Michael John Cochran (1804- ? )

Descendants & Sources


Generation No. 1

1. MICHAEL JOHN2 COCHRAN (JOHN1) was born 1804 in Ireland. He married MARGARET MARY WOODS October 03, 1842 in Daviess County, Indiana, daughter of RICHARD WOOD and MARY UNKNOWN. She was born 1822 in London, England, and died November 1873 in Daviess County, Indiana.


From Knox County Indiana History, 1988: COCHRAN-REEVE:

Charles William Cochran, born in Knox County Oct 7, 1880, was the son of Michael Cochran (1854-1948) and Eliza Jane Winkler (1862-1926). His grandfather, Michael Cochran, left Ireland with his brothers during a revolution, and became an American citizen in 1837 in Ohio. He married Margaret Wood, of English descent, became a farmer near Washington, Daviess County, Indiana, where their seven children were born. Hoping for a better life he took his family to Missouri, but they were unsuccesful, so they moved back to Indiana, traveling both ways in a covered wagon.

The State of Ohio

Madison County

At a Court of Common Pleas began and held at the Court House in London in and

for the County aforesaid on the 28th day of September A.D. 1837.


Joseph R. Swan, President Judge

Isaac Howsman

George Sinson

Nathan Bond

William Warner, Sheriff

John Moore, Clerk

Among others were the following proceedings to wit; be it remembered that on the 29th day of September in the year aforesaid Michael Cochran, a native of Ireland, appeared in open court and produced a certificate from the Court of Common Pleas of Franklin County, State of Ohio, under the seal of said Court, by which it appears that the said Michael Cochran had appeared at the September session A.D. 1837 of said Court, and have then and there, declared on oath his intention to become a citizen of the United States - and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the same Michael Cochran during the same term of two years, had behaved as a man of good moral character, attached to the Constitution of the United States, and well disposed to the good order and happiness of the same, and therefore the said Michael Cochran, took the oath to support the Constitution of the United States and that he doth absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to every sovereign prince, ptentate, state or sovereignity whatever, and particularly to the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland.

In testimony, whereof I, John Moore, Clerk of said Court have

hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal thereof, at London

the 29th day of September A.D. 1837.

John Moore, Clerk

[Brøderbund Family Archive #316, Ed. 1, Census Index: U.S. Selected Counties, 1840, Date of Import: Jun 13, 2000, Internal Ref. #1.316.1.4540.84]

Individual: Gochen, Michel (This is Michael Cochran; not Michel Gochen)

County/State: Daviess Co., IN

Page #: 042 (This is page 43; not 42)

Year: 1840

1 Male 30-40 - Michael

1 Male 40-50 - William (Should be in the 50-60 column)

Broderbund was not able to index his name in their 1850 Census Index.

The microfilm is very poor, but the number is 222 or 223, page 100:

Text of Online Census for Daviess County Washington Twp (1850) reads:

Michael Cochran 46 Farmer Ireland

William Cochran 69 Farmer Ireland

Margaret Cochran 26 England

John Cochran 07 Ind

Mary Cochran 05 Ind

James Cochran 03 Ind

Margaret Cochran 01 Ind

[Broderbund Family Archive #304, Ed. 1, Census Records, Indiana, 1860, Date of Import: Mar 8, 1998, Internal Ref. #1.304.1.4287.31]

Individual: Cochran, Michael

Age: 56 Year(s)

Ethnicity: White

Birthplace: Ireland

County: Daviess

Township: Washington

Post Office: Washington

State: IN

Census Page Number: 0643

Census Line Number: 26A

National Archives Series Number: M653

National Archives Microfilm Number: 251

Job: Farmer

Job Code: 001 - Farmer

Real Property: $1600

Personal Property: $700

Head of Household: Y

Literate: Yes

Family Number: 0388

Dwelling Number: 0390

There is a William Cochran shown in the same household as Michael in 1840 and 1850. There is a record of a William Cochran buying land in Daviess County in 1839. William is a little young to be Michael's father, but perhaps is an older brother or uncle. There is a note of a G.W. Cochran in the 1840 census of Daviess County. They are not related since G.W. was born in Virginia, as noted in the 1850 census.

Cancelled: NDocument Nr. : 24099Misc. Document Nr. :


Warrantee Name: Authority: April 24, 1820: Cash Entry Sale (3 tat.566)

Signature Present: Y

Signature Date: 8/1/39 Metes/Bounds: N

Survey Date: Subsurface Reserved: N

Land Office: VINCENNES


Legal Land Descriptions

Nr.Aliquot PartsSec/BlkTownshipRangeFract. Sect.MeridianAcresCounties



Naturalization: September 28, 1837, Madison County, Ohio


Arrived in New York City on Sep 5, 1835, at age 13, on board SS/Brig. Elizabeth, according to Bessie Cochran McKinnon, daughter of Thomas & Mark (Lankford) Cochran.

Died Nov 2, 1872. Buried St John's Cemetery, Washington, Daviess County, Indiana, according to Bessie Cochran McKinnon.

An entry in St Simon's Death Register for the year 1873 states: Novembris die 28a sepelivi Margaritam Wood, sacramentis ecclesiae munitam. L. Gueguen.

On the 28th day of November I buried Margaret Wood who was strengthened by the sacraments of the church. L. Gueguen.

From Knox County History, 1988: Charles William Cochran, born in Knox County Oct 7, 1880, was the son of Michael Cochran (1854-1948) and Eliza Jane Winkler (1862-1926). His grandfather, Michael Cochran, left Ireland with his brothers during a revolution, and became an American citizen in 1837 in Ohio. He married Margaret Wood, of English descent, became a farmer near Washington in Daviess County where their seven children were born. He took his family to Missouri, but they moved back to Indiana.

[Broderbund Family Archive #304, Ed. 1, Census Records, Indiana, 1860, Date of Import: Mar 8, 1998, Internal Ref. #1.304.1.4285.49]

Individual: Cochran, Margaret

Age: 40 Year(s)

Ethnicity: White

Birthplace: Ireland

County: Daviess

Township: Washington

Post Office: Washington

State: IN

Census Page Number: 0643

Census Line Number: 27A

National Archives Series Number: M653

National Archives Microfilm Number: 251

Real Property: $0

Personal Property: $0

Literate: No

Family Number: 0388

Dwelling Number: 0390


Burial: November 28, 1873, Daviess County, Indiana (St John's Cemetery)


Marriage Index: IL, IN, 1790-1850

Daviess County Indiana

Cochran, Michael Spouse : Woods, Margaret

Marriage date : Oct 3, 1842

Marriage Regiser of St Peter's Church, Montgomery, Daviess County, Indiana:

Married. Michael Cochran and Margaret Woods. Witnesses: John Cochran and Mary Brett. Oct 25, 1842.

There's a difference in dates here. Perhaps one is the issuance of the license.


2. i. JOHN3 COCHRAN, b. July 27, 1843, Daviess County, Indiana; d. August 03, 1908, Daviess County, Indiana.

ii. MARY COCHRAN, b. April 15, 1845, Daviess County, Indiana.


Baptismal Register - St Simon's Church, Washington, Indiana

April 20, 1845. Mary, daughter of Michael Cochran and Margaret Woods, born 15th of April. Sponsors: William Corchran and Bridget Corchran. H. Dupontavice.

[Broderbund Family Archive #304, Ed. 1, Census Records, Indiana, 1860, Date of Import: Mar 8, 1998, Internal Ref. #1.304.1.4286.40]

Individual: Cochran, Mary

Age: 13 Year(s)

Ethnicity: White

Birthplace: Indiana

County: Daviess

Township: Washington

Post Office: Washington

State: IN

Census Page Number: 0643

Census Line Number: 29A

National Archives Series Number: M653

National Archives Microfilm Number: 251

Real Property: $0

Personal Property: $0

Literate: Yes

School Within Year: Yes

Family Number: 0388

Dwelling Number: 0390

iii. JAMES COCHRAN, b. April 06, 1847, Daviess County, Indiana; m. ANNA KEITH, December 25, 1879, Knox County, Indiana; b. Abt. 1850.


Baptismal Register - St Simon's Church, Washington, Indiana

James, son of Michael Cochran and Margaret Woods, born April 6, 1847. Sponsors: John Cochran and Mary Crosby. H. Dupontavice.

Marriage Notes for JAMES COCHRAN and ANNA KEITH:

WPA Index to Knox County Indiana Marriages 1850-1920

Surname: KEITH Given Name: ANN

Spouse: J Spouse Surname: COCKRAN

Month: DEC Day: 25 Year: 1879

County: KNOX Book: C-10 Page: 106 Fiche: 4012

3. iv. MARGARET ANNE COCHRAN, b. April 15, 1849, Daviess County, Indiana; d. September 23, 1935, Knox County, Indiana.

v. ANN COCHRAN, b. 1852, Daviess County, Indiana; m. WILLIAM BOYIS, November 23, 1868, Daviess County, Indiana; b. Abt. 1850.

Notes for ANN COCHRAN:

[Broderbund Family Archive #304, Ed. 1, Census Records, Indiana, 1860, Date of Import: Mar 8, 1998, Internal Ref. #1.304.1.4280.21]

Individual: Cochran, Ann

Age: 8 Year(s)

Ethnicity: White

Birthplace: Indiana

County: Daviess

Township: Washington

Post Office: Washington

State: IN

Census Page Number: 0643

Census Line Number: 32A

National Archives Series Number: M653

National Archives Microfilm Number: 251

Real Property: $0

Personal Property: $0

Literate: Yes

Family Number: 0388

Dwelling Number: 0390


Census Age: 1860, Age: 8 Year(s)

Fact 3: Birthplace: Indiana

Residence: 1860, Dwelling Number: 0390, Dwelling Part:

Marriage Notes for ANN COCHRAN and WILLIAM BOYIS:

WPA Index to Daviess County Indiana Marriages 1850-1920

Surname: COCHRAN Given Name: ANN

Spouse: WILLIAM Spouse Surname: BOYES

Month: NOV Day: 23 Year: 1868

County: DAVIESS Book: 3 Page: 37 Fiche: 3879

4. vi. WILLIAM HENRY COCHRAN, b. June 21, 1854, Daviess County, Indiana; d. September 23, 1935, Knox County, Indiana.

5. vii. MICHAEL RICHARD COCHRAN, b. July 21, 1855, Daviess County, Indiana; d. December 27, 1949, Knox County, Indiana.

viii. THOMAS COCHRAN, b. November 09, 1857, Daviess County, Indiana; d. December 08, 1939, Green County, Indiana; m. MARY CATHRYN LANKFORD, June 24, 1883, Knox County, Indiana; b. Abt. 1860.


Baptismal Register - St. Simon's Church, Washington Daviess County Indiana

On the 13th day of December, 1857, I, the undersigned, baptized Thomas, born on the 9th day of November of the same year, son of Michael Corkran and of Margaret Woods, his wife. Sponsors: Michael McGinis and Sarah Ann Campbell. J.B. Chasse, priest. This is also recorded in the Baptismal Register at St Peter's Church at Montgomery, Indiana.

[Broderbund Family Archive #304, Ed. 1, Census Records, Indiana, 1860, Date of Import: Mar 8, 1998, Internal Ref. #1.304.1.4289.17]

Individual: Cochran, Thomas

Age: 3 Year(s)

Ethnicity: White

Birthplace: Indiana

County: Daviess

Township: Washington

Post Office: Washington

State: IN

Census Page Number: 0643

Census Line Number: 35A

National Archives Series Number: M653

National Archives Microfilm Number: 251

Real Property: $0

Personal Property: $0

Literate: Yes

Family Number: 0388

Dwelling Number: 0390


WPA Index to Knox County Indiana Marriages 1850-1920

Surname: COCKRAN Given Name: THOMAS

Spouse: M Spouse Surname: LANKFORD

Month: JUN Day: 24 Year: 1883

County: KNOX Book: C-10 Page: 618 Fiche: 4011

ix. ELIZABETH COCHRAN, b. April 05, 1860, Daviess County, Indiana.


Baptismal Register - St Simon's Church, Washington, Indiana

On the 22nd day of April 1860, I the undersigned baptized Elizabeth, born on the 5th of the same month and year, daughter of Michael Cochran and of Margaret Wood his wife. Sponsors: John Cochran and Mary Cochran. J.B. Chasse, priest.

x. ELISA COCHRAN, b. August 10, 1861, Daviess County, Indiana.


Baptismal Register - St Simon's Church, Washington, Indiana

On the 22 day of September 1861, I the undersigned, baptized Elisa, born August 10th of the same year, daughter of Michael Cochran and of Margaret Woods, his wife. Sponsors: John Cochran and Bridget Crosby. J.B. Chasse, priest. Signatures of John and Michael Cochran and Bridget Crosby are included with priest's.

xi. AGNES FRANCIS COCHRAN, b. August 25, 1864, Daviess County, Indiana.


Baptismal Register of St. Simon's Church - Washington Daviess County Indiana

On the 25th day of September, 1864, I baptized Agnes Francis, born in Daviess County on the 25th day of August of the same year, daughter of Michael Cochran and of Margaret Woods, his wife. Godmother: Mrs. Honora Burke.

J.G. Chasse, priest


Generation No. 2

2. JOHN3 COCHRAN (MICHAEL JOHN2, JOHN1) was born July 27, 1843 in Daviess County, Indiana, and died August 03, 1908 in Daviess County, Indiana. He married NANCY HULEN Abt. 1873. She was born May 10, 1847 in Daviess County, Indiana, and died April 02, 1926 in Daviess County, Indiana.


[Broderbund Family Archive #304, Ed. 1, Census Records, Indiana, 1860, Date of Import: Mar 7, 1998, Internal Ref. #1.304.1.4284.11]

Individual: Cochran, John

Age: 16 Year(s)

Ethnicity: White

Birthplace: Indiana

County: Daviess

Township: Washington

Post Office: Washington

State: IN

Census Page Number: 0643

Census Line Number: 28A

National Archives Series Number: M653

National Archives Microfilm Number: 251

Real Property: $0

Personal Property: $0

Literate: Yes

School Within Year: Yes

Family Number: 0388

Dwelling Number: 0390

1900 Census of Daviess County Indiana - Steele Twp, p295 - 235-242

Cochran, John Head w m Jul 1846 53 M27 IN IRE ENG Farmer

Nancy Wife w f May 1847 53 M27 7-5 IN IN IN

Anna Dau w f Oct 1879 20 S IN IN IN

Effie Dau w f Mar 1883 17 S IN IN IN

John W. Son w m Jan 1887 13 S IN IN IN Farm laborer

Dolen, Levi Boarder w m Aug 1880 19 S IN IN IN Farm laborer

Daviess County, Indiana Index to Death Records A-Z 1882-1920 

Cochran John M W 65 Aug 3 1908 Steele Twp H-20 14

[Genealogy.com, LLC, Family Archive #216, Ed. 1, Vital Records: Indiana Deaths, Date of Import: Apr 19, 2001, Internal Ref. #]

Individual: John Cochran

Date: Aug 03, 1908 Location: Steele Township

Age: 65 yr Sex: Male Color: W

Source Location: City Health Office Washington, Indiana

Book: H-20 Page: 14

St Simon's Church, Washington, Indiana, Baptismal Register

On the 15th of August, 1843, I baptized John Cochran, son of Michael Cochran. A. Parret, priest.

Plainville Cemetery, Daviess County, Indiana:

Cochran, John. July 29, 1843 - August 3, 1908.

Cochran, Nancy Hulen. May 10, 1848 - April 2, 1926. Wife of John.

Cochran, John. Jan 31, 1887 - Aug 8, 1911.

Cochran, Sti (Corlett) Mar 9, 1884 - June 30, 1941. Wife of John

Cochran, Ruth M. Jan 23, 1910 - Aug 3, 1910.

Cochran, Lola May. Apr 29, 1911 - Dec 20, 1911.

Notes for NANCY HULEN:

Plainville Cemetery, Daviess County, Indiana:

Cochran, John. July 29, 1843 - August 3, 1908.

Cochran, Nancy Hulen. May 10, 1848 - April 2, 1926. Wife of John.

Cochran, John. Jan 31, 1887 - Aug 8, 1911.

Cochran, Sti (Corlett) Mar 9, 1884 - June 30, 1941. Wife of John

Cochran, Ruth M. Jan 23, 1910 - Aug 3, 1910.

Cochran, Lola May. Apr 29, 1911 - Dec 20, 1911.

Children of JOHN COCHRAN and NANCY HULEN are:

i. FRANCES4 COCHRAN, b. May 09, 1874, Daviess County, Indiana.

ii. MAYME COCHRAN, b. January 23, 1878, Daviess County, Indiana.

iii. ANNA COCHRAN, b. October 29, 1879, Daviess County, Indiana.

iv. EFFIE COCHRAN, b. March 1883, Daviess County, Indiana.

v. JOHN W. COCHRAN, b. January 31, 1887, Daviess County, Indiana; d. August 08, 1911, Daviess County, Indiana.

Notes for JOHN W. COCHRAN:

Plainville Cemetery, Daviess County, Indiana:

Cochran, John. July 29, 1843 - August 3, 1908.

Cochran, Nancy Hulen. May 10, 1848 - April 2, 1926. Wife of John.

Cochran, John. Jan 31, 1887 - Aug 8, 1911.

Cochran, Sti (Corlett) Mar 9, 1884 - June 30, 1941. Wife of John

Cochran, Ruth M. Jan 23, 1910 - Aug 3, 1910.

Cochran, Lola May. Apr 29, 1911 - Dec 20, 1911.


Burial: Aft. August 08, 1911, Daviess County, Indiana (Plainville Cemetery)


3. MARGARET ANNE3 COCHRAN (MICHAEL JOHN2, JOHN1) was born April 15, 1849 in Daviess County, Indiana, and died September 23, 1935 in Knox County, Indiana. She married RICHARD ASBURY SHEPHERD December 24, 1872 in Knox County, Indiana. He was born Abt. 1840.


Baptismal Register - St Simon's Church, Washington, Indiana

Born April 15, 1849, Margaret, legitimate daughter of Michael Corcoran and Margaret Woods, was baptized by me according to the rites of the R. Catholic Church, May the 20th. Sponsors: Dennis Mahoney and Bridget Corcoran. John McDermott, priest.

[Broderbund Family Archive #304, Ed. 1, Census Records, Indiana, 1860, Date of Import: Mar 8, 1998, Internal Ref. #1.304.1.4285.50]

Individual: Cochran, Margaret

Age: 11 Year(s)

Ethnicity: White

Birthplace: Indiana

County: Daviess

Township: Washington

Post Office: Washington

State: IN

Census Page Number: 0643

Census Line Number: 31A

National Archives Series Number: M653

National Archives Microfilm Number: 251

Real Property: $0

Personal Property: $0

Literate: Yes

School Within Year: Yes

Family Number: 0388

Dwelling Number: 0390

Bicknell Daily News, Monday, Sept 23, 1935

Brother and Sister, 82 and 86, Die 45 Minutes Apart

Lives of two elderly persons, aged 82 and 86 years, a brother and a sister, went out at an early hour Monday morning, just forty-five minutes apart. Mrs. Margaret Anne Shepherd of 908 Mason street died at 2:25 o'clock following a lengthy illness of many years and a serious illness of about a week. She was 86 years of age last April 15th. Just forty-five minutes later at 3:10 o'clock, her brother, Henry Cochran, who was here visiting from Daytona Beach, Florida, died at the home of his niece, Mrs. Ollie McKinnon, of 314 Illinois street, where he had been confined to his bed for the past few days. Mr. Cochran was 82 years old. Pneumonia caused his death. Mrs. Shepherd, who had been blind for the past five years following an unsuccessful eye operation, had been ill and confined to her bed for almost five years. She was unable to be up at all except for a short time once in a great while when she was fitted into a chair. Last week her condition took a turn for the worse and since then she has been seriously ill. Her children knew that she could not live and kindly death spared her from further suffering. Her death was due to complications incident to old age. She had been unconscious since noon Sunday and died very quietly at 2:25 a.m. Mrs. Shepherd had lived in Bicknell for thirty-three years and was well known here. she made her home on Mason street. Her eldest son, William, who is unmarried, lived with her and cared for his disable mother like a child. Margaret Anne, daughter of Michael and Margaret Woods, was born near Edwardsport, on April 15, 86 years, five months and eight days ago. She spent her childhood there and later moved to Washington, Indiana, where she made her home for many years. She had lived in Bicknell for the past thirty-three years. She was well known throughout this vicinity. For the past number of years she had made her home on Mason street with her son, William Shepherd. The following children survive: Mrs. Clara Beachler, William Shepherd, Mrs. Charle O. (Lillie) Riley, Charles M. Shepherd, Mrs. Sol (Ethel) Lynn, Mrs Roy (Bessie) Strain, Ray R. Shepherd. There are 17 grandchildren and six great grandchildren. There are four brothers: James Cochran of Purman(?) Washington, Henry, deceased, Michael Cochran of Freelandville, and Thomas Cochran of Lyons.


Baptism: May 20, 1849, St Simon's, Washington, Indiana


WPA Index to Knox County Indiana Marriages 1850-1920

Surname: COCHRAN Given Name: MARG

Spouse: R Spouse Surname: SHEPHARD

Month: DEC Day: 24 Year: 1872

County: KNOX Book: C-8 Page: 289 Fiche: 4011


i. CLARA MAY4 SHEPHERD, b. March 30, 1875, Knox County, Indiana; d. October 1957; m. C. ALBERT BEACHLER, Abt. 1899; b. Abt. 1870.

ii. WILLIAM L. SHEPHERD, b. March 12, 1877, Knox County, Indiana; d. September 30, 1952.

iii. MARY BERTHA SHEPHERD, b. February 13, 1879, Knox County, Indiana; d. May 1882.

iv. CHARLES MILLARD SHEPHERD, b. January 03, 1881, Knox County, Indiana; d. March 17, 1952; m. SUSAN POW, Abt. 1912; b. Abt. 1890.

v. LILLIE ANN SHEPHERD, b. April 26, 1883, Knox County, Indiana; d. 1940; m. CHARLES RILEY, Aft. 1920; b. Abt. 1880.

vi. ETHEL JANE SHEPHERD, b. November 29, 1885, Knox County, Indiana; d. December 10, 1981, Muskegon County, Michigan; m. SOL LYNN, Abt. 1905; b. Abt. 1880.

vii. BESSIE REBECCA SHEPHERD, b. November 20, 1887, Knox County, Indiana; d. September 1971, Knox County, Indiana; m. ROY ELLSWORTH STRAIN, March 10, 1910, Knox County, Indiana; b. Abt. 1880.

viii. RAY RICHARD SHEPHERD, b. June 07, 1890, Knox County, Indiana; d. December 1963, Knox County, Indiana; m. MARGARET SARRIE MCCOY, Abt. 1914; b. Abt. 1890.


4. WILLIAM HENRY3 COCHRAN (MICHAEL JOHN2, JOHN1) was born June 21, 1854 in Daviess County, Indiana, and died September 23, 1935 in Knox County, Indiana. He married ARMINDA ANN CARRICO January 17, 1888 in Knox County, Indiana. She was born February 10, 1870 in Carlisle, Sullivan County, Indiana, and died March 20, 1959 in Daytona Beach, Volusia County, Florida.


Baptismal Register - St. Simon's Church, Washington Daviess County Indiana

August 16th, 1853. William Corkeran, infant of Michael and of his wife, Margaret, I baptized. Sponsors: Michael Gaffeny and Mary J. Campbell. Patrick Highland.

[Broderbund Family Archive #304, Ed. 1, Census Records, Indiana, 1860, Date of Import: Mar 8, 1998, Internal Ref. #1.304.1.4289.33]

Individual: Cochran, William

Age: 6 Year(s)

Ethnicity: White

Birthplace: Indiana

County: Daviess

Township: Washington

Post Office: Washington

State: IN

Census Page Number: 0643

Census Line Number: 33A

National Archives Series Number: M653

National Archives Microfilm Number: 251

Real Property: $0

Personal Property: $0

Literate: Yes

Family Number: 0388

Dwelling Number: 0390

Bicknell Daily News, Monday, Sept 23, 1935

Brother and Sister, 82 and 86, Die 45 Minutes Apart

Lives of two elderly persons, aged 82 and 86 years, a brother and a sister, went out at an early hour Monday morning, just forty-five minutes apart. Mrs. Margaret Anne Shepherd of 908 Mason street died at 2:25 o'clock following a lengthy illness of many years and a serious illness of about a week. She was 86 years of age last April 15th. Just forty-five minutes later at 3:10 o'clock, her brother, Henry Cochran, who was here visiting from Daytona Beach, Florida, died at the home of his niece, Mrs. Ollie McKinnon, of 314 Illinois street, where he had been confined to his bed for the past few days. Mr. Cochran was 82 years old. Pneumonia caused his death. Mrs. Shepherd, who had been blind for the past five years following an unsuccessful eye operation, had been ill and confined to her bed for almost five years. She was unable to be up at all except for a short time once in a great while when she was fitted into a chair. Last week her condition took a turn for the worse and since then she has been seriously ill. Her children knew that she could not live and kindly death spared her from further suffering. Her death was due to complications incident to old age. She had been unconscious since noon Sunday and died very quietly at 2:25 a.m.... Mr. Cochran lived in Westphalia for many years and is well known throughout this vicinity. For the past four years he and his wife had made their home in Florida, where their children lived. Mr. and Mrs. Cochran and their only daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Oral Cunningham, of Daytona Beach, Florida, arrived in Knox county a little over a week ago to visit relatives. The change in the climate did not agree with the frail, elderly man and he took a deep cold. He contracted pneumonia fever last Thursday and died without seeing his only sister, who was very low. The Cochrans had been visiting in Newberry and Westphalia and when Mr. Cochran took ill he was brought to Bicknell to his niece's home where he died this morning shortly after his sister's death. He did not know that she had died. Mrs. Shepherd had lived in Bicknell for thirty-three years and was well known here. She made her home on Mason street. Her eldest son, William, who is unmarried, lived with her and cared for his disabled mother like a child... William Henry Cochran, son of Michael and Margaret Woods, was born June 21, 1854. He was married to Minda Carrico, who survives. He was 82 years of age. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church since 1909, and a member of the K. of P. lodge. He is survived by the widow and three children all of Daytona Beach, Florida: Milton Cochran, Ernest Cochran, Dolly Cunningham. There is also one grandchild, Gene Cochran, and the brothers as named above... services for Mr. Cochran have not yet been made, pending arrival of his sons from Florida.


Burial: September 24, 1935, Knox County, Indiana (Sandborn Cemetery)


Burial: Aft. March 20, 1959, Knox County, Indiana (Sandborn Cemetery)


WPA Index to Knox County Indiana Marriages 1850-1920

Surname: COCHRAN Given Name: HENRY

Spouse: M Spouse Surname: CARRICO

Month: JAN Day: 17 Year: 1888

County: KNOX Book: C-12 Page: 51 Fiche: 4011


i. MILTON BRADLEY4 COCHRAN, b. July 15, 1890, Knox County, Indiana; d. April 01, 1968, Volusia County, Florida; m. ZELDA KIDD, February 20, 1913, Greene County, Indiana; b. Abt. 1890.

ii. INFANT COCHRAN, b. December 22, 1892, Knox County, Indiana; d. January 03, 1893, Knox County, Indiana.

iii. GROVER COCHRAN, b. October 18, 1893, Knox County, Indiana; d. October 23, 1893, Knox County, Indiana.

iv. STRODES E. COCHRAN, b. October 18, 1893, Knox County, Indiana; d. August 12, 1904, Knox County, Indiana.

6. v. ERNEST ELMER COCHRAN, b. May 16, 1901, Knox County, Indiana; d. April 09, 1974, Holly Hill, Florida.

vi. DOLLA ESTHER COCHRAN, b. April 02, 1904, Knox County, Indiana; d. January 18, 1990, Cocoa, Brevard County, Florida; m. (1) ORAL REDFORD CUNNINGHAM, April 28, 1923, Indiana; b. Abt. 1900; m. (2) HARRY BOBST, Aft. 1935; b. Abt. 1900.


5. MICHAEL RICHARD3 COCHRAN (MICHAEL JOHN2, JOHN1) was born July 21, 1855 in Daviess County, Indiana, and died December 27, 1949 in Knox County, Indiana. He married ELIZA JANE WINKLER December 21, 1879 in Knox County, Indiana, daughter of GEORGE WINKLER and JOSEPHINE LANKFORD. She was born 1862, and died 1926 in Knox County, Indiana.


From Knox County History, 1988: COCHRAN-REEVE. Charles William Cochran, born in Knox County Oct 7, 1880, was the son of Michael Cochran (1854-1948) and Eliza Jane Winkler (1862-1926). His grandfather, Michael Cochran, left Ireland with his brothers during a revolution, and became an American citizen in 1837 in Ohio. He married Margaret Wood, of English descent, became a farmer near Washington, Daviess County, Indiana, where their seven children were born. Hoping for a better life he took his family to Missouri, but they were unsuccesful, so they moved back to Indiana, traveling both ways in a covered wagon. Charles' mother, Jane, was the eldest daughter of George Winkler, a German farmer and his wife, Josephine Lankford. Jane often acted as a midwife beginning when she was nine years old. She was left alone in the cabin with her mother and helped deliver her baby brother. After Michael and Jane were married, they bought a farm near Freelandville, Knox County, Indiana, where Charles and a brother, George, were born.

[Broderbund Family Archive #304, Ed. 1, Census Records, Indiana, 1860, Date of Import: Mar 8, 1998, Internal Ref. #1.304.1.4287.32]

Individual: Cochran, Michael

Age: 5 Year(s)

Ethnicity: White

Birthplace: Indiana

County: Daviess

Township: Washington

Post Office: Washington

State: IN

Census Page Number: 0643

Census Line Number: 34A

National Archives Series Number: M653

National Archives Microfilm Number: 251

Real Property: $0

Personal Property: $0

Literate: Yes

Family Number: 0388

Dwelling Number: 0390


Residence: 1860, Washington Twp, Daviess Co, Indiana


WPA Index to Knox County Indiana Marriages 1850-1920

Surname: COCKRAN Given Name: MICH

Surname: WINKLE Given Name: JANE

Month: DEC Day: 21 Year: 1879

County: KNOX Book: C-10 Page: 103 Fiche: 4014


7. i. CHARLES WILLIAM4 COCHRAN, b. October 07, 1880, Knox County, Indiana; d. June 1963, Melbourne, Florida.


Generation No. 3

6. ERNEST ELMER4 COCHRAN (WILLIAM HENRY3, MICHAEL JOHN2, JOHN1) was born May 16, 1901 in Knox County, Indiana, and died April 09, 1974 in Holly Hill, Florida. He married MARGARET HELEN LOWMAN July 12, 1926 in Flagler County, Florida. She was born April 01, 1908 in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, and died November 01, 1991 in Daytona Beach, Volusia County, Florida.


[Broderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 1 A-L, Ed. 5, Social Security Death Index: U.S., Date of Import: Dec 2, 1998, Internal Ref. #]

Individual: Cochran, Ernest

Social Security #: 313-40-8412

SS# issued in: Indiana

Birth date: Jul 9, 1901

Death date: Nov 1968

Residence code: Indiana

ZIP Code of last known residence: 47040

Primary location associated with this ZIP Code:

Rising Sun, Indiana




Burial: April 13, 1974, Volusia County, Florida (Bellevue Memorial Park Cemetery)


Burial: November 04, 1991, Volusia County, Florida (Bellevue Memorial Park Cemetery)


i. JEAN MARGARET5 COCHRAN, b. July 30, 1931, Daytona Beach, Volusia County, Florida; m. RAYMOND THOMAS MOELLER, September 03, 1951, Volusia County, Florida; b. Abt. 1930.

ii. MICHAEL JAMES COCHRAN, b. May 14, 1941, Daytona Beach, Volusia County, Florida; m. JOANNE SMITH, February 27, 1965, Volusia County, Florida; b. Abt. 1941.


7. CHARLES WILLIAM4 COCHRAN (MICHAEL RICHARD3, MICHAEL JOHN2, JOHN1) was born October 07, 1880 in Knox County, Indiana, and died June 1963 in Melbourne, Florida. He married HULDA REEVE April 1902, daughter of SAMUEL REEVE and SEBREE WARTH. She was born July 22, 1882 in Knox County, Indiana, and died February 1952 in Knox County, Indiana.


From Knox County History, 1988: COCHRAN-REEVE

Charles William Cochran, born in Knox County Oct 7, 1880, was the son of Michael Cochran (1854-1948) and Eliza Jane Winkler (1862-1926). His grandfather, Michael Cochran, left Ireland with his brothers during a revolution, and became an American citizen in 1837 in Ohio. He married Margaret Wood, of English descent, became a farmer near Washington, Daviess County, Indiana, where their seven children were born. Hoping for a better life he took his family to Missouri, but they were unsuccesful, so they moved back to Indiana, traveling both ways in a covered wagon.

Charles' mother, Jane, was the eldest daughter of George Winkler, a German farmer and his wife, Josephine Lankford. Jane often acted as a midwife beginning when she was nine years old. She was left alone in the cabin with her mother and helped deliver her baby brother. After Michael and Jane were married, they bought a farm near Freelandville, Knox County, Indiana, where Charles and a brother, George, were born.

Charles graduated from high school and attended Indiana State Normal College. He taught school for three years and joined the Maria Creek Baptist Church (Knox County Indiana) when he was 18. While attending a revival at Edwardsport (Knox Co) Baptist Church, he met his future wife, Hulda Reeve, born July 22, 1882, who was the eldest daughter of Samuel Tanner Reeve (1831-1919), businessman, and Sebree Ann Johnson Warth (1848-1931). He owned a furniture store and was the only mortician in the district. He fought with the 80th Indiana Volunteers during the Civil War. When Hulda was 17, he sent her to a School for Embalmers at Indianapolis. She was the first woman in Indiana to receive a license and work as a lady mortician.

Charles and Hulda married April 1902, and worked as partners with her father in Edwardsport. Charles also managed the furniture store and the Harness Shop. They were active in church and community affairs, were charter members of the Masonic, Eastern Star, IOOF and Rebekah lodges. Both taught classes at the church. Their elder daughter, Ruth, was born May 16, 1906. She attended all church meetings with her parents, joined the church, began teaching classes ant 12 years, graduated from Edwardsport High School and attended Indiana University where she met and married George Kent Carter, a banker.

Charles and family moved to Princeton, Gibson County, Indiana, in 1916 where he was employed by the Prudential Insurance Company. During the influenza epidemic of 1918, he took medicines and food (cooked by Hulda) to many homes along his route where it was badly needed. People were thankful for help during days when doctors and nurses were scarce. In 1918 a large electrical plant was build on White River. Charles was employed as a statistician in the office and the family moved to Bicknell (Knox County Indiana) while waiting for their residence to be built at Edwardsport. Their second daughter, June Elizabeth, was born June 26, 1920, in Bicknell. She graduated from Edwardsport High School, worked in 4-H Clubs, and attended Indiana University. In 1939 she married H. Dwight Fielder, Bicknell, Indiana. They moved to Melbourne, Florida, where they worked at the Kennedy Space Center.

Charles and Hulda helped with young people. He was a Boy Scout troop leader, and she helped with 4-H clubs. He was appointed president of the PTA. He was clerk for the church for many years and was honored by becoming a lifelong Deacon. He served as chairman for the Baptist Brotherhood of Men. The Cochrans moved to Bicknell from Edwardsport after retirement where he managed the Auto License Bureau. Hulda died February, 1952. Charles moved to Florida, where he lived with his daughter. He died June, 1963, and both are buried in the Edwardsport Town Cemetery, which he had helped to restore after years of neglect.

Charles and Hulda have four grandchildren, C. Kent Carter, Attorney, and Rev. Jeanine C. Rae (deceased) both of Bloomington (Monroe Co, Indiana), and Robert D. Fielder, a security guard in Tennessee, and Dr. Dennis L. Fielder, Atlanta, Georgia. --Ruth Cochran Carter-- Knox County History (1988). page 253.[Broderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 1 A-L, Ed. 5, Social Security Death Index: U.S., Date of Import: Dec 2, 1998, Internal Ref. #]

Individual: Cochran, Charles

Social Security #: 303-10-8154

SS# issued in: Indiana

Birth date: Oct 7, 1880

Death date: Jun 1963


Residence code: Florida


8. i. RUTH5 COCHRAN, b. May 16, 1906, Knox County, Indiana.

9. ii. JUNE ELIZABETH COCHRAN, b. June 26, 1920, Knox County, Indiana.


Generation No. 4

8. RUTH5 COCHRAN (CHARLES WILLIAM4, MICHAEL RICHARD3, MICHAEL JOHN2, JOHN1) was born May 16, 1906 in Knox County, Indiana. She married GEORGE KENT CARTER. He was born Abt. 1900.


i. C. KENT6 CARTER, b. Abt. 1930.

ii. JEANINE C. CARTER, b. Abt. 1932; m. UNKNOWN RAE; b. Abt. 1930.


9. JUNE ELIZABETH5 COCHRAN (CHARLES WILLIAM4, MICHAEL RICHARD3, MICHAEL JOHN2, JOHN1) was born June 26, 1920 in Knox County, Indiana. She married H. DWIGHT FIELDER 1939. He was born Abt. 1920.

Children of JUNE COCHRAN and H. FIELDER are:

i. ROBERT D.6 FIELDER, b. Abt. 1940.

ii. DENNIS L. FIELDER, b. Abt. 1942.



Revised April 21, 2004


Descendants Outline Chart

