Here's our story:
Brian and I got engaged on July 19, 1996 after a whopping 4 months of dating. When it's right, though, it's right! Brian and I met while attending Elizabethtown College. However, we were both involved in long-term relationships with other people. For the next few years, we lived parallel lives, albeit several hundred miles apart. He moved home after graduation to his native New Jersey, I to my native Connecticut. We both spent a few years in miserable jobs, with less-than-stellar social lives. We both started coming back to visit friends in Elizabethtown, and within four months of each other, ended up back in E-town for good.
There are a bunch of us here in town who either came back or stayed put after graduation. Strangely enough, all of us were the same major (Communications). Early in 1996, we all used to get together on Thursday nights for dinner at each other's house, and to watch Friends. (Yes, we are all 20-somethings!) It was at the first of those gatherings that Brian and I re-met. Shortly after, we were dating!
In July,
Brian gave me the biggest surprise of my life when a singing telegram arrived
at the door with a rose, a song and a proposal. When I heard the proposal
(which I wasn't expecting even after the singing telegram arrived), I turned
in slow surprise to look at Brian, and my eyes came to rest on a ring instead.
We hadn't even been looking at rings!! Brian did a great job, though, and
it is beautiful!