* Source: Janet(12) O'Hara Richardson research (Donald(11) O'Hara,
* Martha(10) McMillan, Maryett(9) Rowley, Peter(8), Timothy(7),
* Timothy(6), Moses(5,4,3,2), Henry(1))
* Transcribed on 13 April 1997 by Mike Borchardt
* Note: Items in brackets -- [ ] -- are added by me.
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Timothy Rowley(6) (Moses (5), Moses(4), Moses(3), Moses(2), Henry(1))
1737- baptised[sic]- East Haddam, Conn.- First Church
1744- Kent, Conn.
1746-'48 - Oblong, New York
1748-'51- Kent, Conn.
1761 - 3 December - married in East Haddam, Conn. to Bethiah Crocker, daughter of Ebenezer (4) Crocker (Samuel(3), Job(2), William(1)), formerly of Barnstable, Mass. First Church Records. He was listed as being from the Oblong, N.Y.
1761 - listed as "Early Settler of Richmond, Mass."- according to "First History of Berkshire County" along with Aaron Rowley and Daniel Rowley.
1770- as citizen of Richmond, Mass., he and wife, Bethiah, sold land inherited from her father, Ebenezer Crocker, in East Haddam, Conn.
1779- lived on Rensselaerwyck Manor Lands
1780's - Rensselaerwyck - near Timothy Rowley, Jr. who was sharing lot with his brother, David, next to land surveyed for Capt. Reuben Rowley- Van Rensselaer Records. David and Reuben brothers of Timothy, Sr.
1790- New York Census - Timothy Rowley-Albany Co. - Stephentown- also Timothy Rowley, Jr., David and Reuben Rowley.
1800- not listed on census- presumed dead. Timothy, Jr-Stephentown- now Rensselaer County - living in that part of Stephentown which became Nassau in 1806. Peter Rowley born in Nassau in 1795.
Timothy Rowley, Jr.
Eldridge Rowley
Samuel (probably) - listed as living on land formerly leased to Timothy Rowley
[From:] Van Rensselaer Ledgers
Reuben Rowley - Ledger A 894-195
Seth Rowley [- Ledger] A 210
Timothy Rowley [- Ledger] A 123-246
David Rowley [-] Ledger B 277-242
Timothy Rowley [- Ledger B?) 246- Between 1801-1802 Samuel W. Rowley
owns part formerly owned by Timothy
277-David and S. W. Rowley have farm originally leased to Timothy Rowley
Dec. 9, 1781 ('89)
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Timothy(7) Rowley (Timothy(6), Moses (5), Moses(4), Moses(3), Moses(2), Henry(1))
Probably born in Richmond, Mass. -1760's - as Timothy Rowley, Sr. is listed there as "Early Settler" in 1761, and again there in 1770 when he and wife Bethiah (Crocker) were selling land in East Haddam, Conn. she had inherited from her father, Ebenezer(4) Crocker (Samuel(3), Job(2), William(1)). His mother, Bethiah Crocker was probably born in Barnstable, Mass. as the Crocker Family moved to East Haddam, Conn. in 1749. Bethiah's mother was Ann Eldridge.
1780's - Timothy (7) Rowley, Jr. and David Rowley (brother of Timothy, Sr.) live side by side, Timothy, Sr. a few houses away. They hold lease to land bounded by land surveyed for Capt. Reuben Rowley (another brother of Timothy, Sr.- 1789 - Van Rensselaer Ledgers-
1790 New York Census- Timothy Rowley, Jr. Albany Co.- Stephentown (1M 16[up arrow]2F) along with Timothy Rowley, Sr., Reuben and David Rowley
1794 - son Alvah(8) Rowley born
1795 - son Peter(8) Rowley born - in that part of Stephentown that became Nassau in 1806- received its name in 1808. (Peter's place of birth listed in Civil War Service Record - National Archives.)
1800 - New York Census - Timothy Rowley, Jr. Stephentown - now Rensselaer Co. (set off in 1791 from Albany Co.). 2M under 10, 1M 26-45 1F under 10, 1F 10-16, 1 F 26-45. 2 Davids, Reuben and Samuel also
1810 - New York Census - Oneida Co - T. Rowley (Oswego set off in 1816) 1 M under 16, 2 M 16-26 F. not listed in that census.
1811 - Timothy Rowley - land indentures - Oswego- Williamstown- 138A lot 165 (From notes of Historian of Volney, N.Y. - Byron Rowlee)
1812 - land transfer- Book 22 p. 481 - Timothy Rowley - land from Henry Franklin Robinson & Co. - 138 A Williamstown - 22 Sept., 1812 (from Helen Rowley Munson - Clinton, N.Y.)
1813 - sons Alvah and Peter Rowley entered War of 1812 from Williamstown stationed at Sackett's Harbor. Peter guarded the harbor and was a drummer.
1820 - New York Census - Timothy "Cowley" - misspelling of Rowley. Peter Rowley and Alvah Rowley listed - Williamstown, Oswego Co.
1823 - 14 July - Timothy Rowley and Lucy, his wife sell 16A lot 165
1824 - 27 May -Timothy Rowley and Lucy 1A lot 165 - 500
1830 - New York Census - Timothy Rowley - Williamstown, Oswego Co. (Alvah in Harbor Creek, Erie Co., Pa. and Peter in Ohio- Medina Co.)
1844 Lucy - 1/2A 150
1848- 10 August, Lucy Rowley of Williamstown 36A - 500
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"I think you are right about Timothy Rowley going from Stephentown to Oneida County." - Frances Broderick - Genealogist - Rensselaer Co. 1979
From "History of Putnam County"- Originally Putnam was a part of Dutchess Co. and the Oblong area in that county. In 1812 Putnam was set off from the southern part of Dutchess Co. and thus the Oblong became a part of Putnam Co. It is not certain whether all of the Oblong is in the present Putnam Co. or not, but certainly part of it would be. The Oblong area is said to contain 60,000 acres of land. Many of the early settlers came from Conn. It was laid off in 500 Acre lots and sold to immigrants, who received a guarantee of title from the state. It was the security of title which caused these lots to be eagerly sought.
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