Our First Guest Book Page

Total: 37 guests
Name: Grace Morris
Website: 2nd Cowichan Pathfinders
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Duncan, B.C., Canada
Time: 1997-04-06 23:10:00
Comments: OK, so I was gullible! ;) I love your pages. Would you like to fix mine up? Just kidding! Enjoyed meeting you (Rabbit) on chat. Hope to talk to you again soon. Will definitely bookmark this page.

Name: Arnetta Jones
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Baltimore, Maryland
Time: 1997-04-01 10:12:00
Comments: Gail, The page is great. I have found some tremendous ideas I can use a as a troop leader and trainer in Central Maryland. Thanks for p putting so much work into it

Name: Sandra O'Keeffe
Website: CGI Diocese of Dublin
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Dublin, Ireland
Time: 1997-04-01 04:12:00
Comments: Enjoyed my visit. Very interesting pages, especially the games pages. I'll be back!!!

Name: Kimberly Masching
Website: Cadette Troop 3332
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Keller, Texas
Time: 1997-03-30 15:18:00
Comments: You have a GREAT page!!!! I enjoyed the music. -Kimberly

Name: Summer
Website: Don't have one yet!
Referred by: From LinkExchange
From: Minnesota
Time: 1997-03-30 14:48:00
Comments: Nice Page Girls!! I am a G.S myself! Keep up your good work!

Name: Corrine Jacobsen
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Whiteman AFB Mo
Time: 1997-03-29 01:54:00
Comments: Wow!!!! I really enjoyed everything that you offered on your homepage. Thanks for all of the info...

Name: Jessica Lewis
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Australia 1st Scoresby Girl Guides
Time: 1997-03-26 22:27:00
Comments: Hi there, how are you? I enjoy guiding very much and am hoping that your unit would like to become a penfriend. My address is Ms Jessica Lewis 4 Kiama Close Scoresby Victoria 3179 Austraia I am 12 years old. I do Tae Kwon Do for my sport and have reached the Blue Belt (2 Stripes) My father and brother both play Baseball and just won the Grand final.

Name: Lea Ann Christenson
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: San Jose, California
Time: 1997-03-24 16:14:00
Comments: Nice Web Site!!

Name: Ginny Bennett
Referred by: From LinkExchange
From: Whitefish, MT
Time: 1997-03-23 21:32:00
Comments: Great site. I'm recommending it to my scouting friends!

Name: Tammy Jarman
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Annapolis, Maryland
Time: 1997-03-23 14:58:00
Comments: Wow!! Great web page, lots of great information.

Name: Jan Gibson
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Aurora, Ontario, Canada (40 km North of Toronto)
Time: 1997-03-22 19:26:00
Comments: Great site!

Name: Janet Bartoswicz
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: New Hampshire
Time: 1997-03-21 18:37:00
Comments: Just wanted to say hello , I am the leader of Junior Troop 2013. From Effingham New Hampshire. We are part of the Swift Water Girl Scout Council . We presently have 10 girls ranging in ages from to 13 yrs old. Great home page you have here. Maybe some day we can do this also. I came across your e-mail address on the WAGGGS recently.

Name: Janet Bartoswicz
Referred by: From WWW.LPAGE.COM
From: New Hampshire
Time: 1997-03-21 18:35:00
Comments: Just wanted to say hello , I am the leader of Junior Troop 2013. From Effingham New Hampshire. We are part of the Swift Water Girl Scout Council . We presently have 10 girls ranging in ages from to 13 yrs old. Great home page you have here. Maybe some day we can do this also.

Name: Janet Bartoswicz
Referred by: From WWW.LPAGE.COM
From: New Hampshire
Time: 1997-03-21 18:33:00
Comments: Just wanted to say hello , I am the leader of Junior Troop 2013. From Effingham New Hampshire. We are part of the Swift Water Girl Scout Council . We presently have 10 girls ranging in ages from to 13 yrs old.

Name: BOB..and..Stilts
Website: Stilt's Homepage!
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Vancouver WA
Time: 1997-03-21 11:00:00
Comments: BOB~I don't know..very flowery...sure..it's cool STILTS~HI MOM!!! NICE PAGE MOM!!!! LUV YA MOM!!! BUH BYE NOW MOM!!!

Name: Barb Stomieroski
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Saratoga Springs NY Adirondack Council
Time: 1997-03-21 05:11:00
Comments: Very nice site! I will come back often.

Name: Sheryl Battin
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Polk City, Florida
Time: 1997-03-20 13:26:00
Comments: Wonderful pages, I'll pass them on.

Name: sallie Zeil
Website: Junior Troop 416
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Virginia Beach, VA
Time: 1997-03-20 09:48:00
Comments: Love the games! I'll be sure to try some of them our with my Junior troop. They LOVE to run around outside now that the weather is getting nice.

Name: Barb Hunter Mahan
Website: Service Unit 52-8, GSCNC
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Wash DC area
Time: 1997-03-20 08:37:00
Comments: Saw your post on WAGGGS-L. Love your homepage, especially since I grew up in McMinnville and I really miss my mountains and beaches back in the beautiful Northwest! Spent many happy years as a GS in nearby Santiam Council!!! Thanks for your good song and grace collections - we'll be using some of them! Barb

Name: Marilyn Robinson
Referred by: From LinkExchange
From: Petawawa Ontario
Time: 1997-03-18 20:34:00
Comments: Hi! I'm a Brownie leader and enjoy your homepage! Hope one of these days I can get my unit on the web!

Name: Monica From Troop 2201
Website: Brownie Troop 2201
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Oceanside, New York
Time: 1997-03-15 14:51:00
Comments: Hi! Thanks for visiting our webpage and inviting us back to yours. You girls have a great spot. Don't you love the girlscout webring? It's like a big circle of friendship. We are busy trying to plan our "big trip" with our cookie money. What activites is your troop doing?

Name: Sandra O'Keeffe
Website: CGI Diocese of Dublin
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Dublin, Ireland
Time: 1997-03-15 13:12:00
Comments: Thanks for visiting our page.We wish you all a very Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Name: Kim Noonan
Website: Junior GS Troop 807
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Austin Texas
Time: 1997-03-11 07:44:00
Comments: First thanks for visiting our web site and signing our guest book! My daughter and I have visited your sight before and really enjoyed it keep up the great work!

Name: Ann Hart & Cadette Troop 923 & Junior Troop 783
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Thousand Oaks, California
Time: 1997-03-06 10:04:00
Comments: We're working on a homepage, yours is great!

Name: Wendy Baker
Referred by: From WWW.LPAGE.COM
From: Campbellford, Ontario Canada
Time: 1997-03-01 05:52:00
Comments: Just dropped in to say I think your site is quite wonderful. Sharing information in such a widespread way was never envisioned by Baden Powell when he started this organization. My Sparks promise is to share and be a friend. I share every day on the net and have lots of new e-pals (friends).

Name: Barbara Greenwood
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: 10th Heswall Brownies, Merseyside, UK
Time: 1997-03-01 04:44:00
Comments: Found you from Guiding Newsgroup, as addition to Kristen's URL's. What fun I am having trying them all out!

Name: Joanna and Morwenna White
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Time: 1997-02-23 13:14:00
Comments: HAPPY THINKING DAY! from the 1st Northdowns Division Cadets. Cadets are age 15-19, we train for leadership, service and eat lots of food. We have 23 girls in our unit and counting.

Name: Debby Stowers
Website: Junior Girl Scout Troop 1200
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Rowlett, TX
Time: 1997-02-22 20:05:00
Comments: Love your St Patties' Day graphics. You have a fun and colorful sight.

Name: Gail Snowden
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Australia
Time: 1997-02-20 19:43:00
Comments: Great page, keep up the good work!! :)

Name: Ray
Website: R@cer's Pit
Referred by: From WWW.LPAGE.COM
From: Southeastern Kentucky, don't hold that against me!!!
Time: 1997-02-18 10:46:00
Comments: Hello, nice page!!!!!!!!!!

Name: Mick
Website: Mick's Home Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: New-Brunswick
Time: 1997-02-14 12:24:00
Comments: Nice page

Name: Matt Driggers
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Dad of Jenne in Troop 923
Time: 1997-01-31 13:34:00
Comments: Do you have a file of Girl Scout Logos of different sizes? (specifically about 6" tall)

Name: Rod Bidinger
Website: Cub Scout Pack 1111
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Hanover, Maryland
Time: 1997-01-22 04:41:00
Comments: Great little site! Read your note on SCOUTS-L and thought I would take a look see. Even though I'm not involved with Girl Scouts, I'm a scouter with the Cubs (26 years worth), there is no better program then what we are providing to our children. If you have a chance, stop by our home page and sign our guest book. Yours In Scouting, Rod Bidinger

Name: Juel A. Fitzgerald
Website: Cadette Troop 282
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Cleveland, Ohio
Time: 1997-01-21 15:09:00
Comments: Gail, I love all the new improvements!

Name: Eileen Kermode
Referred by: Word of Mouth
Time: 1997-01-21 13:25:00
Comments: I enjoyed you page . I am looking for ideas so that I can set up my page with more information. my phrase of the year is WAGGGS IS WONDERFUL Happy Scouting in 1997 Thanks for being there. Eileen

Name: Eileen Kermode
Referred by: Word of Mouth
Time: 1997-01-21 13:25:00
Comments: I enjoyed you page . I am looking for ideas so that I can set up my page with more information. my phrase of the year is WAGGGS IS WONDERFUL Happy Scouting in 1997 Thanks for being there. Eileen

Name: Janine Hinkley
Website: Girl Scout Troop#037, Waunakee, Wisconsin
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Waunakee, Wisconsin
Time: 1997-01-21 05:53:00
Comments: Great Start...keep up the great job! Come visit us soon!

Total: 37 guests