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Pooh & Friends Colouring Logo


Welcome to the Pooh & Friends Colouring Page! Do you like to colour? Well Pooh sure does, so he made this page just for you! There are lots of pictures of Pooh and his Friends for you to 'colour-up,' so print off as many as you like and let's get started! Just click on the blue-outlined image that you want to print, and it will take you to the right picture...use your browser's 'back' button to come back for more :)  If you don't have a printer, or would like to try colouring right here on line, visit Christopher's Online Java Colouring Book.

Pooh Chasing a Butterfly!Just Pooh Logo

Pooh1Coloringsm.gif (1770 bytes) Pooh2Coloringsm.gif (1400 bytes)
Pooh3Coloringsm.gif (1275 bytes) Pooh4Coloringsm.gif (1558 bytes)
Pooh5Coloringsm.gif (1328 bytes) redpallettebutton.gif (1186 bytes)Pooh6Coloringsm.gif (2035 bytes)

Tigger loving a butterfly!Colourin' is what Tigger's do best!

Tigger1Coloringsm.gif (2415 bytes) Tigger2Coloringsm.gif (2547 bytes)
Tigger3Coloringsm.gif (2536 bytes) redpallettebutton.gif (1186 bytes)Tigger4Coloringsm.gif (2426 bytes)
paintcanicon.gif (387 bytes)Tigger5Coloringsm.gif (2080 bytes) PoohTigg1Coloringsm.gif (2648 bytes)

Come back here you feisty butterfly!PPPiglets Button

Piglet1Coloringsm.gif (1624 bytes) Piglet2Coloringsm.gif (1593 bytes)
PoohGroup1Coloringsm.gif (3295 bytes)

EeyoreEeyore Colouring Logo

Eeyore1Coloringsm.gif (1899 bytes) Eeyore2Coloringsm.gif (2267 bytes)

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Copyright ©1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 Stacey Milne.  All Disney characters are ©Disney.  No reproduction of this page may be made without the express prior written consent of the webmistress.  NO images may be taken from this site either without the prior express written consent of the webmistress.