Time is Short

A young man came to a Christian, an old professor in a college. He asked the teacher: "How long before death should one prepare for eternity?" The professor's answer was: "A few minutes." The youth, glad of this reply, determined to have his fling, sow his wild oats, and "see life" in all its aspects. Then, a few moments before death should close his selfish eyes, he would ask God to have mercy upon him!

"But," asked the professor, "when are you going to die?"

The youth replied: "I cannot tell."

"Then," said the dear old man, "GET READY NOW, for you may have only a few moments to live."

I have traveled widely over this country and have yet to meet a man who wishes to go to the lake of fire, there to endure the "eternal judgment" of God All have hoped to be saved some day, and to escape that awful doom.

Many persons would like to be saved, but they say they are waiting God's time. Surely God knows the best and proper time for a man to be saved. He says it is NOW.

There is no promise in God's Word that a man shall be saved next week, or next month, or next year, or when he comes to his deathbed, or at the eleventh hour, as some people foolishly and unscripturally say.

God's pledge is that he will save a man when he believes on the Lord Jesus Christ; not when he says he believes, but when he does believe. His word in Acts 16:31 is: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved."

"THE TIME IS SHORT." Eternity is near. The dark clouds of judgment are gathering and are about to burst in all their crushing, grinding power upon a Christless, guilty world. But ere this takes place the voice of God rings out: "Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.

Isaiah 1:18 is unequalled in Scripture for tender graciousness. "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool."

God's word is "COME," and He tells you when to come: "NOW." He concludes this magnificent verse with the promise of cleansing you from all your sins.

Another strikingly earnest verse is Job 22:21. "Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee." Again the word NOW confronts us. It tells us that THIS IS THE MOMENT to make the acquaintance of God by Christ Jesus -- to be at peace with God through Christ. He has made peace for us with His precious blood; and only by its cleansing power can good be our portion in Christ Jesus.

The invitation of Jesus is: "Come; for all things are NOW ready." Luke 14:17. There is nothing left for the poor, helpless sinner to do in the matter of the soul's salvation but to believe. Christ did on the cross all that the glory of God required to be done; and then He said: "It is finished." He is in that glory today as proof that it is finished, and that God is satisfied. NOW He can make known to you by the Holy Ghost through the Scriptures His present salvation for all lost sinners.

The devil tempts you to put off the salvation of your soul until tomorrow. Tomorrow is too late! Tomorrow is death, the grave, the lake of fire, the eternal wail of a damned soul. God would not say "NOW" so frequently in His Word if He did not mean it, or if there were not awful danger in delaying, or if tomorrow would do. It may be now or never for you. God grant tht it may be NOW.

The tract, "Time is Short." Available from Bible Truth Publishers, P.O. Box 649, 59 Industrial Rd., Addison, IL, 60101.