(Tune: When Irish eyes are smiling)
May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be at your back,
May good friends be there to greet you
And your table never lack.
May your life be filled with laughter,
And your heart be filled with song.
May God shine His light upon you,
As you live your whole life long.
(Tune:Oh dear what can the matter be.)
May God bless the girls at this meeting
May God bless the food we are eating
May God bless the ones who are leading
May God bless Girl Scouts everywhere.
(Tune: Down in the Valley)
Birds in their nest wait to be fed,
Some little children wait for their bread.
If parents can't feed them,
Lord, then who will?
I pray to heaven
You'll give them their fill.
May it be your will, Lord.
May it be your will.
Thank you for my gifts
May it be your will!
(Tune: Alluetta)
Merci Beaucoup Lord
God almighty.
Merci Beaucoup
Thank you very much.
Merci beaucoup
Merci beaucoup
Thanks to you
Thanks to you
oh, oh, oh
(Mountain Meadows is a resident camp in California)
We thank the Lord for the food we eat,
For camping fun and the friends we meet,
For the rushing streams and the calm cool breeze,
For lovely meadows and tall green trees.
(Tune: My Guy)
Before every meal- I show how I feel To my God,
There's nothing you can bet, that'll make Me forget-To thank-My God
I gave my Girl Scout word of Honor to serve my God-and I'm gonna
So I'm telling' it came from the start The praise comes from my heart to my God!!
What you say?
My God! Who?
(softer) My God! Yeah!!
(The More We Get Together)
Namaste means thank you.
Means thank you, means thank you.
Namaste means thank you.
Namaste my Lord.
For good food and good friends,
And feelings that don't end.
Namaste means thank you.
Namaste my Lord. (na/ma/stay)
‘Neath these tall green trees we stand
Asking blessings from Thy hand
Thanks we give to thee above
For Thy help and strength and love.
(Tune: Tell me why)
Orchard and ocean
Farm and field
We thank our maker
For all they yield.
For earth and water
For flower and seed
We thank you God
In thought, word and deed.
Peace is the bread we break;
Love is a river rolling.
Life is the chance we take
When we make this world our home.
Gonna make this world our home.
Tune: We Will Rock You
Heavenly Father, Lord and King,
You provide us with everything.
We've got Food on our plate,
Tastin' great.
Thank you for the food we already ate.
Singing thank you Father, thank you!
Thank you Father, thank you!
Oh God the Giver, take the thanks we give,
For life and for the food by which we live,
Thinking of those who carry it by sea,
Upon our sailors may Thy blessing be.
Bless this house
Bless this food
Help us use it
For thy good
Tune: Auld Lang Syne
O some hae meat and canna eat,
And some hae nae that want it.
But we hae meat and we can eat,
And sae the Lord we thank-ed.
May we run the race
At the Great Scout pace
Up the trail
That leads to Him."
The seed goes in the ground,
The seed goes in the ground,
The sun, the rain will make the grain,
The seed goes in the ground.
The grain goes to the mill,
The grain goes to the mill,
God's wind and power make the flour.
The grain goes to the mill.
The flour makes the bread,
The flour makes the bread.
God keeps us fed, God keeps us fed.
That's how God's love is spread!
For all these happy days.
For all these happy days.
Thanks for all the gifts I hold (long pause)
Thanks from my heart and soul!
God is good to me,
God is good to me,
Although I'm small,
He hears me call,
God is good to me.
God---elbows at waist, arms and hands parallel to floor, fingers in a flat,thumbs up.
is good---turns fists up and roll fingers our, palms up.
he holds my hand---clasp hands chest high.
he helps me stand---extend one arm waist high, palm down.
although I'm small---same as "standing" motions, except arm and hand are lowerthan waist.
he hears my call---cup one hand around an ear.
There is someone who thinks of me (thinks of me)
And makes me happy as can be (as can be)
A-a-and gives me bread,
A place to rest my head,
The joy of friends and family!
(spoken) Thank you, Lord!
God almighty, Father of all
God the Spirit Eternal
Bless us each, one and all
Spirit Eternal.
Bless the children gathered about,
Bless adults who lead them,
Bless the children 'round the world,
Please help feed them.
Thank you Lord, for giving us food
(actions: standing, then crouch [thank you Lord] and raise right arm overhead as you stand [for giving us food])
Thank you Lord, for giving us food
(actions: same as above only raise left arm this time)
For the food we eat
(actions: standing with both arms over head, sway to the left)
For the friends we meet
(actions: standing with both arms over head, sway to the right)
Thank you Lord, for giving us food!
(actions: standing, then crouch [thank you Lord] and raise both arms over head as you stand [for giving us food])
Debi Turner; 11th Bendale Cubs
Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
T-H-A-N-K-Y-O-U thank you, Lord
Thank You, Lord (echo - Thank you, Lord)
Thank You, Lord (echo - Thank you, Lord)
For the blessings you have given us today!
T-H-A-N-K-Y-O-U Thank you, Lord!!!
One little, two little, three little thank yous.
Four little, five little, six little thank yous,
Seven little, eight little, nine little thank yous,
Ten big thank yous to God.
I am strong and healthy
Thank the Lord.
I have bread, room and board
I have good friends and family,
God takes very good care of me.
Thank thee, thank thee heavenly Father
For thy blessings we have gathered.
Give us strength and understanding,
Bless us now, oh Lord, we pray.
Thank Thee, Thank Thee, Heavenly Father,
For Thy blessings, as we gather,
Give us peace and understanding,
Bless us all, O Lord.
Thank you for the food we eat, Hallelujah.
Thank you for the friends we meet, Hallelujah.
Thank you for the birds that sing, Hallelujah.
Thank you Lord for everything, Hallelujah.
Thank you God for all that grows,
Thank you for the skies rainbows,
Thank you for the stars that shine,
Thank you for these friends of mine,
Thank you for the moon and sun,
Thank you God for all you've done!
Thank you, Lord, on this day,
For our many great blessings,
Thank you, Lord, on this day,
For our many great friendships.
Glory to God, may He hear our prayers,
Guide us on forever,
Thank you, Lord, on this day,
For our many great blessings.
Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord
For all the food we eat.
And it's so very nice of you,
To make some of it sweet.
Thanks be to God, the father almighty
Thanks be to God, who gives us our bread. (or: who gave us the earth)
Thanks be to God, the spirit eternal (or: father eternal)
Thanks be to God, forever.
He gives us the starry sky!
He gives us the birds that fly!
He gives us the rainbows high
Above the clouds, above the clouds..
[echo: above the clouds, above the clouds!]
(repeat "thanks" part)
Thanks to God, for our food
For our milk, for our stew, for our bread.
God is joy, God is love
Bow your head.
The sun will always shine,
The birds will always sing.
As long as there is God,
There's always the real thing.
Jesus Christ came down to die for our sins.
And now we thank you Lord as this meal begins.
Do do do do do do do do do do, Amen.
Do do do do do, Jesus is the real thing.
Time to eat, Girl Scout snack time is a treat!
We thank God for his generosity--Time to eat!
For all the glory of the way,
For all Thy protection, night and day,
For roof, tree, fire, and bed and board,
For friends and home, we thank Thee, Lord.
We gather to ask for your blessing
We gather to thank you in prayer
Please bless all this food we are sharing
And keep us in your tender care.
I give thanks and you give thanks,
We'll give thanks together.
Let us all bow our heads while we do. (repeat)
God can hear our words so loud and clear,
Amens and alleluyas.
So praise his name and spread his fame,
And let his grace flow through ya!
(back to the first verse.)
We know, we know,
From whom all blessing flow
We thank him then
We say Amen
We know, we know!
(We know, We know, We know-- repeat 'til tired!)
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