Catherine Robinson Campbell (1751-1822)
Descendants & Sources
Generation No. 1
1. CATHERINE5 ROBINSON (BENJAMIN4, HENRY3, STEPHEN2, STEPHEN1) was born February 08, 1751/52 in Overwharton Parish, Stafford County, Virginia, and died Abt. 1822. She married ALEXANDER CAMPBELL. He was born Abt. 1740.
Overwharton Register.
B. Robinson, Caty - daughter of Benjamin & Sarah Robinson, Feb. 8, 1752.
Stephen Robinson, guardian of Nathaniel Campbell, orph. of Catherine
Campbell, dec'd. 23 Jan 1797. Sec: Dixon Robinson.
Fauquier Co., Va Guardian Bonds 1759-1871 by John Gott
Will Book Fauquier County, Virginia Will Written 16 Apr 1822 Will Proved 23 Dec 1822 Will Book 8 Page 263.
In the Name of God Amen. I Catharine Campbell of Fauquier County think proper to make my will. I submit my soul to God in hopes of mercy that my body be buried according to discretion of my friends all My estate. I devise in the following manner to all – After all my just debts be paid the remaining part of my estate to remain in the hands of my daughter Francis, while she continues sole for the benefit and support of herself and children and after her death the proceeds of said estate to be distributed equally Among her children. In testimony that this and only is my last will and Testament. I have hereunto set my hand and seal the 16 day Apr 1822. Signed Sealed and published by Catherine in presence who have attested that same our help presence .
And in the presence of each other.
William C. Morrison
Catherine (X) Campbell
Timothy Bray Junior
Christopher Metcalf
At a court held for Fauquier County 23 Dec 1822. The last will and testament of Catharine Campbell deceased. Was proved by the oaths of William C Morrison, & Christorpher Metcalf witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded.
[Brøderbund Family Archive #310, Ed. 1, Census Index: Colonial America, 1607-1789, Date of Import: Mar 26, 1999, Internal Ref. #1.310.1.271.113]
Individual: Campbell, Alex
County/State: Prince William Co., VA
Year: 1773
Census type code: Rent Roll
The following miscellaneous information is provided about the individual: OF CREEL
[Brøderbund Family Archive #310, Ed. 1, Census Index: Colonial America, 1607-1789, Date of Import: Mar 26, 1999, Internal Ref. #1.310.1.271.127]
Individual: Campbell, Alexr
County/State: Prince William Co., VA
Year: 1777
Census type code: Rent Roll
[Brøderbund Family Archive #310, Ed. 1, Census Index: Colonial America, 1607-1789, Date of Import: Mar 26, 1999, Internal Ref. #1.310.1.271.125]
Individual: Campbell, Alexander
County/State: Prince William Co., VA
Year: 1784
Census type code: Tax List
i. LYDIA6 CAMPBELL, b. Abt. 1780, Fauquier County, Virginia; m. ZIBA NEWHOUSE, January 1796, Fauquier County, Virginia; b. Abt. 1780.
ii. NATHANIEL CAMPBELL, b. Abt. 1782, Virginia; d. September 18, 1823, Washington County, Kentucky; m. SARAH O. PETTIT, January 17, 1805, Fauquier County, Virginia; b. April 03, 1786, Fauquier County, Virginia; d. August 16, 1861, Washington County, Kentucky.
" I'm Tom Lee and am happy to find a cousin in John McMullen, especially with the great website he has devoted to our Robinson ancestors, among others. Benjamin Robinson (b. ca 1720 Stafford Co, VA; d. 1785 Fauquier Co, VA) is our common ancestor. Benjamin and Sarah Stac(e)y Robinson's daughter Catharine is my ggg-grandmother. John has indicated the lineage backward from Benjamin which he covers very thoroughly on his website. Catherine was born in Overwharton Parish, Stafford Co, VA, 8 Feb 1752. She died in Fauquier Co, VA, probably 1822, but there is some question in this regard (a subject for discussion at a later time?). She married a Campbell, whom I believe was George Campbell of Prince William Co, VA. I descend from their son Nathaniel and Sarah "Sally" O. Pettit (m. 17 Jan 1805 in Fauquier Co, VA). Nathaniel served as a soldier from Virginia in the War of 1812. He and his family relocated first to Shelbyville, KY, then to Washington Co, KY, where Nathaniel died 16 September 1823. Sally married second Andrew Gwin 26 July 1831. Sally, daughter of Thomas and Be(t)hethelon Owens Pettit, was born 3 April 1786 in Fauquier Co, and died 16 Aug 1861 in Washington Co, KY. She and Nathaniel had 8 children."
Fauquier Co., Va Guardian Bonds 1759-1871 by John Gott
Stephen Robinson, gdn of Nathaniel Campbell orph of Catherine Campbell, dec'd. 23 January 1797. For: $400. Security: Dixon Robinson. J.P.: Ambrose Bernett, Thomas Fitzhugh, John Bronaugh, Aquilla Davis, Gent.
[Brøderbund Family Archive #313, Ed. 1, Census Index: U.S. Selected Counties, 1810, Date of Import: Mar 26, 1999, Internal Ref. #1.313.1.665.17]
Individual: Campbell, Nathaniel
County/State: Fauquier Co., VA
Page #: 254
Year: 1810
Age ranges in household: 00010-2001002
Census: 1810, Fauquier County, Virginia
Notes for SARAH O. PETTIT:
Nathaniel died 16 September 1823. Sally married second Andrew Gwin 26 July 1831. Sally, daughter of Thomas and Be(t)hethelon Owens Pettit, was born 3 April 1786 in Fauquier Co, and died 16 Aug 1861 in Washington Co, KY. She and Nathaniel had 8 children.
Marriage Index: KY, NC, TN, VA, WV, 1728-1850
Fauquier County Virginia
Campbell, Nathan Spouse : Pettitt, Sally
Marriage date : Jan 17, 1805
2. iii. FRANCES CAMPBELL, b. Abt. 1783.
Generation No. 2
2. FRANCES6 CAMPBELL (CATHERINE5 ROBINSON, BENJAMIN4, HENRY3, STEPHEN2, STEPHEN1) was born Abt. 1783. She married RICHARD BRADLEY August 04, 1804 in Fauquier County, Virginia. He was born Abt. 1780, and died Bef. 1822.
[Brøderbund Family Archive #315, Ed. 1, Census Index: U.S. Selected Counties, 1830, Date of Import: Apr 6, 1999, Internal Ref. #1.315.1.988.4]
Individual: Bradley, Frances
County/State: Fauquier Co., VA
Page #: 456
Year: 1830
[Brøderbund Family Archive #313, Ed. 1, Census Index: U.S. Selected Counties, 1810, Date of Import: Apr 6, 1999, Internal Ref. #1.313.1.458.104]
Individual: Bradley, Richard
County/State: Fauquier Co., VA
Page #: 252
Year: 1810
Age ranges in household: 20011-2001000
[Brøderbund Family Archive #314, Ed. 1, Census Index: U.S. Selected Counties, 1820, Date of Import: Apr 6, 1999, Internal Ref. #1.314.1.635.167]
Individual: Bradley, Richard
County/State: Fauquier Co., VA
Page #: 101
Year: 1820
i. MALE7 BRADLEY, b. Abt. 1804.
3. ii. MARY ANN BRADLEY, b. Abt. 1805.
iii. MAHALA S. BRADLEY, b. Abt. 1806; m. WILLIAM SHUMATE, December 21, 1825, Fauquier County, Virginia; b. Abt. 1800.
iv. RICHARD BRADLEY, b. Abt. 1810.
v. FEMALE BRADLEY, b. Abt. 1810.
vi. CAROLINA BRADLEY, b. Abt. 1812, Fauquier County, Virginia; m. MOSES BURGESS, September 08, 1834, Fauquier County, Virginia; b. Abt. 1810.
vii. FANNY A. BRADLEY, b. Abt. 1818.
viii. PRESLEY BRADLEY, b. Abt. 1819.
Generation No. 3
3. MARY ANN7 BRADLEY (FRANCES6 CAMPBELL, CATHERINE5 ROBINSON, BENJAMIN4, HENRY3, STEPHEN2, STEPHEN1) was born Abt. 1805. She married CHRISTOPHER METCALF December 22, 1823 in Fauquier County, Virginia. He was born Abt. 1800 in Fauquier County, Virginia.
Christopher Metcalf was born in Fauquier Co., Virginia in 1800. He married Mary
Ann Bradley in Fauquier Co., VA on 22 Dec 1823. Christopher is found on the
1860 Census also. Their children were probably born in Fauquier Co.:
Elizabeth b. 1826
Thornton S. b. 1828
Richard W. b.1832
Mary C. b. 1834
George b. 1838 (a George C. is found on the 1860 Census for Fauquier Co., VA)
Presley G. b. 1838
Texana O. b. 1844
Sally b. 1846
> From: John Hancock <>
> To:
i. ELIZABETH8 METCALF, b. 1826, Fauquier County, Virginia.
ii. THORNTON S. METCALF, b. 1828, Fauquier County, Virginia.
iii. RICHARD W. METCALF, b. 1832, Fauquier County, Virginia.
iv. MARY C. METCALF, b. 1834, Fauquier County, Virginia.
v. PRESLEY GEORGE METCALF, b. 1838, Fauquier County, Virginia.
vi. TEXANA O. METCALF, b. 1844, Fauquier County, Virginia.
vii. SALLY METCALF, b. 1846, Fauquier County, Virginia.
Revised April 19, 2004