"...And Proudly She Served"

Welcome Fellow Women Veterans!

This website is intended to help and inform women
veterans of their rights, organizations open to them,
and offers a safe haven from the "male" veteran world.
Our numbers may not be the majority; but our voices will
be heard. This site is made by a woman veteran for all
women veterans. Again, welcome aboard.

All the information provided in this website
was collected from various sources of important information
which every woman veteran should know about. Anyone
wishing to add information to this site, feel free to send me
e-mail and I will try to include all that is sent to me.
Thank you for stopping in.

My name is Veronica Reilly. I am USMC Retired.
I am a member of the Woman Marine Association
and the American Legion.  With  the help of my fellow
Women Veteran friends, I am striving to make our voices
heard. Together, we are changing the way the VA treats it's
women veterans.

For more information about your rights as a
vet for medical care or trama treatment, contact your local
VA hospital or call the regional office at 1-800-827-1000 for
the phone number or location of the hospital nearest you.


I have found many wonderful websites on the internet for
women veterans. I went to the Center for Women Veterans
website and discovered a world of information concerning
women's health issues. Some of the services that are
offered to women vets are: Counseling and treatment
of sexual trauma, medical services such as Pap smears,
mammography and general reproductive health care.

There are eight (8) health centers that take care of a
woman's special needs. They are located across the county.
For more information, stop by their website.

Center for Women Veterans

To read a little bit about Women's Military History,
click on  Herstory .  There's some interesting reading
as well as information on Women's History Month.

The women's memorial (WIMSA) dedication was held on
October 18, 1997 and the excitement and thrill of being
there was incredible! More than 30,000 women attended
the dedication ceremonies and candle light march from
the Lincoln Memorial, crossing the Arlington Memorial
Bridge finnishing up at the WIMSA Memorial where Janet
Reno was the guest speaker and all participants were
rewarded to a beautiful fireworks display. It was truly
a rewarding and touching moment in my life and in the lives
of the thousands of individuals in attendance.

Words cannot describe the magical way this day
touched so many lives. For those who missed it,
the dedication reunited women in sisterhood.
From the release of the newly revised Women Veteran Stamp,
featuring all five branches of service, Kenny Rogers &
Patty Austin's duet of "I'll Always Remember You",
to the ribbon cutting itself, the excitment was
evident in all who attended this occassion.


Glass tablets are a clear ceiling over the
enclosed entrance of Arlington National Cemetary.
Light streams through the glass where women's military
history comes alive. The computer database allows
visitors to find fellow women veterans. This database
even allows women to print this information for a small
fee. Don't forget to stop at the gift shop! There
are lots of gifts to take home with you and it's worth
the stop.


The National Registry of Women Veterans was
established to promote continuing improvements in health
and health care of women veterans through research and
information exchange. They need your input. They need to
know how to care for women in order to change the existing
care given. They want to know and it's up to us to do
something about it. Don't forget to tell yourself,
"I MAKE A DIFFERENCE", because you do!


The following is a list of organizations for women veterans:
Air Force Women Officers
WAC Veterans' Association
Nat'l Women Veterans Conference, Inc.
Coast Guard/SPAR, Inc.
Women's Overseas Service League
Navy Nurse Corps Association
Woman Marines Association
WWII Flight Nurses Association
Retired Army Nurse Corps Association
Women Military Aviators, Inc.
Hispanic Women Veterans Coalition
Society of Retired Air Force Nurses
Vietnam Women's Memorial Project
Army Specialist Corps Association
WAVES National
Nat'l Org of World War Nurses
Retired Army Medical Specialist Corps Association
United Women Veterans
Women Veterans of American
National Navy Women's Reunion
Click here for more information.

Women Veterans from NY are proud to announce that
volume one of our "Volunteers All -- Military Women of NY" is
out for sale! Women across the state have submitted there
military stories to us for submission into this wonderful and
educational book. It tells the stories of all those wonderful
women from New York State who joined the military to serve her
country. It's available in hard or soft cover and makes an
excellent gift for schools or libraries. If you're interested
drop me an e-mail and I'll send you the price and where to send
the money, etc. It's truly a beautiful book.
Learn about women like Dr. Mary Walker - 1st woman awarded the
Congressional Medal of Honor.
Madelin Nolan - the first Native American Wm to join the WAC's
Major Michele Barlean - 1st Wm Aviator Commander of a Helo
Squadron during Desert Storm.
Lt. Col. Eileen Collins - 1st wm to pilot a spacecraft and as
announced on March 5, 1998, will be the first woman to COMMAND
a space mission.
SPC Patricia Leigh Semmens - killed while serving in Desert Storm
This book is rich in Women's Military History and a must for
all women to share with their daughter, granddaughters, nieces
etc. It's our heritage. Are you from NY and not
in volume one? Drop me an e-mail and I'll send you the bio
sheet for you to tell me your story for inclusion in Vol. 2.
Our newsletter database has grown! Are you on
on our list and from NYS? If not, drop me a line with
your address and we'll stick you on!

For addresses and phone numbers, please send me e-mail.

If you want to let me know of your problems or needs,
please e-mail me direct. I don't always have time to
browse my guest book as often as I'd like, so e-mail
is the best way to get in touch with me.

American Made
Women Are Veteran's, Too!
My Dad
My POW Page
LZ Memories
Korean War Project
A People at War, Women in Service
Women's Connection
Citizen's Flag Alliance

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