Friendship Stick


"This little stick means friendship of a very special kind. A friend you know is really great and very hard to find."

Friendship sticks can be made from small twigs to be attached to a key chains or a large safety pin. Bigger ones from large trunks of trees could be used in gardens. Troops/Groups could make them to present to people that have helped them in some way during the Girl Scout year.

Smooth the wood on the ends and carve with a jackknife. Do not cut too deeply as all you want to do is cut through the bark. Paint them with bright colors.

Note: younger girls could simply paint the colors on popsicle sticks or tongue blades.


The following poem can be used when you make one:


This little stick means friendship of a very special kind.
A friend is great, you know, and very nice to find.

It is made by the giver from a stick off the ground,
Just as friendship, in unexpected places, can be found.

It is bent to fit the curve of the earth,
It can also be a smile...full of mirth.

Share your stick with a new found friend,
You might find the sharing will never end.

The Friendship Stick has been a Girl Scout tradition for some time. Over the years, we have come to be more inclusive of others so Carol Lee Spages rewrote the story to include the diversity of our membership. We hope you enjoy this newer version.

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Last Updated 6/22/04

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