*Grace's WEB page*

My name is Grace Indiana Sandbrook. I am 3 years old. I live in New Zealand on the north island in a small town called Tokoroa with my mother (Camelia Sandbrook), my father (James Sandbrook), my 9 year old sister Rachel Sandbrook, and my other sister Tracy and my dog Duke.

I am always keeping everyone busy at Sandbrooks Software and PC Services Ltd, and it's alot of fun :0).

My favorite songs are sung by the Beach Boys. I am the small "cute" one in the photo! I go to Kindy now and at the end of last year I went to our Kindys end of the year party as Santa Claus, it was a lot of fun. I like to practise Karate even though I am only 3 years old, it is alot of fun. In 1997 I learnt how to draw faces and I can operate my own computer programs on Dads computer.

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