Burgess Family Tree
Been here before:
If you have never searched before please read the information below
This page is a preliminary attempt at consolidating several branches of
the family from different researchers. This is intended --ONLY-- as a starting point and
is not to be relied on at this time. Hopefully, as each of us works through our own lines
we will provide the source documentation for each entry and eventually we will have a
fully documented Family Tree.
This may not be the neatest or best way but hopefully it will be a
start. This was the only I could think to get this information together. It was this
way---or not at all!!! I didn't like the "not at all" option.
I want to STRESS that this is NOT ALL MY WORK. This information came
from numerous sources---bits and pieces here and there, emails to me, to somebody totally
separate who then forwarded it to me. I lost track long ago. It didn't really seem to
matter since it is not verified anyway....or at least, I don't have the sources for all of
it. I just don't want anyone to think I "stole" your work and am claiming it as
my own....those of you who know me, know full well that I haven't worked THAT hard on this
stuff ! Or anything else, for that matter !