Welcome to the OHS Class of '86 Guestbook.
Please sign in and feel free to read who else has been here.

April (Lawson) Appleton - 02/07/00 01:08:44
My Email:ssapple@flash.net
How did you find this page?: From Oscoda's Home Page

Although I moved away & didn't graduate with you all often wonder what happen to everyone. I would love to hear from some old friends, and hope everyone is doing Great!!! Loooking forwared to hearing from someone from home soon. Take Care, April

Tammy (Cunningham) Verran - 02/02/00 23:22:46
My Email:tverran@twave.net
How did you find this page?: www.oscoda.net

Wow, I sure wish more of my class mates of 1985 were in touch like everyone here. I will pass on the info about your site to Tammy (Knafla) DeSpain. She and I were best of friends then and will be best friends. Anyone who remembers me..Please feel free to mail me.. Would love to hear from you.

Steve Moiles - 11/19/99 22:53:10
My URL:http://www.siue.edu/~smoiles
My Email:smoiles@siue.edu
How did you find this page?: Searching for Oscoda memories

Great page! I'll confess, though, that I'm from the class of '85. Anyone out there from '85 who is thinking of a 15-year reunion? Sure hope so! I would have attended the 10-year except I was busy getting married that day (honest). I've been down in s uthern Illinois (St. Louis area) for nine years now and oh how I miss all those wonderful lakes and woods. But you can never go home again, can you? Best to everyone, especially anyone from the Class of '85.

11/13/99 16:16:21
Name: Free For Chat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Website de Nice. Agradecimentos para deixar-me assinar seu guestbook

Janet Fellows - 10/10/99 21:33:57
My URL:http://members.aol.com/jrmfel/creation.html
My Email:blank
How did you find this page?: Random surfing


I enjoyed my visit to your Home Page,best of luck. ~Janet~

Shelli (Lowe) Lundberg - 08/03/99 07:15:07
My Email:SLoweTX@aol.com

Hi ya'll! Just checking back in. I got married 3/99 and we're now expecting a son in late Oct. His name is Rowan. Monique and I have finally found each other again after many years! Thanks to this site! Keep up the good work! Take care...

Kat - 06/02/99 01:22:03
My URL:http://geocities.com/Heartland/Farm/6648
My Email:kat68@triton.net

Hey Everyone! I've started the updating process... I know - about time. I had to put the updates on a new address, so the new site address is: www.geocities.com/Heartland/Farm/6648 enjoy!

Kat - 06/02/99 01:21:36
My Email:kat68@triton.net

Hey Everyone! I've started the updating process... I know - about time. I had to put the updates on a new address, so the new site address is: www.geocities.com/Heartland/Farm/6648 enjoy!

Kat - 06/02/99 01:21:17
My Email:kat68@triton.net

Hey Everyone! I've started the updating process... I know - about time. I had to put the updates on a new address, so the new site address is: www.geocities.com/Heartland/Farm/6648 enjoy!

- 04/26/99 09:57:51
My Email:etta2@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: by an url

very nice and pleasent to receive

Jeff Lamrock - 04/24/99 03:38:41
My Email:Lamrock22@webtv.net
How did you find this page?: Been here b4

It's great to see people finding this site. I'm glad to see everyone is doing well. Jaque and I are expecting our third son in August! Hopefully they'll have a few more manners than ol dad did while growing up. haha! We're also planning on building a n w house this summer as it's getting pretty crowded in our current home. Take care everyone, Jeff

Jill & Jerry Moore - 04/18/99 17:37:18
My Email:jmoore@ismi.net
How did you find this page?: Kat and Jeff

Hi fellow classmates! It is great to hear how wonderful everyone is doing. We will be married ten years in June. We have two girls, Cayla and Paige. We have moved into the Brighton area and would love to hear from old friends!! Miss all the fun times with the class of 86!!!

Dan Rogan - 04/18/99 05:08:54
My Email:lightningdan@netscape.net
How did you find this page?: Jeff and Kat.

Well hello again folks, just touching base, havent signed or read since Christmas. Been doing great! Living out the dream I always had, getting into a good ol' classic rock band as lead guitarist, and staying pretty busy in addition to my regular job. y "day" I work in a quartz crystal manufacturing plant, not terrific pay, but with the band income it isn't bad at all. No one believed I'd get there, but we've done some pretty big venues for around here, some new year's gigs we've had about 1100 people there, all jumping around, what a rush. Well, take care of yourselves, --Dan

Cindy Wilson {Weaver} - 04/04/99 18:38:08
How did you find this page?: Browsing

Married for twelve and a half years. I have two children one boy seven years of age, a girl four years and one on the way. I am a dental assistant of eight years. Currently a stay home mama and loving every minute of it. The baby is due on october third. I have a wonderful supportive husband and I am very very happy. Lived in Guam, L.A., M.S., T.X. and S.C. . I currenlty live in Alpena.

Shelli Lowe - 02/01/99 01:41:19
My Email:SLoweTX@aol.com
How did you find this page?: through Oscoda.Net

I would love to hear from some of my former class mates, I actually went to 3 different high schools before it was all over! I'm still in Texas and plan to stay! Getting married in March 1999. Hope to hear from someone!!! Ta-ta! Shelli :)

Judi (Magadini) Coffield - 01/30/99 21:40:44
My Email:mjc@empire.net
How did you find this page?: Kellie Charron & Jeff Lamrock

Hey! I love this web site. Cathy is a genious! I'v been married 10 years this Feb. Time flies! Mike and I have a 1 1/2 year old daughter and are going for #2 soon. We just moved to New Hampshire 1 year ago and love it, but moved from West Palm Beach, F . where it's warm! Love to hear from ya, Judi

Judi (Magadini) Coffield - 01/30/99 21:16:37
My Email:mjc@empire.net
How did you find this page?: Kellie Charron & Jeff Lamrock

Hey! I love this web site. Cathy is a genious! I'v been married 10 years this Feb. Time flies! Mike and I have a 1 1/2 year old daughter and are going for #2 soon. We just moved to New Hampshire 1 year ago and love it, but moved from West Palm Beach, F . where it's warm! Love to hear from ya, Judi

Kathy Caron - 01/26/99 21:41:09
My Email:kat68@triton.net
How did you find this page?: I made it :)

Just checking in on who all has signed the guest book.... Anyone trying to email me, the address in the pages is wrong. The correct one is listed above this message. If you have emailed me using the one listed below each page, I never got it. Sorry for th confusion.... I'll change it on the web pages when I can. Thanks!

lindsey - 01/20/99 17:26:20
My Email:Linds_9009@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: looking for Pictures for Project


Amy Maurer - 01/10/99 15:57:59
My Email:aimmeister@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: Kellie Sweet (Charron)

Hello to all--as everyone else has stated, it's nice to see this web-page and all the people from various classes who have signed on!! I teach high school English, health, and communications at Mason County Central High School. I live in Ludington, Mich gan and it's nice over on the west side of the state. I remarried a great guy named Mike who is a teacher as well. I have two great boys--Brian (11) and Trevor (4). Hope to hear from some people. Please email me!!

Amy Maurer - 01/10/99 15:46:02
My Email:aimmeister@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: Kellie Sweet (Charron)


Kellie Charron- Sweet - 01/06/99 16:55:44
My Email:KSweet@erps.k12.mi.us
How did you find this page?: Saw Kathy at Kmart

Hi all, Kellie Charron here. Living in Lansing teaching Special ed. in Eaton Rapids MI. Love it!!! Just had 2 snow days in a row!! (Love it more!!!!) Married, have a 4 month old son. Things are good. Would love to hear from anyone. Take care now. B h bye

Dan Rogan - 12/21/98 06:30:06
My Email:lightningdan@netscape.com
How did you find this page?: Kat Caron&Jeff Lamrock-Thanks!

Always glad to hear people from our little school doing so well. I'm out here in Yankton Sd, freezing! Well, I'll be in Gobles/Kalamazoo visiting my family for Christmas this year, from the 23rd Dec(big birthday party I guess-My sis Debbie has something planned) till the 26th, I can get my email from there though. If anyone is close by they should look me up there! Will write more later, and I will answer anyones e-mail.

Jeff Lamrock - 12/21/98 03:12:26
My Email:jlamrock@i-star.com
How did you find this page?: been here before

Merry Christmas from the Lamrocks- Jeff, Jaque, Zach and Alex

Chris (Hussey) Stepherson '84 - 11/30/98 20:55:46
My Email:cstephm@aol.com
How did you find this page?: just surfing

My dad was stationed at Wurtsmith AFB. I attended a short time in 1982/83. Anyone remember me...get in touch

10/04/98 10:10:36
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Kris Heine - 09/16/98 22:50:04
My Email:Oscoda's Web Page

I'm from the class of '84 and looking for anyone who remembers me and would like to chat. I have 2 email address's at ktheine@aol.com and kheine@juno.com. The juno address is prefered. I am married with three children and working in Public Safety at a 11 center on the Eastside of Metro Atlanta (believe it or not). Hope to hear from someone soon.

Ian Paul Freely - 09/14/98 18:38:14
My Email:f u
How did you find this page?: Tarot Cards

fufufuufufufufufu What happens to your lap when you stand up?

Ron Owens & Pam Smith - 08/29/98 01:14:12
My Email:rowens@multifoods.com
How did you find this page?: Amy


Bruce MacElrath - 08/27/98 02:02:33
My URL:http://www.w3f.com/bruce
My Email:Bruce@w3f.com
How did you find this page?: Surfing

Kool Page! Come visit the Chronic Pain Web Ring! Where the Hell is Fort Mohave? Come find out......!

Lisa Storey - 07/20/98 23:26:09
My Email:storytime83@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: Oscoda's Web Page Guest book

Hello there.......i noticed your last name is Skiver now. Are you related to the Skiver's in the Tawas'......My older brother is a Skiver along with a cousin of mine....My maiden name is Whisenant.....Please let me know....thanks

Mike Walker - 07/16/98 14:24:24
My URL:http://www.oscoda.net
My Email:sales@i-star-computer.com
How did you find this page?: search engine

For up-to-date info on Oscoda check out our site www.oscoda.net the guestbook has a lot of entries from former oscodians and present Oscodians

Charlene Lopez-Smith - 07/01/98 21:15:37
My Email:c4m7s@aol.com
How did you find this page?: Excite search

Im one of the graduates from the Class of 1988 and I was just wondering if anyone remembers me? I came late in the school year around Oct-Nov, and I was about 5'8 and 150pds Long brown curly hair, you know the girl from California-I was on the varsity So tball team, and I went to the prom with Jim Cantrell we doubled with Shelly Fromholtz and Chris Coy-my buddies were Tena Vliet, Aimee Stewart and Tesdahl! Im miss ya'll so much u can contact me at C4m7s@aol.com if you'd like, or call 940 851 6998. Charl ne Lopez

Vincent G. Paige, Jr. - 06/04/98 20:03:11
My Email:vpaige@gtproducts.com
How did you find this page?: Tripped and fell looking for Oscoda.

I am not class of '86 (Class of '90), but I am looking to get in touch with the 'Oscoda Connection'. Class of '90, I am looking for you. Ram Paige

Brian Gregaitis - 04/03/98 15:19:46
My Email:GREGAITISB@prodigy.net
How did you find this page?: Tom Hulverson class '91

I didn't graduate in '86 but thought I would sign the book to let everyone know that the word is getting out! I'm out here in Grand Forks North Dakota, yes I was here for the flood. Anyway hello class 0f '86 and anyone from'91.

- 03/25/98 02:45:21


monique hurst - 03/14/98 07:43:09
My Email:monique-y@webtv.net
How did you find this page?: search of "oscoda"

To anyone who remembers me and wants to e-mail me, please do so. I haven't been back to Oscoda since 1988 (a long time ago!!!) I wish I was able to go to the class reunion, but I didn't get to make it. I live in Hawaii now with my husband and 3 children. Take care!! -- Monique '86 rules!(smile

Linda(Flowers)Roseberry - 02/25/98 18:55:28
My URL:/Heartland/Ranch/1798/
My Email:lindarose@geocities.com
How did you find this page?: Oscoda.net

Hey class of '86! How's everyone been? I've just returned from living over seas(Japan)for four years. I'm now living in Kansas. I have two great kids, ages 9 and 6. My husband is in the USAF. Hope you all will check out my web-site. I've got some really g eat family photo's as well as info. about Japan. Take care :-) Linda (Class of'86)

Jeff Lamrock - 01/29/98 01:05:46
My Email:jlamrock@voyager.net
How did you find this page?: I just knew

Hello fellow grads! Jaque' and I are new at surfin' and its fun so far. I'll e-mail when I get time. Talk at you later.

Amy - 01/04/98 16:58:03
How did you find this page?: search for Oscoda stuff

I go to OHS and its neat to meet someone else from there. I'm part of the class of 2000.

Dan Streuber - 12/10/97 04:38:17
My Email:dan.streuber@sun.com
How did you find this page?: surfing for "Oscoda"

Graduated in the class of 74, but have found nothing about them on the web. Great page; a great way to keep up with old classmates.

Wendy LaFond - 12/10/97 04:23:44
My Email:dream@tir.com
How did you find this page?: just looking

Great Site! Does the class of 88 have one? I have'nt been able to locate it.

Wendy LaFond - 12/10/97 04:19:47
My Email:dream@tir.com
How did you find this page?: just looking

Natalie still has herself a sugar daddy :) And she is still a great friend. "HI" Nat!

betty Adams - 12/10/97 03:01:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/1581
My Email:goofy54@pacbell.net
How did you find this page?: link

love teddy bears take mine on picknics all the time to play and play all day

Walter Poole III - 11/11/97 06:52:08
My Email:walter.poole@mci.com
How did you find this page?: A friend

Hey everyone! I was in the class of '86 but I moved at the end of my sophmore year to Kaiserslautern Germany. I was the Freshman and Sophmore class president. If you remember me shoot me an e-mail. -Walter Poole

Amy Biesterfeld (Reinecke) - 11/11/97 00:22:19
My Email:abiester@carleton.edu
How did you find this page?: from Kathy

Wow. Pretty neat! I've really enjoyed hearing what everyone has been up to. Thanks for creating this web page, Kathy!

Diane Spencer (Hyde) - 11/04/97 21:27:01
My Email:hotrod@cchono.com

This is my New email address.

Diane Spencer (Hyde) - 11/01/97 02:37:05
My Email:hotrod@lava.net
How did you find this page?: Surfing the Net

HI EVERYONE!!!! What a great idea. I was really happy to come across this. Feel free to send me an e-mail.

Rich Kutschman - 10/24/97 04:55:40
My Email:spartan91@msn.com


Cindi Cote - 10/18/97 03:26:57
My Email:bcthree@kvnet.org
How did you find this page?: Word of mouth

Great page!! One of a kind, haven't seen another one like it yet. Would love to hear from anyone who wants to e-mail or chat.

Wendy McDougall - 10/08/97 04:00:36
My Email:wsmcd@prodigy.net
How did you find this page?: word of mouth

Hi everybody! This is a great idea Kathy! Anyone who wants to keep in touch, feel free to mail me.

Martin - 09/21/97 05:08:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/6355
My Email:Mp165@aol.com
How did you find this page?: Smelled the Vodka

Kat....doing a great job :) Miss Ya Bunches :) See you next time I am up.

Jeff Lamrock - 08/08/97 01:29:53
My Email:none yet
How did you find this page?: Talked to editor

Looked good I'll get you some updates for the bios soon. See ya.

Jack Campbell - 07/25/97 01:39:47
My Email:redcross@penn.com
How did you find this page?: K Skiver' reply

You've got a really good thing going here and have done a terrific job with your page. Leave a message on the guestbooks at oscoda.net and i-star.com to come here and check this out!!! Thanks for the invite... Jack Campbell OHS Class of '71

Anissa Barcus - 07/13/97 21:15:11
My Email:holden@erinet.com
How did you find this page?: Word of Mouth


Kat - 07/11/97 22:14:33
My Email:kskiver@voyager.net
How did you find this page?: I made it :)

Decided to be the first person to sign the guest book. Hope you enjoy these pages. If you have ideas or suggestions about what you would like to see, just let me know. Thanks :)

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