My Testimony

            When I think of Jesus on the cross it brings tears to my eyes. He suffered and gave his life for me and you so that we could be forgiven for our Sins.

        OH the pain he must have felt when they put those nails in his hands and feet and that Crown of Thorns around his head. When I think of how he died the first thing that comes to my mind are the words he spoke while on that cross. Jesus cried out "Father forgive them for they know not what they do"!

        I have been going to church since the day I came into this world, but it was not until one Sunday morning when I was 16 years old they had an Altar call and the Holy Spirit touched me and I gave my life to God.

        Unfortunately I strayed away from God for awhile, but that seed was still in my heart. There where many times when I know that my Jesus was very disappointed in what I was doing, but he knew I would come back home to him. At age 21 I rededicated my life and I have been a Christian ever since then. I do make mistakes every day, but I strive harder and harder in my walk with the Lord to be the person he would have me to be.

        In the Bible I read that each person has a Gift from God. Well I wondered what my gift was, so I prayed and asked God to somehow reveal it to me so I would know. A few weeks later one Sunday morning a Sunday School Teacher that taught the children was out sick and I was asked to teach that class. I had never taught before but I said I would, after that class was over I realized my Gift was to help teach the children.

        I am a Youth Teacher at my Church. I teach 10 through 12 year olds, I love the children dearly and try very hard to teach them Gods word from the Holy Bible.

I am Truly Blessed by Jesus everyday!

        If you are a Christian here reading this I ask that you Pray for me That I will do God's Will in teaching these Children.

        I believe in the Trinity (meaning that Father, Son and Holy Spirit are One.)

        The Music you are listing to is Our God Reigns. I Truly love this song.

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Updated on April 12, 2000