Michelle - 12/04/00 21:22:29
My Email:Michelleannc@aol.com
Your web page is just beautiful and your story is so deep. I myself do believe all things happen as they do for a reson and that god would never hand us more in one day then we could handle. God bless you and your family, you deserve it. Please keep my e-mail close at hand and know I am always willing to hear from you.
Denise - 12/03/00 18:56:13
My Email:schlot3@aol.com
I love the sight. I havent had the time to do one for us. dont be a stranger.
Denise Schlotman
krista - 10/12/00 21:51:18
My Email:k_weartz@yahoo.com
hay this is lennys little girl no one else knows how to use the computer so i wanted to say hi