Recorded at Lincolnton, Lincoln County, North Carolina, USA in 1794.
In the name of God, Amen. I, Adam Bolch of Lincoln County in the State of North Carolina,Shoemaker, being very sick and weak in body but a perfect mind and memory, THANKS BE TO GOD, calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last will and testament, that is to day principally and first of all, I give and recommend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it and my body I recommend to the earth to be buried at the direction of my Executors, hereinafter named, nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive same again by the mighty Power of God. And touching such worldly estate wherewith it has pleasedGod to bless me in this life, I give, devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form.
First I give and bequeath unto Christina my dearly beloved wife, my dwelling house I now live in to be freely enjoyed by her during the time of her life, and at the expiration of her natural life the same shall be deemed The Real Property of my son Gottfried, and also my garden to be freely possessed and enjoyed by her, to her only proper use during the time of her natural life and after her death to be the absolute property of my son Gottfried. I also give her the following effects to be and remain her absolute property forever, to wit: my feather bed, and bed-stead and furniture; one iron cot, one Sermon book, one Hymn book, one frying pan, one milk cow and all the cash I have with me, besides one third of all my movables. I give to her my linen chest, and all the linens and other goods therein, to tedious mentioned, to be her absolute property forever; and whereas all my children are in possession of land which I have provided for them, and my Son Jasper hath received from me all the purchase money for same my absolute will is that each of my children shall be liable to pay yearly on the first day of October, every year unto said wife two bushels ofauthentic good and lawful well cleaned wheat; one quarter of a hundred pounds good meat, half pork and half beef; three pounds of well cleaned picketed flax, and in total they shall find and provide for her every year one pair of good shoes.
The oldest shall do it first, then the next shall find and provide for the said shoes and the following year and so on in order to the youngest, then if death not happens, to begin in the same order with the eldest as aforesaid, and to prevent confusion or errors that might happen in the whole I say all and every articles above mentioned to be paid unto my dearly beloved wife on the first day of October every year after my decease, expressly by each and every one of my children. I see just cause to name them all in particular. (1) Jacob my son, 2, Sebastian my son, 3, Adam my son, 4, Jasper my son, 5, Godfrey my sone, 6, Christina my daughter, 7, Elizabeth my daughter.
And whereas they altogether hold land as aforesaid my absolute will is that each of them shall be liable to pay said described articles per annum on the limited time, and in case that any of my children should happen to die before my wife, that in this case their heirs or heirs of them or any of them whoever shall hold land or lands of the deceased shall be liable to the aforesaid duties, for the maintenance of my wife during the time of her natural life but any longer; and my son Godfrey shall provide food and all necessities for her milk cow aforementioned likewise for an ewe which I do give hereby; and in case I should happen to die in a short or a long time my will is that my sons shall divide my apparel and clothes among them in equal portions, and after the death of my wife my daughters shall divide her apparels and clothes amongst them in said order as in said of mysons. And whereas I have declared that my son Godfrey shall keep the said milk cow and ewe to the only use of my wife at his own proper cost and that in recompense of which I bequeath hereby and in virtue of this, my folio Bible, printed in Nurenberg, unto him, the said Godfrey hereby forewarning all the rest of my children, their heirs, executors or administrators, from all claims of the same by any lawful pretense whatsoever.
I give and bequeath unto my son Jacob the sum of twenty shillings to be paid out of my money by my executors, besides purchase money I have given him before to pay for his land and this shall be his portion which he hath already received before.
I give and bequeath unto my son Sebastian, all that portion or parcel of land lying and situate on the Western or Northern side of Lyle's creek, adjoin the land of George Adam Schmitt and on other track of my own land, being part of a large tract that I bought of Henry Schmitt by virtue of Royal Grant (Patent) bearing date of Twenty First of July 1774 as the said patent will more fully and clearly appear, to have and to hold the said tract on said creek, which shall set a limit between him and his brother Jasper (Casper) unto my son Sebastian Bolch his heirs, executors, and assigns forever; and further,
I give and bequeath unto my sone Jasper all the remainder of the said described tract I bought of the aforesaid Henry Schmitt that is situated in the Eastern or South side of said Lyle's creek which shall set limits between him and his brother, Sebastian, adjoiningPhilip Adam and Philip Giger, to have and to hold the said tract being part of the aforesaid larger tract unto the said Jasper Bolch and his heirs, executors and assigns forever.
Also I give unto my son Adam all that tract of piece or parcel of land situate on the Eastern side of a division line laid off by Joseph Rankin in a line of a larger tract at the North of a branch on Macklings Creek running North 15 West to a post oak then 10 corner from beginning in the lines of the said larger tract of the plantation I live on, to have and to hold the said described tract, piece or parcel of land being part of a larger tract granted to me by virtue of a states grant bearing the date of 20th day of October 1782. Where the limits will be more fully and largely appear unto the said Adam Bolch his heirs, executors and assigns forever; and further I give also unto my son Godfrey, the remainder of the said tract bound by the line aforesaid described which shall set limits between him and his brother Adam, and is situate on the Western side of said Rankin line, to have and to hold the said land as part of the larger tract unto the said Godfrey Bolch, his heirs,executors and assigns (except that before excepted for the dowry) forever.
Further I give unto my daughter Christina the lawful wife of Fredrick Trefflested one hundred sixty acres of land adjoining the land of Sebastian being part of the larger tract granted me by virtue of states grant bearing the date September 20th, 1770, situate on both sides of Eke Creek to be divided by a line beginning across the said creek in the middle of the whole tract, setting limits between her and her sister, dividing the whole tract into divisions and parallel parts.
I give unto my daughter Elizabeth the other half or remaining 160 acres of the aforesaid tract, being the upper or Western part thereof adjoining the land of Jacob Mitchell, to have and to hold the same premises unto the said Christina and Elizabeth, their lawful heirs, executors and assigns forever, and finally, and all the remainder of my effects not willed herein, my will is it shall be divided among all my children in equal proportion without regard to sex or age, but selling thereof to strangers either by private or public sale I do hereby prohibit.
P.S. I give my iron pot, called a dutch oven, two pewter basins, one half dozen of ditto (probably pewter) spoons, unto my wife to use during life, but after her death to be considered part of my movables to be divided among my children in manner and form above directed.
Lastly, I do hereby constitute, appoint and ordain Godfrey Bolch my well loved sone to be my whole and sole executor of this my last will and testament and do hereby do utterly disallow, revoke and disannounce all and every other former testaments, wills, legacies, bequeaths and executors by me in ways before willed and bequeathed, ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament, in witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this thirteenth day of January in the year of our Lord, on thousand seven hundred and ninety four.
(Signed) Adam Bolch
Signed, sealed and published, pronounced and declared by the said Adam Bolch as his last will and testament in the presence of us who in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names.
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Conrad (X) Maugro Jacob (X) Diehl
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Andrew Cloninger (or Bollinger)
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