Tigger's Lair

Featured MIDI Music: Lion King


Tigger crossed over the Rainbow Bridge on February 13th, 2001. Tigger witnessed to us the unconditional love that God has for us all. He brought so much happiness and companionship and love into our lives that we are still blessed by his memory. Thank you all for the prayers and emails they have been a great source of comfort during our time of grief. We look forward to being reunited with him on the other side.
With Christ's love,
Tigger's Family




|Oats & Marilyn | Brian & Beth | Darol

A friend of Marilyn's saw a thin homeless Tabby cat hanging around her bushes He was anxious to make friends with her but she had a several cats and dogs already. This was July 1993 and no one at that time could guess his age or where he came from. He was homeless and he wanted a home. We brought him home and immediately fell in love with him and he returns our love. He was poor and undernourished and liked to eat and sleep. Therefore he grew big and strong. By 1997 he went from an 8 pound frail homeless kitty to a husky 16 pound member of the Olson family. He loved attention and would love to sit on daddy's lap and pat him in the tummy. When ever we would read the newspaper he would be right their to help us. And when we got on the computer Tigger tried his best to work the keyboard. But then in the fall of 2000 Tigger began to lose weight and inactive. He had feline AIDS and in Feburary of 2001 he left this world. Tigger has touched and changed every heart in our family, and has changed our lives forever. We will never forget him, we were touched by the hand of God!

"click on the thumbnail to see the rest of the picture"


 One of my favorite cat persons is giving me a little attention here. Oats Olson, my pet.


 I posed for this Jack-o-lantern.


 I tell you, I was framed!


 I am ready to play some more CD's.


 Don't you think you should be playing the Lion King midi while you look at this one. For I am King of my jungle.


 Thank you for loving me from the very start.


 No more pictures, PLEASE!

|Oats & Marilyn | Brian & Beth | Darol

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Last updated 12-1-1997