Access 97 class libraries
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Here is a list of Access 97 class libraries and add-ins that I've collected. Feel free to download them.
Other examples
- Attendance calendar - click on the date to record employee's/student's attendance.
- Backup wizard - saves objects as text files during development.
- Calendar - a calendar form without using any third-party controls.
- Class builder wizard
- Class information wizard
- (215kb) - get info on all or certain files (like DLL files). Reads version, file size, file date, etc. into Access database. This is not a class, but a Module with all the routines in it.
- Email - how to use ShellExecute API to send an email from Access 97.
- History - how to track changes to records in one or more tables.
- MS Security manager add-in
- MS Graph Samples
- MS Print Relationships wizard - this page also has: Wizard building wizard, Command bar/menu bar wizard, Domain function wizard, balloon wizard, Treeview control wizard.
- Print lines - how to print expanding lines on reports, printing grids, more.
- Progress bar - without any third-party controls. (But A95 and A97 both come with a progress bar using the SysCmd command.)
- Splitter - how to display and ersize splitter panes in an Access form.
- (706k) - shows how to use the inetxfer library above, to get stock quotes from the internet. Version .10. A more recent version may be at MSAccess on Egroups. You must be a member to access the Files area.
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