRS. C. S. ASHMUN of Stevens Point, Wis., who has been the guest of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford S. Ashmun, for two weeks, has returned to her home. MRS. HOMER BLACK, Harrisburg, Pa., is the guest of her brother-in-law and sister, Mrs. and Mrs. Frank C. Esterly, 1810 Humboldt av S. SMUTNY-STEVENSON. Miss Florence E. Stevenson and Joseph Smutny were married yesterday at 8 p.m., at the home of the officiating minister, Rev. Morgan, 1710 Stevens av. VISITS IN DULUTH. Miss Mabel Kinkel is spending a few weeks in Duluth, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Milnes, Park Point. SURPRISED ON BIRTHDAY. About 25 friends of Coral Madaline Williams, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. H. G. Williams, 2812 Thirty-second av S. surprised her Friday evening, the occasion being her 18th birthday. Cards, music and reminiscences formed the amusements. The youngest member present was a niece, age 4 month. Four generations were present. Among the out of town guests were Mrs. E. M. Fraiser of St. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. H. Meixner of Selfridge, S. D. Refreshments were served at 11:30 p.m. PUCKETT-ERICKSON. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Erickson, 3523 Cedar av. announce the marriage of their daughter, Alice Florentine, to Cyrus Clayton Puckett of Tyndall, S. D., last Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. Rev. Carl H. Bartsch, pastor of Holy Trinity church, performed the ceremony in the presence of the immediate relatives at the home of the bride's parents. Mrs. Melvin Bolstad was the bride's only attendant. Mr. Bolstad was best man. Among the out of town guests was Mrs. C. O. Carlson of Livingstone, Mont., a sister of the bride. Mrs. Puckett is a graduate of the University of Minnesota. Mr. Puckett was graduated from the University of South Dakota college of law and is a member of Beta Theta Pi fraternity. Mr. and Mrs. Puckett will be at home after March 15 at Tyndall, S. D. FIVE HUNDRED PARTY. Mrs. E. L. Haberle, 1310 Emerson av N. entertained at a five hundred party at her home last Saturday evening in honor of Miss Irene Koenig and Jesse Miles, whose marriage will take place in April. A color scheme of yellow was carried out with daffodils and butterflies in the dining room, where a buffet luncheon was served. CHORAL UNION PARTY. The members of Lyndale Choral union were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Jones, 3012 Colfax av S. after the presentation of the comic opera, "The Captain of Plymouth," Saturday evening. Mrs. Juell assisted Mrs. Jones in serving a buffet lunch, after which the members of the Choral union presented Mrs. Theo Nagel, their directress, with a handbag in appreciation of her efforts. Dancing and music followed. D. R. TEA. Mrs. B. F. Bieke [sic], 309 Como River blvd, St. Paul, is to give a tea for members and friends of the D. of R. Friday from 3 to 6 p.m. Mrs. Elizabeth Fisher Barker, of this city, who has lived in China five years, is to speak and show souvenirs of that country, including some pictures she bought in the famine district. The late Professor Franklin Barker held the chair of engineering in Tien Tsin college. Assisting Mrs. Rieke will be Mmes. H. G. Duesler, Webster Tallant and John B. Lee. Mrs. Rieke is to entertain members of the state board at lunch Thursday noon preceding the business meeting. Thank Offering Dinner. The annual thank offering dinner of the Women's Foreign Missionary society, First Methodist church SE, will be held at the home of Mrs. B. F. Nelson, 35 Groveland terrace, at 6:30 tomorrow. Mrs. W. F. Eveland, branch corresponding secretary, will be the speaker. A series of impersonations entitled "The Weavers," will be presented. Miss Helen Draper and G. C. Krieger will sing. Leader in Seton Play. Miss Loretta Shea is to play the leading role today at 8 p.m. in the play, "All of a Sudden Peggy," to be given in Studio Recital hall by the Seton guild players. In the cast are also Misses Mary Morree Wocelka, Bertha Roers, Elizabeth Wold, Cordelia MacDonald and William Gagnon, Douglas and Harry Lupe, Robert E. O'Donnell, Ausin McInerney and Horace Reeves. Lewis Law Association. Lewis Parliamentary Law association will meet Friday morning at 10 o'clock at the Leamington hotel. Following the business meeting "Local Government" will be discussed by Mrs. Oce Curtis and the parliamentary practice which will consist of "Amendments to the Local Laws" will be conducted by Mrs. C. F. Cowing. Mrs. John Wharry will preside at the meeting. Mothers Club Will Meet. Mrs. Stanley V. Hodge has called a meeting of the newly formed Mothers club of Ascension parish Wednesday at 2 p.m. in the parish hall. Rev. William E. Driscoll is to speak on "Juvenile Court Work." Mrs. Hodge is president of the club.