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Believe It or Not!!!


This story is so all who refuse to believe in the true intelligence of cats.

The Setting:
My home on Christmas Eve. I have just returned from a visit from my parents with a manger for my nativity scene that my sister had painted for me and my stocking holder that I have had since I was about 10. I proudly added both to my mantle above the fireplace. My mantle now contains from left to right a plant in ceramic container, a porcelain angels, my stocking holder, a set of porcelain dolls, a small cutting from my fern, twin porcelain dolls, an African violet which has bloomed twice in two months, my nativity scene, a Christmas doll, and a medium size plant that I am unsure of species so I keep there out of the reach of the cats. On either side of the mantle six or so inches from the ceiling are stocking for both of the cats.


The Plot:
Santa Clause is preparing to visit and finds some little mice that the kitties like so much. Missy tries to take them, but is told no. The mice are added to her stocking, and Santa goes about finishing the chores.

The Crash:
Early AM something goes crash. Investigation turns up nothing.

The Morning After:
Happy CatI go downstairs to find my nativity scene and stocking holder in a million or more pieces, and my violet has many leaves broken off. I am in tears as we work to clean up the mess. It was like they had destroyed my most valuable items from the mantle. Suddenly I noticed from the corner of my eye what the cats had been busily playing with- it was one of the mice that Santa had left. I couldn't believe it. I took down one of the stockings and sure enough the mouse was gone. I took down the second stocking and the mouse was gone from it as well.

I believe the kitty that was to smart for her pants was Missy. Bashful hates the fireplace and doesn't like for anyone to do near it. She also has a hard time remembering her name (ie, she is sweet, but not to smart) and can't even jump high enough to get on the kitchen counters. The mystery remains as to how she got the mice out of the stocking without pulling the stockings down and how she didn't mange to knock everything off. If you have any ideas, I would love to hear them.

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