Personal Stories
Cow Buzz
In late 1990, early 1991, we built our home. During this time, I was pregnant with my son, Jon (in whose memory this website is dedicated). My son, Will, was two at the time. We live in rural Alabama on a farm. Needless to say, you have to be careful where you walk on a farm with a pasture full of cows! My father-in-law coined the term "cow buzz" to delicately label that which cows leave behind! We did not have our yard fenced off at the time, in order to make it easier to load and unload building supplies. We gave Will specific instructions to stay out of the cow buzz. My husband and I had stepped inside the house for about thirty seconds when we heard, "Mommy! Mommy!" We rushed outside (or, should I say "waddled") to see what was wrong. There stood my beautiful Will covered head to toe in cow buzz. My husband took one look at him, turned and walked back to the house, saying, "He's your son!" As I looked at that dirty, stinking mess that was my son, I realized what an object lesson this was. No matter how dirty you and I become with the cow buzz called sin, God still loves us. Just as I cleaned Will up because he was dirty and I loved him, so God through Christ is willing to clean us up too! I will always be thankful to Will for teaching Mommy something about how much God loves me!
Short Stories
Bible Commentaries
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