Vancouver and Clark County, Washington

The Mountain View Girl Scout Neighborhood claims Vancouver, Washington as home. Vancouver is the oldest non-Native American community in the Northwest, located on the north bank of the Columbia River directly across from Portland, Oregon. The Pacific Coast is less than 90 miles to the west. The Cascade Mountain Range rises on the east. Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument and Mt. Hood are less than two hours away. The spectacular Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area lies 30 minutes to the east.

This is the ORIGINAL Vancouver, because the point of land it resides on was named Point Vancouver in May, 1792, by Lt. Broughton and some of the crew from George Vancouver's ship. The Hudson's Bay Company established their Headquarters in the region on the north bank of the Columbia River in March, 1825. They called their Headquarters Fort Vancouver. The city was Incorporated in January of 1857. With a current population of over 143,560 people, we are the 4th largest city in the state of Washington. Many people confuse us with the "other" Vancouver to the north of us in Canada, but other than sharing the same name, we are not affiliated in any way with our neighbors to the north.

This is where we are located in North America:

This is where we are in Washington.

And in relationship to Portland:

If you would like to find out more about our community and some of the fascinating places and things to do and/or see in and near it, then follow these great links:

Check out these other areas:
A Local Hero.
Other Scout-related sites.
Columbia River Girl Scout Council.
Songs Links for Guides and Scouts.
Glossary of Girl Scout terms.
Games To Teach Values.
Graces for Guides and Scouts, A-L
Games Just For Fun.
More Games Just For Fun.
Graces for Guides and Scouts, M-Z
Skill-Building Games.
More Skill-Building Games.
Games With a Purpose.
Balls, Beanbags, & Relay Games.
Singing and Night Games.

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Last updated 6/25/03