Where in the world is Stinking Creek, Tennessee?

In Campbell County. North of Knoxville, Tennessee, east of I-75, and about 30 miles from the Kentucky border. It's called "Stinking Creek" because of the animals that died during a drought in the 18th Century. Campbell County is home to approximately 37,000 souls, of whom 27,250 are cousins of one degree or another! Just counting all the Ridenour, Ayers, and Huddleston cousins would take a lifetime.

Some of my ancestors have been in Campbell County since the late 18th century; others trailed in later from Anderson, Claiborne, and Grainger Counties, or from Kentucky, Virginia, and North Carolina. And despite family stories that have claimed we're more Scottish than anything, three of our lines have been traced to Germany with nary a Scot to be found! (Although the Huddlestons were Welch and the Leaches were Irish.)

I hope you'll also browse through my surnames. More of my Cupp and Ridenour cousins have turned up on the Web than I ever expected to meet, and I would dearly love to find some of the Leaches and Huddlestons and Stanfills and . . . .

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Just a few genealogy links:

First Families of Tennessee historical project

Anne Hood's Low genealogy page

Campbell County, Tennessee, genealogy

Down Home: Kentucky's Cumberland River Region (gorgeous new site with tons of information)

Rootsweb - a good place to begin your genealogical journey!

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