God has solved it--Life's greatest problem,
The deepest, the strongest, the last;
And into the school of the angels
With the answer "Tiffany" has passed.
How strange that in spite of our questions,
That are only answered with pain,
We don't understand why she left us.
When she'd many laurels to gain.
How strange she should sleep so profoundly,
So young, so unworn by the strife!
While beside her, brimful of Hope's nectar,
Untouched stands the goblet of life.
Men slumber like that when the evening
Of life's weary day droppeth down,
Tiffany worked so hard for her laurels,
That she earned the rest, and a crown.
'Tis idle to talk of the future
And "what might have been," 'mid our tears;
God knew all about it, yet took her,
Away from the oncoming years.
God knew all about it - how noble,
How gentle she was, and how brave,
How brilliant her possible future-
Yet put her to sleep in the grave.
God knows all about those who loved her,
How bitter the trial must be;
And right through it all, God is loving,
And knows so much better than we.
So now, in the hour of darkness,
Trust in God to lessen our strife,
For He took earth's laurels from Tiffany
And crowned her with Eternal Life.
I am standing upon the sea shore. A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze and starts for the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength and I stand and watch her until at length, she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where the sea and sky come to mingle with each other.
Then someone says, "There! She is gone!" Gone where? Gone from my sight, that is all. She is just as large in mast and hull and spar as when she left my side, and she is just as able to bear her load of living weight to her destined port.
Her diminished size is in me, not in her. And just at the moment when someone at my side says, "There! She is gone!", there are other eyes watching her coming, and other voices ready to take up the glad shout, "There She comes!"
It broke our hearts to lose you,
But you did not go alone.
A part of us went with you,
The day God took you home.
A million times we'll miss you,
A million times we'll cry..
If love could have saved you,
You never would have died.
Now to your grave we travel
The flowers are placed with care.
No one knows the heart ache,
As we turn and leave you there.
No fare wells were spoken,
No time to say good-bye.
You were gone before we knew it,
And only God knows why.
If tears could build a stairway,
And heartaches make a lane,
We'd walk the path to Heaven,
And bring you back again
Don't think of her as gone away--
her journey's just begun.
life holds so many facets--
this earth is only one.
Just think of her as resting
from the sorrows and the tears
in a place of warmth and comfort
where there are no days and years.
Think how she must be wishing
that we could know, today,
how nothing but our sadness
can really pass away.
And think of her as living,
in the hearts of those she touched
for nothinig loved is ever lost--
and she was loved so much.
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