The GOOD NEWSletter

 Letters To The Editor

Rebecca answers a Baptist preacher offended over the different versions.

10 questions concerning prayers to saints and angels the different versions.

Bible versions are discussed

"Mary, Mary, On The Wall Who's The Fairest One Of All?"

A 49 year old man finally reads the word after pope accepts evolution theory

Julie Swenson, who gave her testimony on how she became Catholic in the book, Surprised By Truth demands to be taken off of mailing!

Former Catholic comments on newsletter

Luthern wants to know if the apparitions of Mary are geniune

One reader buys Catholic book called Call of the Ages and is shocked

One reader sends FCFC tracts to Phillipines

Two readers ask about Christmas

Purgatory tract leaves one man wounded

Without truth, there can be no unity

A reader complains that FCFC should not have used an old saying in their newsletter

Catholic man argues with Rebecca

Debbie answers a Catholic man who feels that a man is free when he submits to Rome

Catholic writes in infuriated with the poem "A Roman Miracle"

Former Catholic rebukes Robert Sungenis (Catholics Apologists International)


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