Principles of feeding sheep

(by a city slicker)

Shepherding has never been an occupation I have had, nor have I ever owned sheep, however, observations and conversations with others have made me realize the traits of a good shepherd.

One of the last commands that Jesus gave to Peter, while on earth, was to "feed My sheep" (John 21:16&17). Even those who do not have aspirations or qualifications to be an elder, can, in principle, also feed His sheep. Although 1 Peter 5:2 specifically exhorts elders to the task of feeding the flock, Scripture tells us all to speak only things which are good for edifying, and which minister grace to the hearers. It is in this spirit that the traits of a good shepherd can instruct us.

Consider these "natural" things in light of 1 Peter 5:2, "Feed the flock of God..."