Love is the Answer

A response article to the issues that Dr. Peter Singer has opened has been forming for a while. The words did not come easy and now it is ready to share with you.

(Scene 1)
The soft breathing of the infant made it's chest go up and down in rythmic motion. The soft sound of the small heartbeat blended in with the mother's. The arms were draped around the sides of the woman, and the limp legs lay on the top of the mother in total trust. They are both asleep. As all new mothers know, sometimes it is necessary to sleep when the baby does. If the young child is fussy, many mothers lay the child's head on their chest and hope the sound of their heartbeat gives ease to the ill infant. The child does not fall, because the loving arms of the mother is securely wrapped around the child, even in her sleep. One movement made by the small infant, one wimper, or just a change in the breathing can trigger the instant wakening of the caregiver.
This scene does not change because the child has a disability. The child does not have to be a perfect baby to be loved so much. Physical and mental disabilities do not make the love less, or keep the mother from bonding with their child she carried for 9 months. It is their child and the way the child is born makes this a person, and not a lesser human being. Infantcide is a crime. The promotion and belief that infantcide is correct has not taken the bonding of mother and child in consideration. Killing a child is not the answer - love is.......

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