B. Anstey
The Bible speaks of "the things that accompany salvation." (Hebrews 6:9). This tells us that there should be certain things evident in the life of the believer that would indicate that he is truly a Christian for Scripture says that "by their fruits ye shall know them."


A thing that accompanies salvation is love. There should be the evidence of love in the life of the believer for the Bible says, "We love, because He first loved us" (1 Jn. 4:19). Christian love goes out in three directions; toward the Lord, toward the family of God, and toward those in the world who do not know God. We cannot see into a person's heart to know whether he or she truly loves the Lord Jesus, but the Bible tells us that there are certain evidences in a person's life that will be obvious that they love the Lord.

Evidences of Love for Christ in the Life of the Believer

  1. A Desire To Want More of Christ (Song of Solomon 1:3,7-8, 3:1-5)
    The heart that loves the Lord Jesus and has tasted that He is good (Ps.34:8, 1 Pet. 2:3) wants more of Christ. The Lord Jesus is precious to the believer (1 Pet. 2:7). He has a desire to seek after Christ and learn more about Him. If a Christian has no interest in learning more about Christ, his eternal Lover, there is something seriously wrong with that person's state of soul. The more the believer seeks after Christ, the more Christ will satisfy their longing desires by teaching them more of Himself (Ps. 107:9, Deut. 33:23).
  2. An Obedience To Christ.
    The Lord Jesus said, "If ye love me, keep my commandments." (Jn. 14:15, 1 Jn. 5:3) Many people say they love the Lord Jesus, but when their profession is put to this test, you wonder whether it's true. A person who truly loves Christ has a deep desire to "keep His commandments." His commandments are not the Mosiac 10 commandments given to Israel, but the teachings of the Lord given in the four gospels. When the Lord makes His will known to one who loves Him, it has the power of a command. The Christian may fail in practising all that Christ taught, but because He loves Christ He will seek to please Him by keeping His commandments. Compare Jn. 14:21.
  3. A Love For The Brethren (1 Jn. 3:14-15, 4:20-21, 5:1)
    When there is love for Christ there will be love for the brethren. A Christian who loves His brethren will want to be with them. A person who says he or she loves Christ, but has no interest in being together with other Christians (a so-called "Closet Christian") for fellowship and edification misses a great deal. God has never intended that the Christian should walk alone through the world. From the very beginning, He provided a "fellowship" for the saints that they might be encouraged and built up in the faith (Acts 2:42). As long as we are in this world that is opposed to God, we need Christian fellowship (Ps. 119:63).

    Admittedly, it is difficult to get on with some brethren because of their fleshly ways, as the poet said,

         To dwell with saints above, that will be glory,
         To dwell with saints below, that's another story.

    Nevertheless, the Christian who seeks to keep with the "footsteps of the flock" (Song of Sol. 1:8) will generally be preserved from the world and receive edification. When there is "love for the brethren" it will evidence itself in a willingness to give to those in need (2 Cor. 8:8-15, 24). It is another way to show our gratitude to Him who loves us and gave Himself for us (Gal. 2:20).
  4. A Desire To Serve Christ (Jn. 21:15-19)
    The person that loves Christ wants to serve Christ. The Lord said to Peter that if He truly loved Him he would shepherd His sheep. The Lord has a work for each one of us to do and we need to pray as Saul of Tarsus prayed, "Lord, what will thou have me to do?" If we feel the Lord is directing us into some service for Himself, we need not worry whether we will have the strength for it, because He will not send us to a work without giving us what is needed to fulfil it.
  5. A Rejoicing Happy Spirit (Jn. 14:28, Ps. 5:11)
    When a person truly loves Christ and lives to please Him, it shows on his face. There is usually something about a Christian that will show that He loves Christ.