In the name of God, I Sebastian Bolch, of Lincoln County in the State of North Carolina, being advanced in years, and of sound mind and memory (thanks be unto God for the same) and knowing that it is appointed for all men, once to die, I do make and ordain this my last will and testament, in the manner, and form following. That is first and principally, I do give and bequeath my Soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it unto me, and my Body I commit unto the Earth from which it was taken, to be buried with decent Christian Burial, at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named. And as to what worldly Property it has pleased God to bless me with in this life, I do give and dispose of the same as follows. Which is that it is my will and desire that my loving wife Margaret shall retain and keep in her possession, all that I may be possessed of at my death (my debts and funeral expenses being first paid) during her natural life. My youngest daughter Susanna excepted, unto whom I give and bequeath, one goose feather bed and bedding, two cows, half a dozen pewter plates, one dozen knives and forks, half a dozen tin cups ds. spoons, two Micling signed pewter basons, and one pewter dish, an iron pot, and frying pan, to be paid and delivered unto her when she comes of age or marries, which first happens. I give and bequeath unto my two sons, Micheal Bollich and John Bolch the land I am possessed of at my decease, the rights for which are deposited in their mother's hands, and are to be delivered unto them after their mother's decease, or before if she sees it proper and safe so to do. I give and bequeath unto my daughters Christina Barger, Margaret Bauman and Elizabeth Bauman, over and above what they have already received in my lifetime, their shares as shall be hereafter mentioned. And it is my earnest Will and Desire, that after my decease, that all (except the land, and what is above bequeathed unto my daughter Susanna) the Property by her left, shall be sold, and equal provision thereof made amongst all my children, Micheal Bolch, Christina Barger, Margaret Bauman, John Bolch, Elizabeth Bauman and Susanna Bolch. And I do hereby constitute and appoint, my dearly and well beloved wife Margaret Bolch, to be the sole Executor of this, my Last Will and Testament, hereby revoking, disannulling and making void all former Wills, Legacies or Bequests, by me made or borne, notifying and confirming this to be my only Last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal, this thirteenth day of February in the year of Our Lord ' one Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifteen, and Thirty Ninth of American Independence.
Signed, Sealed, Published, Pronounced and declared by the said Sebastian Bolch to be his Last Will and Testament in the presence of each and every of us: [Witnesses] Joseph Mehaffey Sr., Jurist, Joseph Mehaffey, Jr., ________ __________ & Margaret Bolick.
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