Midwest Clowder
Info and Updates
There are two Clowder gatherings planned for the Midwest.
Dayton, Ohio April 18-19 1998
We hope to have photos up soon and eventually there will be MOVIES!!! Including the wedwinking of Oprah Anne, house of Terrell and Rascal, house of Ruwe. Keep checking back!!
Was held at the home of Shadow and Rascal's hoomin Terri
Who attended:
Shadow's hoomin Terri
Da Dancer Kats an Gypsy's hoomin Lynne
Princess Pasha and Oprah Anne's hoomin Ellie
Pauline, Mikey and Charlie's hoomin Phyllis
Muzzin, Giapetto,
Zamboni and Smudge's hoomin Mary
Prissy and Patches's hoomin Carla
Worthington, Indiana May 16-17 1998.
Being held at the home of Princess Pasha and Oprah Anne's hoomin Ellie
Hoomins attending so far:
Princess Pasha and Oprah Anne's hoomin Ellie
Da Dancer Kats an Gypsy's hoomin Lynne
Pauline, Mikey and Charlie's hoomin Phyllis
Sam, Socrates, Persephone and Elektra's hoomin Renee
Prissy and Patches's hoomin Carla
Punkins & Puddi Cat's hoomin Fran
Chester & Clarence's hoomin Jan
Micah and Snowshoe's hoomin Christine
Mocha, Dusty, Oscar, Ebony, Tinker Belle, Sweet Pea, Chester,
Angel, Rusty, Quincy & Percy's hoomin Cathy