Here are some of our favorite links.
Nigel & Gambit's Pad: Home of the Cosmic Critters.
TARO'S World From Japan: A beautiful 6 year old Pomeranian
who lives in Japan
The Hot Dawgs: Lots of Dachshunds, 2 Labradors, and 2 outnumbered humans
The Bad Dog Chronicles: No humans allowed! (Without being accompanied by a dog!)Share your own "Bad Dog" stories
Kayee's Korner- Tanny Ray's Mommy's Page: Our good friend Tanny Ray shares the Korner with his
mommy, Kayee. Kayee's Korner is a heartwarming place for all. (Be sure to see Tanny Ray's newborn picture!)
The Beagle Home Page: Pictures and information about our
favorite hound, the Beagle
The Pomeranian Home Page: This site contains tons of information
about the Pomeranian. If you are interested in Poms, take the time to check it out
Dogs of Our Lives by Linda & Helmut Fleisch: Linda & Helmut's home must be
a dog's dream come true. Linda obviously can't resist a furry face!
The banner says it all. One very handsome and spoiled (like us!!) Stud Dog
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