Elizabeth Robinson (1819-1849)
Descendants & Sources
Generation No. 1
1. ELIZABETH6 ROBINSON (ELIJAH NASH5, BENJAMIN4, HENRY3, STEPHEN2, STEPHEN1) was born January 23, 1819 in Mason County, Kentucky, and died February 08, 1849 in Daviess County, Indiana. She married WILLIAM H. ROBINSON December 25, 1837 in Daviess County, Indiana. He was born Abt. 1812 in Ohio, and died Aft. 1852.
Cemetery Records of Daviess Co. Old City Cemetery , Washington In.
Robinson, Elijah N. d. Oct 13, 1845--age.....66y-7m
" Sarah Ann d.Feb 13, 1849--age....67y
Wife of E.N.Robinson
" Elizabeth D. d. Feb8, 1849--age 30y-15 d
Wife of W.H.Robinson. This gives birthdate of Jan 23, 1819.
Daviess County Indiana
Abstract of Probate Records, 1817-1866, compiled by Stella Bogner, 1933, White River Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution.
Probate Record, Elizabeth Robinson September, 1852
Dixon Robinson, minor. William H. Robinson Father & Guardian
Nancy Robinson, minor "
Mary Robinson, minor "
Lydia Robinson, minor "
Sarah Robinson, minor "
Burial: February 1849, Daviess County, Indiana (Old City Cemetery)
Probate: September 1852, Guardianship of Children
Daviess County Indiana
Abstract of Probate Records, 1817-1866, compiled by Stella Bogner, 1933, White River Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution.
Probate Record, Elizabeth Robinson September, 1852
Dixon Robinson, minor. William H. Robinson Father & Guardian
Nancy Robinson, minor "
Mary Robinson, minor "
Lydia Robinson, minor "
Sarah Robinson, minor "
Index to Daviess County Probate Records, Vol. E, p370
Elizabeth Robinson exc. William H. Robinson Oct 6, 1852 Vol E p 370
Cancelled: NDocument Nr. : 26670Misc. Document Nr. :
Warrantee Name: Authority: April 24, 1820:
Cash Entry Sale (3 Stat. 566)Signature Present: Y
Signature Date: 10/1/40 Metes/Bounds: N
Survey Date: Subsurface Reserved: NLand Office: VINCENNES
Legal Land Descriptions
Nr.Aliquot PartsSec/BlkTownshipRangeFract. Sect.MeridianAcresCounties
[Brøderbund Family Archive #317, Ed. 1, Census Index: U.S. Selected Counties, 1850, Date of Import: May 4, 1998, Internal Ref. #1.317.1.10454.178]
Individual: Feagans, Deroster
County/State: Daviess Co., IN
Location: Washington Twp
Page #: 094
Year: 1850
Robertson, Sarah J 05 Ind Wash
Robertson, Lydia 06 Ind Wash
Robertson, Nancy 10 Ind Wash
Robertson, Dixon 12 Ind Wash
Feagans, Mary J 02 Ind Wash
Feagans, Melinda 07 Ind Wash
Feagans, Sarah 09 Ind Wash
Feagans, Jane 14 Ind Wash
Feagans, James R 15 Farmer Ind Wash
Feagans, Mariah 41 Ky Wash
Feagans, Derostes 41 Farmer Ky Wash
The children are living with their aunt Mariah. In 1880 census Dixon claims his father was born in Ohio.
Land Purchase: October 01, 1840, Daviess County, Indiana
Probate: September 1852, Guardianship of Children
Marriage Index: IL, IN, 1790-1850
Broderbund Family Archive CD#228
Daviess County Indiana
Robinson, William H.
Spouse : Robinson, Elizabeth
Marriage date : Dec 25, 1837
i. DIXON7 ROBINSON, b. October 26, 1840, Daviess County, Indiana; d. January 03, 1915, Boise, Ada County, Idaho.
Daviess County Indiana
Abstract of Probate Records, 1817-1866, compiled by Stella Bogner, 1933, White River Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution.
Probate Record, Elizabeth Robinson September, 1852
Dixon Robinson, minor. William H. Robinson Father & Guardian
Nancy Robinson, minor "
Mary Robinson, minor "
Lydia Robinson, minor "
Sarah Robinson, minor "
[Brøderbund Family Archive #317, Ed. 1, Census Index: U.S. Selected Counties, 1850, Date of Import: May 4, 1998, Internal Ref. #1.317.1.10454.178]
Individual: Feagans, Deroster
County/State: Daviess Co., IN
Location: Washington Twp
Page #: 094
Year: 1850
Robertson, Sarah J 05 Ind
Robertson, Lydia 06 Ind
Robertson, Nancy 10 Ind
Robertson, Dixon 12 Ind
Feagans, Mary J 02 Ind
Feagans, Melinda 07 Ind
Feagans, Sarah 09 Ind
Feagans, Jane 14 Ind
Feagans, James R 15 Farmer Ind
Feagans, Mariah 41 Ky
Feagans, Derostes 41 Farmer Ky
Mariah has Robinson (Robertson) children in her home. Mariah's maiden name is Robinson. These seem to be her sister, Elizabeth's orphans. She also had several Robinson children in 1860. These were her brother's semi orphans.
[Broderbund Family Archive #304, Ed. 1, Census Records, Indiana, 1860, Date of Import: May 5, 1998, Internal Ref. #1.304.1.18637.14]
Individual: Robinson, Dixon
Age: 22 Year(s)
Ethnicity: White
Birthplace: Indiana
County: Knox
Township: Busseron
Post Office: Oak Station
State: IN
Census Page Number: 0777
Census Line Number: 27A
National Archives Series Number: M653
National Archives Microfilm Number: 272
Job: Blacksmith
Job Code: 270 - Blacksmith
Real Property: $0
Personal Property: $40
Head of Household: Y
Literate: Yes
Family Number: 0041
Dwelling Number: 0041
Misc: (16)P O ASSUMED
1870 Census of Union County Oregon - LaGrande Twp, p396 - 243-245
Robison, D. 36 M W Carpenter IN
1880 Census of Burnt River, Baker County, Oregon Page 31B
Eugene WAY Self M S W 26 PA Miner Fa: PA Mo: PA
D. P. ROBINSON Other M S W 45 IN Miner Fa: OH Mo: ---
1910 Census of Nez Perce County Idaho - Dent Precinct, p8b - Northfork Road - 63-63
Nelson, Magnus Head m w 26 s MN Swe Swe Engl Farmer
Matz, Andrew Lodger m w 28 s MN Ger Ger Engl None
Robinson, Dixon Lodger m w 70 s IN IN IN Engl None Civil War Vet
Dixon Robinson Military Service
Residence Marion County IN;
Enlisted on 6/19/61 as a Private.
On 6/19/61 he mustered into "H" Co. IN 13th Infantry
He was Mustered Out on 9/5/65 at Goldsboro, NC
Intra Regimental Company Transfers:
* from company B to company D
* 12/6/64 from company H to company B
Sources: - Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Indiana
Pension Claim Papers.
Robinson, Dixon. B,D,H 13th Ind Inf.
Applied with Declarations: Aug 3, 1902; March 8, 1907; May 27, 1912;
Residences: Dent, Shoshone County (Later Nez Perce County), Idaho; Morrow County, Oregon
Said he had saber wound in War. Also ruptured.
Said he had applied in 1889, but papers burned.
Places of residence since War: Idaho, Montana, and Oregon.
Application# 1289258. Certificate# 1106362. M.B.Stevens & Co. P. 2507983.
Rolls show him present with unit, except:
Aug 31, 1862 - Brig Blacksmith by order of Gen. Terry (Perry).
June 30, 1863 - Blacksmith, Suffolk, Virginia, by order of Gen Peck.
Dec 31, 1863 - Home on furlough
Apr 30, 1864 - At hospital in Indianapolis
Mar 31, 1864 - Erroneously listed as deserter while in hospital
Description: 5' 4", dark complexion, grey eyes, black hair.
Erroneously listed as born in Martin County, Indiana.
Pensioner Dropped. Department of the Interior. Bureau of Pensions.
January 20, 1915. Certificate No. 1106302. Class Act of May 11, 1912
Pensioner - Dixon Robinson. Service - H & D 13th Indiana Infantry
Last paid: $25. to December 4, 1914.
Dropped because of Death on January 3, 1915.
Place of Death: Soldier's Home, Boise, Ada County, Idaho.
Charles E. Bradish, Guardian. Orofino, Idaho.
R.H. Barton Commandant
Soldier's Home
August 8th 1913
Hon Commissioner of Pensions
Washington D.C.
My Dear Sir:-
I am writing you in the interest of an inmate of the Home, Mr Dixon Robinson late Co’s H.& D 13th Indiana Vole Infty, Pension Cert No 1106302 San Francisco Agency He was admitted to this Home April 8th, 1913, and he advises me that while suffering from an injury to his feet at Orofino Idaho a man by the name of Bradish had himself appointed his Guardian alleging for cause incompetency’ That as such Guardian he has
drawn all his pension money since last February and has not made any account of it to anyone but as near as we can learn is appropriating it to his own use. Now Mr Commissioner I request that no more payments of this claimant's pension be made to this pretended Guardian, until an investigation can be made. I am credibly informed that the guardianship is irregular in many particulars and void, and to protect the Government against paying fraudulent claimants we ask that his future payments of his pension be paid to the claimant care Soldiers Home Boise Idaho
I am Sir most Respectfully Yours,
R.H. Barton
Orofino, Idaho Aug. 28, 1913
Hon.G .M .Saltsgaber, Commissioner
Washington ,D.C.
I have yours of August 20th inst, and note what you say in re Dixon Robinson,an incompetent person. I was duly appointed Guardian of the person and estate of Dixon Robinson on Feb. l7th, 1913, by the Probate Court. of Clearwater County,State 01’ Idaho, and I might add for your information that Mr.Robinson was the owner of a valuable timber claim in this County, and because of his incompetency, he deeded this land to a supposed friend, and the result was that the supposed friend immediately after he had secured title to Mr. Robinson's land forgot that he was a friend of Robinson, and when the officers of Clearwater County found Mr. Robinson he was in a helpless Condition and was suffering from having both feet frozen,and the officers of Clearwater County were humane enough to take him Mr. Robinson to a hospital, and have the necessary operations performed, and paid for the same,and after Mr. Robinson was discharged from the hospital he took sick with pneumonia and the County of Clearwater again came to his rescue and employed a competent nurse and physician and the result was that Mr. Robinson recovered,and then the officers of the county advised me to take him to the Soldiers Home at Boise, Idaho, which I did,having in the meantime been regularly appointed Guardian for Mr. Robinson, and now I have the honor to report as follows, to wit:
Amounts received
Apr. 12, 1913 Pension $45.00
June 30, 1913 91.00
July 17, 1913 75.00
Paid to Mr. Robinson $22.00 Postage and Ex $2.00 22.00
Claim Presented by Clearwater County and approved by
Probato Judge $139.02
Claim Presented by Clearwater County
and approved by Probate Judge 64.60
Total Amount Received 211.00
Total Amount Paid Out
Balance due me as Guardian $14.00
In consideration of’ this statement I do not see that Mr. Robinson is getting the worst of’ it, as I can prove that at the time that the County Officers of Clearwater County took charge of Mr. Robinson he was in the most destitute of circumstances, as he had either given away or fooled away all the proceeds of a valuable timber claim and the total amount of his pension,and was in a very precarious condition physically, as both of his feet were frozen and gangrene had set in, and if it were not for the prompt action of’ the officers of this county he would have died like a dog on the roadside, as his condition was such that no hotel man would allow him within his hotel on account of the most offensive smell arising from his frozen and gangrenous feet. These are facts that can be testified to by as good citizens as live under the FLAG and I do not see where Mr. Robinson has got the worst of it at the hands of this County. I am an old soldier, (honorably discharged), myself ,and if’ I knew that a comrade was getting the worst of’ it I am one of the first people that would resent it,but in this case I have personal knowledge that Comrade Robinson has been treated with all the kindness and consideration possible, and I know that when the Probate Judge of’ this County appointed me as his Guardian, he did so for the sole purpose of insisting that the pension money coming from the Government to Mr. Robinson would be expended for the use and benefit of Mr. Robinson, and not squandered as it had been heretofore. if you have any further inquiry to make in this matter I shall be most glad to furnish you any information that I have available, and court the most full and complete examination of my guardianship.
Charles E. Bradish, Guardian
Burial: January 04, 1915, Idaho Soldiers Home, Boise, Ada County, Idaho
Guardianship: April 08, 1913, Idaho Soldiers Home, Boise, Idaho
ii. NANCY ROBINSON, b. Abt. 1841, Indiana.
In the 1850 Census Nancy Robinson lived with her Aunt Mariah Robinson Feagans.
[Broderbund Family Archive #304, Ed. 1, Census Records, Indiana, 1860, Date of Import: May 15, 1998, Internal Ref. #1.304.1.18657.21]
Individual: Robinson, Nancy
Age: 19 Year(s)
Ethnicity: White
Birthplace: Indiana
County: Daviess
Township: Washington
Post Office: Washington
State: IN
Census Page Number: 0682
Census Line Number: 26A
National Archives Series Number: M653
National Archives Microfilm Number: 251
Job: Domestic
Job Code: 031 - Domestic
Real Property: $0
Personal Property: $0
Head of Household: Y
Literate: Yes
Family Number: 0683
Dwelling Number: 0685
This is the Nelson Bolton Household.
iii. MARY ROBINSON, b. Abt. 1842.
In the 1850 Census Mary Robinson lived with her Aunth Mariah Robinson Feagans.
iv. LYDIA ROBINSON, b. Abt. 1844, Indiana; m. WARNER SMITH, January 24, 1864, Daviess County, Indiana; b. Abt. 1840.
In the 1850 Census Lydia Robinson lived with her Aunt Mariah Robinson Feagans.
[Broderbund Family Archive #304, Ed. 1, Census Records, Indiana, 1860, Date of Import: May 15, 1998, Internal Ref. #1.304.1.18651.38]
Individual: Robinson, Lydia
Age: 16 Year(s)
Ethnicity: White
Birthplace: Indiana
County: Daviess
Township: Washington
Post Office: Washington
State: IN
Census Page Number: 0665
Census Line Number: 09A
National Archives Series Number: M653
National Archives Microfilm Number: 251
Job: Domestic
Job Code: 031 - Domestic
Real Property: $0
Personal Property: $0
Head of Household: Y
Literate: Yes
Family Number: 0542
Dwelling Number: 0544
Residence: 1860, Domestic in Wm Helphinstein Hshld
WPA Index to Daviess County Indiana Marriages 1850-1920
Given Name: LYDIA E
Spouse: WARNER G
Spouse Surname: SMITH
Month: JAN
Day: 24
Year: 1864
Book: 2
Page: 227
Fiche: 3881
v. SARAH J. ROBINSON, b. Abt. 1845, Indiana.
In the 1850 Census Sarah Robinson lived with her Aunt Mariah Robinson Feagans. In the 1860 Census Sarah Robinson lives with her Aunt Nancy Robinson Arthur.
[Broderbund Family Archive #304, Ed. 1, Census Records, Indiana, 1860, Date of Import: Nov 27, 1998, Internal Ref. #1.304.1.18661.11]
Individual: Robinson, Sarah
Age: 13 Year(s) Maybe 15?
Ethnicity: White
Birthplace: Indiana
County: Daviess
Township: Washington
Post Office: Washington
State: IN
Census Page Number: 0640
Census Line Number: 19A
National Archives Series Number: M653
National Archives Microfilm Number: 251
Real Property: $0
Personal Property: $0
Head of Household: Y
Literate: Yes
School Within Year: Yes
Family Number: 0363
Dwelling Number: 0365
Residence: 1850, Derostos Feagans Household
Revised April 19, 2004