
This page is dedicated to Delphi.

Welcome to our web page about Delphi, here we will have links to other Delphi www sites and other Delphi related information.

 If you are new to Delphi you will want ideas and help getting started, one way to do this is to go to different Delphi related Internet www sites. Here are some web sites I have found very helpful:
(I will add more links as I come accross them).
Delphi Deli Delphi32 Torrys Delphi Pages Peter Johnstons Homepage Delphi Pro
Delphi Station The Delphi Source The Delphi Exchange The Delphi Games Creator Delphi Goodies
San Diego 
 Delphi Users 
Richey's Delphi-Box Dr.Bob's            Delphi              Clinic

Here are some helpful hints:

Since you have the ability to make your own DataBases with Delphi you can consider making a Delphi DB of all your Delphi code. I have made such a DB and I also use Delphi Newsgroups, so when I find a piece of information on a Newsgroup I add it to my Delphi DB for later use, this keeps all your important pieces of Delphi code all in the same place and easy to get at. Adding FIND to the Delphi DB helps so you can find a piece of Delphi data fast.

To insert the Date and Time in a Text Editor(Memo):

procedure TNotesForm.Date1Click(Sender: TObject);
  Memo1.SelText := (FormatDateTime('ddd, mmm d, yyyy ', Now));
procedure TNotesForm.Time1Click(Sender: TObject);
  Memo1.SelText := (FormatDateTime('hh:mm AM/PM ', Now));

To make a Panel Visible or Invisible (Toggle Switch):

procedure TNotesForm.ToolButton11Click(Sender: TObject);
  If Panel1.Visible = True then
     Panel1.Visible := False
     Panel1.Visible := True;

To load a Help File:

procedure TNotesForm.Help1Click(Sender: TObject);
  Application.HelpFile := 'Edit.HLP';

Paste from Clipboard:

procedure TNotesForm.Paste1Click(Sender: TObject);

Copy to the Clipboard:

procedure TNotesForm.Copy1Click(Sender: TObject);

All of the above Delphi code has been tried in Delphi 3.
If you would like to add some small helpful pieces of Delphi code to this page please feel free to e-mail me and I will add the code with your name.

Download this Digital Clock (Windows 95 and upwards)!

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