Adam Davis - 10/06/97 17:30:54
My Email:adavis@truman.edu
My gggrandfather was Dr. Robert A. Burgess, 9-17-1842 to 1-15-1910; born in MA to Robert
Burgessand Janet Methven or Methuen (she was born June 4, 1800). Dr. Burgess lived in St.
Louis at least from 1870 on, and was married to Margaret Harvey. They had so s William and
Harry, about whom I know nothing. Any links?
Clifford Thomas Burgess, Jr. - 09/21/97 11:06:38
My Email:ctbjr1@ix.netcom.com
My father was born in Watertown, MA in 1899. His father's name was Gleve, but I know
little of the family history before that except that my grandmother's name was Harriet and
she had relatives in the Canton area. Gleve and Harriet had five children in th following
order: Harriet, Gleve Jr., Clifford, Frances, and Paul. All of them moved away from New
England, though Paul returned to Orange Conn. where he died in the early 1970's.