The Father's Love

Well may the Spirit of God invite us to behold that "manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God"! Those words give us a glimpse of the exhaustless stores of fathomless abyss of our Father's love to us!

Paul, the Apostle of glory and of the Church, in addressing the Church, and in a special way in his apostolic greeting to the Church at Ephesus wrote: Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. Bessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 1:2-3)

Of what love does that wonderful heavenly greeting remind us? That same love of the Father, which rests on Christ, rests upon us, for we are "accepted in the beloved." and how does the Father look at the face of His Anointed? With the supreme delight of a Father and God. That same perfect, eternal love rests upon us, poor and feeble thuogh we be. We are accepted in the beloved, and "as He is [accepted and beloved in heaven], so are we in this world" -- a world of enmity, hatred, and opposition against everything that is of God and belongs to God, and which persecutes all who "will live godly in Christ Jesus."

We have the assurance that the same Father's love that rested upon His own Son, when He as the perfect Man walked this earth, rests upon us. He was opposed at every step of His life and was lifted up from the earth and nailed to the cross. What a comfort rests upon us while we, like Him, pass through a cruel and subtle enemy's country towards our final rest and glory with Him; what comfort to know that the love that rested upon Christ in His life here rests now upon us.

J. von Poseck