Dear friends and family,
Ollie and I greet you again from the Philippines. God's presence has been so real in our travels back overseas, and His blessing and grace has surely surrounded us each step of the way! At Pittsburgh International Airport, we had a surprise meeting with a Bible-school friend of mine, Tim Blanarik, who was on his way to Vietnam with a mission team from Pittsburgh. That meeting was to me a sort of "trumpet call" that we were stepping back into the good fight for the souls of men and women whom Jesus has given His life for!
Our time in San Jose was graced with God's presence and filled with His purpose. Our first stop was with Ollie's Aunt Meren and Uncle Gil. We spent our time at their house while visiting other relatives and friends. Doors were opened here for the Gospel to be shared, and Aunt Meren prayed with us to receive the Lord Jesus Christ! We took her with us the next day to Jubilee Christian Center in San Jose, California.
We also spent time