Similarly, the word "cleave" is very forceful. The connotation of the word indicates being stuck to like with glue. It means to cling to, stay or keep close, stick to. Men, adhere yourselves to your wife. Regardless of what happens, stay close to your wife. She needs it and you have been commanded to do it. No matter how she may fail, or how often it may happen, you are to stay with her. One may ask about the "Biblical allowance for divorce." That will be taken up later.
What a precious picture we have here, in Genesis 2:24, of the faithfulness of the Lord Jesus to His bride, the Church. He has promised that He will never leave us nor forsake us (Heb. 13:5). Husbands, as we will see in Ephesians, you are to pattern your role as husband after Christ’s relationship with the Church.
See related verses.