Eating and Enjoying Manna
"Our hearts must be weaned from everything in this present evil world --
from all that would address itself to us as natural men -- as men alive in
the flesh. A worldly heart -- a carnal mind, would neither find Christ in
the Word, nor enjoy Him if found. The manna was so pure and delicate that it
could not bear contact with earth. It fell upon the dew (see Num. 11:9), and
had to be gathered ere the sun was up. Each one, therefore, had to rise
early and seek his daily portion. So it is with the people of God now. The
heavenly Manna must be gathered fresh every morning. Yesterday's Manna will
not do for today, nor today's for tomorrow. We must feed upon Christ every
day, with fresh energy of the Spirit, else we shall cease to grow. Moreover,
we must make Christ our primary object. We must seek Him, "early," before
"other things" have had time to take possession of our poor susceptible
hearts. Many of us, alas! fail in this. We give Christ a secondary place,
and the consequence is, we are left feeble and barren. The enemy, ever
watchful, takes advantage of our excessive spiritual indolence to rob us of
the blessedness and strength which flow from feeding upon Christ. The new
life in the believer can only be nourished and sustained by Christ.
"As the living Father hath sent Me, and I live by the Father; so he that
eateth Me, even he shall live by Me" (John 6:57).
From Notes on the Book of Exodus by C.H.M.