Without having Jesus as our Lord, we are as the "impotent man." Rom. 5:6 says "For when we were yet without strength..." All of humanity is without strength to save themselves. We were no different. All are in need of someone of power to assist us if we are to be healed; that is, to be healed of our eternally lost condition.
We, as unbelievers, also had no "man" to act on our behalf, as it were, in this earthly realm. No priest, pastor, guru, or any other, could intercede for us and merit our salvation. What earthly man is good enough that we could count on him to help us? Romans 3 tells us that there is "none righteous, no not one!"
But, when we enter, by faith, into the "house of mercy," (Bethesda) Jesus is there ready to give us the healing we need. For prior to that, we are afflicted with an eternal infirmity and are in need of a healing of our spirit. This man said he had no one to help him into the water, but Jesus was the one who created him and also the one who sent the angel at the season. Jesus could make him whole, because Jesus made him. Jesus was the only one who could make him complete. Possibly the angel could stir the waters and the man, if he made it into the pool, which was his hope, could be healed in his body. Yet, the Man speaking to him could heal his entire being, body and soul. If we enter by faith, into the "house of mercy," he shall make us whole too.
We have a "man" to undertake for us and lift us up, "the man Christ Jesus." (1 Tim. 2:5)