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May 1, 1997

On Friday, April 25 we were in the city of Danlí (see map) in the southeastern part of Honduras. Our Music group presented a concert at the invitation of the Amor Viviente church there. We left San Pedro at dawn in order to arrive by noon, set up the equipment and do our sound check. We are still in the dry season here and Danlí, while not as hot, is drier and dustier than San Pedro. They told us that there hasn't been a real rain since January.

There were 1,200 people present that evening in the open air arena where the concert was held. We had a wonderful two hours of praise, worship, sharing and ministry. Since we use our church sound system for these events, we had to take everything down and leave for San Pedro at 4:30 AM the next morning to be able to set up for our own services on Saturday afternoon. We enjoy opportunities to share God's word through music ministry. There is certainly a lot of work involved but it is work that bears good fruit.


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All three of us participate in an event like this. Mary Lu is lead singer and Matt plays lead guitar. I handle the installation and operation of the sound system. I also take photos, which explains why I'm not in any. I'm on the other side of the camera.

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