<bgsound="tearsinheavan.mid" autostart=true loop=true> ( Tears in Heaven )
This is a Very Special tribute, to my Friend, my dog, My first Bouvier des Flandres

Teddy Bear, was my first Bouvier des Flandres. I didn't even know what breed he was when I got him. Bear was the runt of a litter, My dad was doing vinyl siding on a house & seen the puppies. The owner of the bitch & litter told my dad that the runt would be culled . because he was so small, too small & sickly even for cropping & docking . My dad offered to buy the puppy , But the man said " you want him ? you can have him ! but no guarantees" .

So My dad brought home this cute tiny little bundle, and gave him to me as a gift . I was 15 years old That was in 1982.

As the years past & Bear grew , I moved away from home. Bear went every where with me he was my constant companion.. He went on vacations, where ever I moved he went, we spent days at the beach & in the park . Long walks together it seemed we could read each others minds. I even took him on my honey moon. When my first daughter was born Bear loved her. He thought she was his. As my daughter grew she learned to walk holding on to Bears back . I trusted him & he trusted me .

It became painfully apparent as Bear grew older that he had hip problems & was diagnosed with displysia. We tried acupuncture & medication. But by the winter of 1989, it was very noticable that my best friend was suffering. It was time for me to trust that Bear knew I would do what was right for him

On Jan 6th ,1990 I sent my Bear on to rainbow Bridge .I said my last good bye to my Bouvie boy. it is without a doubt one of the hardest decisions I ever had to make. I miss him every day . The first three years without Bear were awful.

In the fall of 1993, my husband decided we had been Bouv less long enough & contacted the Bouv rescue about adopting a homeless Bouvier. I was against the idea I couldn't bring myself to think about getting another dog let alone a Bouv . surely no dog could ever measure up to my beloved Bear .

On Nov. 9th I met my Zeke, reluctantly I agreed to at least go look at the Bouvier that was available for us to adopt.

Zeke was in isolation because he was ill . I sat down in the chair & he came over & put his big Bouvier head in my lap . One look into those eyes & he was mine. My heart melted. No he wasn't Bear, but here was a dog that needed me as much as I needed him .

Since we Brought Zeke home, I adopted a rescue girl Bouv also, Jackie & have gotten a puppy Gus . No bouv will ever take the place of Bear . But they certainly have made my life a lot happier, and missing Bear, more tolerable . I have now vowed never to be Bouv less again . I love this Breed , their expressiveness, intelligence , how fearless & loyal they are not to mention the breeds wonderful sense of humor .I have my Bear to thank for introducing me to the wonderful world of Bouviers.

Gone but Never forgotten TEDDY BEAR 8-28-1982 to 1-6-1990

I will lend to you for awhile a puppy, God said, For you to love him while he lives and to mourn for him when he is gone. Maybe for twelve or fourteen years, or maybe for two or three But will you, till I call him back take care of him for me? He'll bring his charms to gladden you and (should his stay be brief) you'll always have his memories as solace for your grief. I cannot promise that he will stay, since all from earth return, But there are lessons taught below I want this pup to learn.

I've looked the whole world over in search of teachers true And from the folk that crowd life's land I have chosen you. Now will you give him all your love Nor think the labour vain Nor hate me when I come to take my pup back again.

I fancied that I heard them say "Dear Lord Thy Will Be Done," For all the joys this pup will bring, the risk of grief you'll run. Will you shelter him with tenderness Will you love him while you may And for the happiness you'll know forever grateful stay.

But should I call him back much sooner than you've planned Please brave the bitter grief that comes and try to understand. If, by your love, you've managed my wishes to achieve, In memory of him that you've loved, cherish every moment with your faithful bundle, and know he loved you too.

Jackies Tribute click here!

Chantel's Tribute click here!

WE Have a NEW PUPPY !! Come Meet GUS!! click here!

To see picture's of Zeke Carting (draft work), click here!

To see picture's of Zeke working as a Therapy Dog click here!



Zeke & the Bouv Crew

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I Would LOVE A Zeker Award!!