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Zion Assembly Church

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Zion Assembly was founded in June 28, 1991 in the Windward Hotel by Rev. Dr. Carlton Williams and 42 other believers. Worship at the hotel was a marvelous experience. Our hearts were greatly challenged to do a work for God in the coming years.

From the Windard Hotel(where we stayed until December of 1981) we went to the Frenchtown Community Center. Even though the venue was not the most commodious one yet we continued to see the mighty hand of God in demonstration. Many were saved and challenged.

It was here that we were first introduced to the AME Zion church and an unfortunate union occurred which lasted only a few months. After our severance from this denomination the members of Zion Assembly were once again given the opportunity to handle their own affairs.

In In 1983 Zion Assembly was asked to find a place of worship by the board of Directors of the FCC. We were given two weeks to leave and God graciously directed us to the owner of the property in Lindberg Bay. We were able to do business and we moved into something that we could call our own. It was a time of joy and praise.

It is on this location that we built our present structure and dedicated it to the glory of God on July 19, 1987. The church now has active membership from almost every island in the Caribbean and the USA. It also has some ambitious plans for the future and covets the earnest prayers and commitment of all those who love our blessed Lord.

As a minstry to the community the Zion Academy is available to one and all from pre-kindergarten to Fifth grade with the possibility of adding a grade every year as the Lord prospers the school. For those who are interested in the further studying of the Word of God, the Zion Evangelical School of Theology is available with its evening classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 7:30PM.

If you want to attend our services you can call us at 775:5589 or 776:4310. We would be glad to pick you up and take you back home with the Church Buses. Other members of the Assembly are always happy to supply their own personal transportation to facilitate those who want to be a part of our worship experience

Our worship takes on a Pentecostal flair most of the times. The church sees glossalalia as an experience that progressive and powerful Christians should possess. Our emphasis upon the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit leads us into extreme enthusiasm. Healing and anointing meetings are regular. Concern for the church as an organism and not an organization is constantly verbalized by us..

Come with us and we will do you good for the Lord has spoken well concerning us.

The doors of Zion are always open to those who want to be an active part of this world wide outreach ministry. Contact the pastor at your earliest convenience and he will be more than happy to give you pertinent informtion concerning the varied ministries of our Church. May the Lord richly bless you and yours today.

Carl Williams Ministries! ENTER ZION ASSEMBLY!Zion's Story! Pastor's Resume!
About The V.I! Geosurvey! Sermons! Zion Academy! Coming Events! Carl Williams Books!